
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 4 1 / 3 25 --
Season 29 12 / 17 41 1136
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
190576 Lose 768 (0) 2019-08-14 2:25 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
6008265 44837 529177 0 0 1526 (+27) 1539 (+26)
Abyssal Human Разбойник 1193729 0 2 0 1430 (+33) 672 (+96)
Ashanie Human Охотник 514165 0 0 1 1453 (-28) 768 (0)
Human Жрец 74085 224351 0 1 1461 (-28) 672 (0)
190563 Lose 768 (0) 2019-08-14 5:57 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Jodilo Human Жрец 131499 3739173 0 0 1676 (+17) 1373 (+70)
8442351 6036885 36773 2 0 1826 (+9) 1824 (+9)
Ashanie Human Охотник 4984545 0 0 1 1481 (-11) 768 (0)
Human Жрец 38375 3541304 0 1 1489 (-12) 672 (0)
190552 Lose 768 (0) 2019-08-14 3:38 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Iwish Human Монах 1431418 381071 1 0 1651 (+20) 1144 (+88)
Hammerka Human Паладин 1689271 1157893 1 0 1693 (+17) 1656 (+19)
Ashanie Human Охотник 1724434 0 0 1 1492 (-17) 768 (0)
Human Жрец 120467 1097152 0 1 1501 (-18) 672 (0)
190543 Win 768 (+96) 2019-08-14 3:21 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Ashanie Human Охотник 1264187 0 2 0 1509 (+19) 768 (+96)
Human Жрец 193018 1297826 0 0 1519 (+19) 672 (+96)
8211997 851134 0 0 1 1388 (-21) 1485 (-27)
Thomas Orc Охотник 1180771 0 0 1 1310 (-16) 1421 (-23)
190538 Win 672 (+96) 2019-08-14 2:35 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Ashanie Human Охотник 1157246 0 1 0 1490 (+22) 672 (+96)
Human Жрец 125269 1054827 1 0 1500 (+21) 576 (+96)
8211997 771635 0 0 1 1409 (-24) 1512 (-29)
Thomas Orc Охотник 613857 0 0 1 1326 (-18) 1444 (-26)
190532 Win 576 (+96) 2019-08-14 2:42 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Ashanie Human Охотник 1117081 0 2 0 1468 (+25) 576 (+96)
Human Жрец 183943 934203 0 0 1479 (+25) 480 (+96)
8211997 735515 0 0 1 1433 (-27) 1541 (-30)
Thomas Orc Охотник 870767 0 0 1 1344 (-21) 1470 (-28)
190519 Lose 480 (0) 2019-08-14 2:51 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
1001196 40097 1015241 0 0 1677 (+15) 960 (+96)
2788522 2499368 526712 2 0 1677 (+15) 960 (+96)
Ashanie Human Охотник 1373545 0 0 1 1443 (-13) 480 (0)
Human Жрец 249810 967129 0 1 1454 (-14) 384 (0)
190512 Lose 480 (0) 2019-08-14 2:15 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
8211997 644995 0 0 0 1429 (+34) 1548 (+25)
Thomas Orc Охотник 858956 0 2 0 1328 (+41) 1446 (+62)
Ashanie Human Охотник 958063 0 0 1 1456 (-31) 480 (0)
Human Жрец 20970 328030 0 1 1468 (-31) 384 (0)
190504 Lose 480 (0) 2019-08-14 2:14 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
8211997 677183 0 1 0 1395 (+38) 1523 (+56)
Thomas Orc Охотник 899748 0 1 0 1287 (+44) 1384 (+73)
Ashanie Human Охотник 725954 0 0 1 1487 (-33) 480 (0)
Human Жрец 55906 410399 0 1 1499 (-34) 384 (0)
190494 Lose 480 (0) 2019-08-14 3:12 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Majestueux Night Elf Друид 23997 1704496 0 0 1551 (+29) 192 (+96)
Upperqt Human Воин 2780111 0 2 0 1829 (+11) 1757 (+15)
Ashanie Human Охотник 1585918 0 0 1 1520 (-18) 480 (0)
Human Жрец 210539 1275233 0 1 1533 (-19) 384 (0)