
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 163 90 / 73 55 1705
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
460511 Win 1565 (+12) 2018-01-15 3:00 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Halfmoon Blood Elf Паладин 265715 1095328 0 0 1612 (+12) 1419 (+16)
Valix Human Охотник 951387 38036 2 0 1596 (+12) 1565 (+12)
1604821 753978 80903 0 1 1540 (-11) 1078 (-3)
1604842 574871 0 0 1 1540 (-11) 1078 (-3)
460469 Win 1553 (+13) 2018-01-15 5:08 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Halfmoon Blood Elf Паладин 157645 2883896 0 0 1600 (+12) 1403 (+16)
Valix Human Охотник 3719338 219291 2 0 1584 (+12) 1553 (+13)
Chenghizkhan Draenei Шаман 3210057 351103 0 1 1556 (-11) 1295 (-6)
Jaedun Human Паладин 25815 1972734 0 1 1527 (-11) 960 (0)
460406 Win 1540 (+14) 2018-01-15 7:13 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Halfmoon Blood Elf Паладин 289446 3962423 0 0 1588 (+13) 1387 (+17)
Valix Human Охотник 5943775 354775 2 0 1572 (+13) 1540 (+14)
3285457 5427260 36637 0 1 1572 (-12) 1053 (-3)
Putera Human Паладин 50869 3365942 0 1 1572 (-12) 1053 (-3)
460375 Win 1526 (+14) 2018-01-15 3:09 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Halfmoon Blood Elf Паладин 0 1667859 0 0 1575 (+13) 1370 (+17)
Valix Human Охотник 1399447 36464 2 0 1559 (+13) 1526 (+14)
1604821 691219 80903 0 1 1571 (-12) 1053 (-3)
1604842 1104828 83898 0 1 1571 (-12) 1053 (-3)
460355 Win 1512 (+11) 2018-01-15 2:21 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Halfmoon Blood Elf Паладин 309440 705636 0 0 1562 (+10) 1353 (+15)
Valix Human Охотник 1190029 46402 2 0 1546 (+10) 1512 (+11)
6939874 585522 55221 0 1 1437 (-9) 1227 (-5)
6958767 338967 0 0 1 1434 (-9) 1227 (-5)
460332 Win 1501 (+12) 2018-01-15 3:23 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Halfmoon Blood Elf Паладин 159384 1301599 2 0 1552 (+11) 1338 (+16)
Valix Human Охотник 1325580 92815 0 0 1536 (+11) 1501 (+12)
Rogueasesi Human Разбойник 487582 0 0 1 1502 (-10) 576 (0)
Chileanbay Human Охотник 1185868 11366 0 1 1433 (-12) 1291 (-7)
460317 Lose 1489 (-12) 2018-01-15 1:51 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Rogueasesi Human Разбойник 402256 0 0 0 1512 (+14) 576 (+96)
Chileanbay Human Охотник 555756 0 1 0 1445 (+14) 1298 (+19)
Halfmoon Blood Elf Паладин 0 128923 0 0 1541 (-13) 1322 (-9)
Valix Human Охотник 401083 35373 0 1 1525 (-13) 1489 (-12)
456619 Win 1501 (+17) 2018-01-15 2:56 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Halfmoon Blood Elf Паладин 19548 578786 0 0 1570 (+16) 1292 (+22)
Valix Human Охотник 1586506 29534 1 0 1538 (+16) 1501 (+17)
Hollipower Human Паладин 0 851818 0 0 1485 (-15) 0 (0)
Tenzerothree Human Маг 693036 83917 0 1 1880 (-15) 1770 (-16)
456602 Win 1484 (+9) 2018-01-15 2:34 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Halfmoon Blood Elf Паладин 10376 865806 0 0 1554 (+8) 1270 (+15)
Valix Human Охотник 1078332 32875 2 0 1522 (+8) 1484 (+9)
Youwont Human Паладин 826145 163069 0 1 1274 (-7) 96 (0)
Wassuhdude Human Разбойник 215655 0 0 1 1274 (-7) 96 (0)
456523 Win 1475 (+14) 2018-01-14 12:17 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Halfmoon Blood Elf Паладин 90813 8599114 0 0 1546 (+13) 1255 (+22)
Valix Human Охотник 10423363 527917 2 0 1514 (+13) 1475 (+14)
Воргендруу Worgen Друид 5985793 5219472 0 1 1515 (-12) 288 (0)
Сууперпал Human Паладин 4225343 3770274 0 1 1515 (-12) 288 (0)