
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 163 90 / 73 55 1705
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
502012 Lose 1554 (-8) 2018-01-23 2:19 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Unjuicy Undead Разбойник 1652928 94529 2 0 1719 (+9) 1532 (+14)
Drupow Troll Друид 480033 416058 0 0 1796 (+9) 1698 (+10)
Halfmoon Blood Elf Паладин 26344 903237 0 1 1575 (-8) 1458 (-6)
Valix Human Охотник 516688 0 0 1 1585 (-8) 1554 (-8)
501926 Lose 1562 (-11) 2018-01-23 12:03 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Maxucsi Pandaren Шаман 8333 7410593 0 0 1667 (+12) 1594 (+13)
Bettiexe Human Воин 11776895 623381 1 0 1582 (+12) 1385 (+17)
Halfmoon Blood Elf Паладин 205001 8806211 0 0 1583 (-11) 1464 (-9)
Valix Human Охотник 11068277 649213 0 1 1593 (-11) 1562 (-11)
501861 Lose 1573 (-9) 2018-01-23 9:55 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Soopq Night Elf Друид 7155677 1782788 2 0 1600 (+11) 1617 (+13)
Purelife Human Жрец 57321 3132654 0 0 1821 (+11) 1711 (+11)
Halfmoon Blood Elf Паладин 49008 5402293 0 1 1594 (-10) 1473 (-7)
Valix Human Охотник 5290378 292247 0 1 1604 (-10) 1573 (-9)
501547 Lose 1582 (-7) 2018-01-23 3:15 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trillest Human Воин 1888874 0 1 0 1847 (+9) 2012 (+5)
Bigdckclones Night Elf Друид 75876 1129670 0 0 1772 (+9) 1497 (+15)
Halfmoon Blood Elf Паладин 0 1029110 0 0 1622 (-8) 1492 (-6)
Valix Human Охотник 1186429 57733 0 1 1614 (-8) 1582 (-7)
501513 Lose 1589 (-7) 2018-01-23 6:12 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
2642046 7024846 1836 1 0 1997 (+9) 1802 (+9)
5633739 26732 3596385 0 0 1673 (+9) 1846 (+8)
Halfmoon Blood Elf Паладин 18418 4889194 0 0 1630 (-8) 1498 (-5)
Valix Human Охотник 4797535 318487 0 1 1622 (-8) 1589 (-7)
501495 Lose 1596 (-9) 2018-01-23 2:21 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Skilletu Undead Маг 451971 0 0 0 1595 (+11) 1162 (+33)
8260007 901557 335985 1 0 1866 (+11) 1786 (+10)
Halfmoon Blood Elf Паладин 0 104216 0 0 1638 (-10) 1503 (-7)
Valix Human Охотник 331750 26752 0 1 1630 (-10) 1596 (-9)
501478 Lose 1605 (-10) 2018-01-23 2:56 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Skilletu Undead Маг 1680826 0 1 0 1584 (+11) 1129 (+36)
8260007 522291 784841 0 0 1855 (+11) 1776 (+10)
Halfmoon Blood Elf Паладин 18060 1298009 0 0 1648 (-10) 1510 (-8)
Valix Human Охотник 1124811 42211 0 1 1640 (-10) 1605 (-10)
501406 Win 1615 (+9) 2018-01-23 2:41 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Halfmoon Blood Elf Паладин 57425 514206 0 0 1658 (+8) 1518 (+10)
Valix Human Охотник 1907622 11174 2 0 1650 (+8) 1615 (+9)
Chelcy Blood Elf Монах 7974 782910 0 1 1339 (-7) 1157 (-3)
5949409 560740 53715 0 1 1470 (-7) 0 (0)
501392 Win 1606 (+9) 2018-01-23 2:21 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Halfmoon Blood Elf Паладин 17501 668416 0 0 1650 (+9) 1508 (+11)
Valix Human Охотник 1284713 77991 2 0 1642 (+9) 1606 (+9)
Cokie Human Маг 781571 142414 0 1 1464 (-8) 1382 (-7)
Limerence Human Маг 110439 0 0 1 1408 (-8) 864 (0)
501346 Lose 1597 (-6) 2018-01-23 6:32 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Лолкэ Blood Elf Паладин 295696 3676697 0 0 1854 (+8) 1821 (+9)
Gdcmplxmethq Blood Elf Маг 5335862 310747 1 0 1933 (+8) 1856 (+8)
Halfmoon Blood Elf Паладин 35063 4141738 0 0 1641 (-7) 1497 (-4)
Valix Human Охотник 4393703 238614 0 1 1633 (-7) 1597 (-6)