
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 12 4 / 8 33 --
Season 127 52 / 75 40 1540
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
250844 Win 1381 (+56) 2021-03-03 1:32 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Reprension Human Паладин 760600 5894 0 0 1552 (+18) 1262 (+70)
Valix Human Охотник 1043244 0 2 0 1394 (+29) 1381 (+56)
8615734 12635 503371 0 1 1296 (-17) 1275 (-31)
8708659 0 0 0 1 1431 (-27) 1291 (0)
250840 Lose 1325 (-10) 2021-03-03 1:36 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Dreida Draenei Шаман 0 500537 0 0 1721 (+12) 1709 (+13)
Valix Human Охотник 524632 443170 0 1 1365 (-7) 1325 (-10)
250838 Lose 1335 (-4) 2021-03-03 3:22 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Daylast Human Маг 2387637 122153 2 0 1979 (+4) 1979 (+4)
Trytôbaitme Human Паладин 0 1553906 0 0 1895 (+6) 1895 (+6)
Reprension Human Паладин 993439 826724 0 1 1534 (-6) 1192 (0)
Valix Human Охотник 966452 670568 0 1 1372 (-2) 1335 (-4)
250331 Lose 1339 (-10) 2021-03-02 2:22 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Кыринай Human Паладин 39756 1119595 0 0 1675 (+12) 1676 (+12)
Личерон Human Рыцарь Смерти 2181060 172645 2 0 1865 (+5) 1857 (+6)
Valix Human Охотник 714724 609982 0 1 1374 (-6) 1339 (-10)
Djsweptplqt Human Паладин 826774 664787 0 1 1438 (-9) 1345 (-10)
250326 Lose 1349 (-8) 2021-03-02 3:49 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Zesus Human Маг 3159652 141109 1 0 1810 (+7) 1810 (+7)
Hotandrun Night Elf Друид 580 3755597 0 0 1809 (+7) 1809 (+7)
Valix Human Охотник 2658492 838263 0 0 1380 (-5) 1349 (-8)
Djsweptplqt Human Паладин 1264090 1990748 0 1 1447 (-7) 1355 (-9)
250324 Lose 1357 (-14) 2021-03-02 1:55 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gouz Orc Разбойник 1027597 50492 1 0 1560 (+20) 1056 (+96)
Hexisøpp Dwarf Шаман 8880 483446 0 0 1876 (+6) 1843 (+6)
Valix Human Охотник 377421 101344 0 0 1385 (-9) 1357 (-14)
Djsweptplqt Human Паладин 216666 273873 0 1 1454 (-12) 1364 (0)
250321 Lose 1371 (-16) 2021-03-02 2:24 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Flashisgay Human Охотник 1849263 564086 1 0 1583 (+19) 1296 (+73)
Kliko Human Паладин 10295 1654420 0 0 1831 (+7) 1819 (+8)
Valix Human Охотник 986163 822002 0 1 1394 (-9) 1371 (-16)
Djsweptplqt Human Паладин 999034 684487 0 0 1466 (-13) 1364 (-15)
250318 Lose 1387 (-19) 2021-03-02 2:40 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Flashisgay Human Охотник 2064356 763319 1 0 1564 (+22) 1223 (+80)
Kliko Human Паладин 29977 2073734 0 0 1824 (+8) 1811 (+8)
Valix Human Охотник 1452635 654557 0 1 1403 (-11) 1387 (-19)
Djsweptplqt Human Паладин 973509 930674 0 0 1479 (-15) 1379 (-18)
250315 Lose 1406 (-15) 2021-03-02 1:55 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Кыринай Human Паладин 55478 1709632 0 0 1646 (+17) 1647 (+17)
Личерон Human Рыцарь Смерти 1548658 112815 2 0 1852 (+7) 1843 (+8)
Valix Human Охотник 885128 632002 0 1 1414 (-8) 1406 (-15)
Djsweptplqt Human Паладин 769051 208572 0 1 1494 (-12) 1397 (-15)
250312 Lose 1421 (-23) 2021-03-02 2:47 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Flashisgay Human Охотник 2093416 578168 2 0 1542 (+25) 1143 (+87)
Kliko Human Паладин 47428 2590545 0 0 1816 (+9) 1803 (+9)
Valix Human Охотник 1211288 331156 0 1 1422 (-12) 1421 (-23)
Djsweptplqt Human Паладин 1833742 645370 0 1 1506 (-17) 1412 (-22)