
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 2 1 / 1 50 --
Season 77 49 / 28 63 1950
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
180745 Win 1950 (+24) 2020-04-11 4:20 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Randomagkzm Human Маг 3457547 166252 1 0 1667 (+43) 768 (+96)
Eslayerx Pandaren Жрец 75425 2497778 0 0 1963 (+23) 1950 (+24)
Zpally Human Паладин 26711 2298025 0 0 1841 (-29) 1830 (-29)
Theskywalker Human Охотник 3182119 115758 0 1 1854 (-30) 1849 (-30)
180740 Lose 1926 (-30) 2020-04-11 1:59 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Zpally Human Паладин 0 433904 0 0 1870 (+25) 1859 (+25)
Theskywalker Human Охотник 1048479 17625 1 0 1884 (+24) 1879 (+24)
Randomagkzm Human Маг 603105 34789 0 1 1624 (-13) 672 (0)
Eslayerx Pandaren Жрец 4741 280687 0 0 1940 (-30) 1926 (-30)
169306 Lose 1956 (-28) 2020-04-07 5:06 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Nemsemmimore Dwarf Шаман 26184 2183562 0 0 1967 (+32) 1942 (+34)
Вивакиев Human Охотник 6534774 0 2 0 1987 (+31) 1987 (+31)
Bilalqt Human Маг 3091696 359269 0 1 1985 (-29) 1980 (-28)
Eslayerx Pandaren Жрец 54157 4949730 0 1 1970 (-28) 1956 (-28)
169269 Win 1984 (+29) 2020-04-07 12:34 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Bilalqt Human Маг 12811340 967130 2 0 2014 (+26) 2008 (+27)
Eslayerx Pandaren Жрец 206896 16379292 0 0 1998 (+28) 1984 (+29)
Nemsemmimore Dwarf Шаман 422453 11162089 0 1 1935 (-25) 1908 (-23)
Вивакиев Human Охотник 16973092 0 0 1 1956 (-27) 1956 (-27)
169264 Lose 1955 (-28) 2020-04-07 1:45 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Nemsemmimore Dwarf Шаман 22991 146933 0 0 1960 (+33) 1931 (+35)
Вивакиев Human Охотник 1453875 0 2 0 1983 (+31) 1983 (+31)
Bilalqt Human Маг 147201 47050 0 1 1988 (-29) 1981 (-29)
Eslayerx Pandaren Жрец 37676 256940 0 1 1970 (-28) 1955 (-28)
169253 Lose 1983 (-17) 2020-04-07 3:54 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Surprizetwo Human Маг 2374256 356199 1 0 2170 (+19) 2078 (+26)
Watain Undead Жрец 1281085 1249136 0 0 2144 (+21) 2138 (+21)
Bilalqt Human Маг 2225608 367652 0 1 2017 (-20) 2010 (-19)
Eslayerx Pandaren Жрец 35599 2439234 0 0 1998 (-18) 1983 (-17)
169216 Win 2000 (+39) 2020-04-07 3:57 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Maqic Human Маг 2359684 474628 1 0 2079 (+33) 2007 (+38)
Eslayerx Pandaren Жрец 27099 2404466 0 0 2016 (+38) 2000 (+39)
Surprizetwo Human Маг 2135041 248007 0 0 2117 (-31) 2007 (-27)
Watain Undead Жрец 1116214 1507191 0 1 2086 (-30) 2080 (-30)
169206 Win 1961 (+16) 2020-04-07 2:13 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Maqic Human Маг 966951 173149 1 0 2046 (+11) 1969 (+15)
Eslayerx Pandaren Жрец 26320 503949 0 0 1978 (+15) 1961 (+16)
Bakoto Human Охотник 713147 44061 0 1 1598 (-6) 384 (0)
Squarlet Orc Разбойник 98902 0 0 0 1903 (-21) 1893 (-21)
169197 Win 1945 (+18) 2020-04-07 2:07 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Maqic Human Маг 990734 290614 1 0 2035 (+13) 1954 (+17)
Eslayerx Pandaren Жрец 17205 937824 0 0 1963 (+17) 1945 (+18)
Bakoto Human Охотник 770935 41269 0 1 1604 (-6) 384 (0)
Squarlet Orc Разбойник 696583 0 0 0 1924 (-24) 1914 (-23)
169185 Lose 1927 (-16) 2020-04-07 3:57 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Surprizetwo Human Маг 2219525 148402 1 0 2134 (+20) 2012 (+29)
Watain Undead Жрец 1367559 1812035 1 0 2100 (+23) 2093 (+23)
Maqic Human Маг 2280734 445280 0 1 2022 (-23) 1937 (0)
Eslayerx Pandaren Жрец 15438 1986533 0 1 1946 (-18) 1927 (-16)