
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 230 167 / 63 72 2143
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
138773 Win 2143 (+3) 2020-12-10 2:08 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Elanciano Human Паладин 1521011 200781 1 0 2064 (+5) 2055 (+5)
Alex Human Паладин 1344395 488840 1 0 2143 (+3) 2143 (+3)
Faershok Draenei Шаман 0 1093302 0 1 1570 (-3) 1614 (-4)
Jaminan Human Монах 993868 417617 0 1 1588 (-3) 1204 (0)
138754 Win 2140 (+41) 2020-12-10 1:25 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Alex Human Паладин 575276 0 0 0 2140 (+41) 2140 (+41)
Epistemology Human Охотник 327638 978 1 0 2004 (+47) 2001 (+47)
Сейджура Night Elf Друид 0 300728 0 0 2290 (-26) 2290 (-26)
Frysäckel Human Маг 0 0 0 1 2274 (-26) 2274 (-26)
138750 Win 2099 (+15) 2020-12-10 1:36 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Alex Human Паладин 951726 379581 0 0 2099 (+15) 2099 (+15)
Epistemology Human Охотник 380880 441374 1 0 1957 (+25) 1954 (+25)
Трайнер Human Паладин 0 8102 0 0 1840 (-16) 1816 (-15)
Right Human Рыцарь Смерти 573858 278767 0 1 1908 (-21) 1901 (-21)
138743 Win 2084 (+17) 2020-12-10 3:38 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Alex Human Паладин 2952072 2221684 1 0 2084 (+17) 2084 (+17)
Epistemology Human Охотник 2521294 951093 1 0 1932 (+28) 1929 (+28)
Трайнер Human Паладин 79362 3513358 0 1 1856 (-19) 1831 (-17)
Right Human Рыцарь Смерти 3130534 822650 0 1 1929 (-24) 1922 (-24)
138739 Win 2067 (+3) 2020-12-10 1:35 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Alex Human Паладин 698916 93027 0 0 2067 (+3) 2067 (+3)
Epistemology Human Охотник 427256 77549 1 0 1904 (+6) 1901 (+6)
Aoh Human Воин 103874 33880 0 1 1506 (-4) 1533 (-5)
Lxirismad Human Разбойник 8429 0 0 0 1459 (-3) 1503 (-4)
138733 Win 2064 (+9) 2020-12-10 2:41 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Alex Human Паладин 1669776 678006 0 0 2064 (+9) 2064 (+9)
Epistemology Human Охотник 2105791 699360 1 0 1898 (+17) 1895 (+17)
Truth Human Монах 49875 1961443 0 0 1725 (-12) 1725 (-12)
Ryuken Orc Монах 1054134 1230813 0 1 1686 (-10) 1689 (-10)
138726 Win 2055 (+3) 2020-12-10 1:24 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Alex Human Паладин 577167 0 1 0 2055 (+3) 2055 (+3)
Epistemology Human Охотник 495500 436 1 0 1881 (+5) 1878 (+6)
Stractolhome Human Чернокнижник 49488 0 0 1 1426 (-3) 96 (0)
Zoemoriarty Human Воин 0 14534 0 1 1426 (-3) 96 (0)
138625 Lose 2052 (-20) 2020-12-10 3:39 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Type Human Охотник 2142364 7300 2 0 2227 (+9) 2226 (+10)
Therealswag Human Паладин 45619 1943827 0 0 2143 (+18) 2026 (+26)
Alex Human Паладин 817521 552463 0 1 2052 (-20) 2052 (-20)
Brayhunter Human Охотник 1089754 638491 0 1 1869 (-9) 1869 (-9)
138622 Win 2072 (+3) 2020-12-10 1:03 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Alex Human Паладин 1013472 7722 1 0 2072 (+3) 2072 (+3)
Brayhunter Human Охотник 453679 43728 1 0 1878 (+7) 1878 (+7)
Jounman Dwarf Шаман 0 75998 0 1 1496 (-4) 0 (0)
Blooddogsx Human Монах 61142 151223 0 1 1477 (-4) 384 (0)
138618 Lose 2069 (-22) 2020-12-10 2:55 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Type Human Охотник 2287414 0 1 0 2216 (+10) 2214 (+10)
Therealswag Human Паладин 68419 2341590 0 0 2121 (+20) 1992 (+29)
Alex Human Паладин 924051 1013018 0 0 2069 (-22) 2069 (-22)
Brayhunter Human Охотник 1298656 631813 0 1 1871 (-10) 1871 (-10)