
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 3 2 / 1 66 --
Season 62 47 / 15 75 1967
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
271998 Lose 1967 (-19) 2018-08-21 1:57 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Reaujin Human Охотник 572505 0 1 0 2126 (+10) 2105 (+11)
Provímpiouté Human Паладин 959354 187922 1 0 2081 (+12) 1991 (+17)
Lisamagee Human Маг 481983 0 0 1 1621 (-4) 1148 (0)
Djteaser Human Жрец 7281 554622 0 1 1986 (-21) 1967 (-19)
271979 Win 1986 (+9) 2018-08-21 2:32 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lisamagee Human Маг 1294489 64660 1 0 1625 (+31) 1148 (+92)
Djteaser Human Жрец 111615 1092727 1 0 2007 (+8) 1986 (+9)
Tropical Human Маг 598629 113445 0 1 1769 (-26) 1720 (-23)
Miketysoned Human Разбойник 677127 0 0 1 1494 (-9) 1494 (-9)
271928 Win 1977 (+11) 2018-08-21 13:07 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lisamagee Human Маг 14074033 0 1 0 1594 (+37) 1056 (+96)
Djteaser Human Жрец 538115 13174835 1 0 1999 (+10) 1977 (+11)
Zerïana Human Рыцарь Смерти 12085816 1007811 0 1 1453 (-9) 864 (0)
Vwvwvwvv Human Монах 476145 14349220 0 1 1905 (-32) 1705 (0)
244567 Lose 1966 (-27) 2018-08-13 12:07 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Bioderma Orc Чернокнижник 5307087 1269367 0 0 1959 (+25) 1949 (+26)
Gøash Night Elf Друид 6479074 3020478 2 0 2048 (+19) 2017 (+21)
Lisamonk Human Монах 4127407 1977132 0 1 1769 (-14) 1407 (0)
Djteaser Human Жрец 901141 9376359 0 1 1989 (-28) 1966 (-27)
244533 Lose 1993 (-29) 2018-08-13 6:45 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Bioderma Orc Чернокнижник 3340723 1609435 2 0 1934 (+29) 1923 (+29)
Gøash Night Elf Друид 5371453 1109459 0 0 2029 (+22) 1996 (+24)
Lisamonk Human Монах 2621058 1180343 0 1 1783 (-16) 1407 (0)
Djteaser Human Жрец 59272 6759693 0 1 2017 (-29) 1993 (-29)
244464 Lose 2022 (-32) 2018-08-13 11:41 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Caelestis Human Охотник 11277084 0 2 0 1919 (+32) 1848 (+37)
Mnq Draenei Шаман 58165 9523131 0 0 1895 (+33) 1244 (+95)
Lisamonk Human Монах 8379292 1725100 0 1 1799 (-23) 1407 (0)
Djteaser Human Жрец 346180 8697351 0 1 2046 (-33) 2022 (-32)
244445 Win 2054 (+9) 2018-08-13 3:12 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lisamonk Human Монах 2623488 419918 1 0 1822 (+22) 1407 (+86)
Djteaser Human Жрец 155920 2102985 0 0 2079 (+8) 2054 (+9)
Wickedknight Human Рыцарь Смерти 2523854 269551 0 1 1495 (-5) 0 (0)
Dessienanimé Human Жрец 65665 1842883 0 0 1919 (-27) 1916 (-27)
209000 Win 2045 (+18) 2018-08-04 6:36 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Roxisu Human Охотник 7437546 0 1 0 2109 (+14) 2100 (+14)
Djteaser Human Жрец 70478 3821350 1 0 2071 (+16) 2045 (+18)
Inquriety Human Маг 5500609 82107 0 1 1864 (-14) 1835 (-12)
Faponmyskill Human Паладин 0 6162839 0 1 1864 (-14) 1862 (-14)
208998 Lose 2027 (-32) 2018-08-04 3:11 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Tommyxo Human Маг 887259 83917 0 1 1913 (+42) 1907 (+42)
Nightmaresx Human Разбойник 1646305 14651 2 0 1912 (+42) 1912 (+42)
Roxisu Human Охотник 659563 0 0 1 2095 (-34) 2086 (-34)
Djteaser Human Жрец 34022 1242168 1 1 2055 (-33) 2027 (-32)
208994 Win 2059 (+17) 2018-08-04 3:03 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Roxisu Human Охотник 863485 0 1 0 2129 (+13) 2120 (+14)
Djteaser Human Жрец 9455 1022102 0 0 2088 (+15) 2059 (+17)
Tommyxo Human Маг 553956 139861 0 1 1871 (-13) 1865 (-13)
Nightmaresx Human Разбойник 691281 6110 0 0 1870 (-13) 1870 (-13)