
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 63 19 / 44 30 1208
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
460832 Win 672 (+96) 2018-01-15 3:11 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mndflayx Human Жрец 2017051 439567 2 0 1274 (+18) 1248 (+22)
Rankonehp Blood Elf Паладин 0 2915820 0 0 1379 (+18) 672 (+96)
Undead Маг 1757175 150267 0 0 1511 (-17) 1110 (-9)
Serator Human Воин 2003352 307267 1 1 1509 (-12) 1222 (-12)
Berandal Orc Воин 817471 42441 0 1 1063 (-12) 1406 (-10)
Calabria Human Паладин 0 989885 0 1 1444 (-17) 1285 (-13)
460812 Lose 576 (0) 2018-01-15 2:19 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Winkks Human Воин 1680869 0 0 0 1674 (+7) 1397 (+12)
Firelord Human Маг 1225947 790 3 0 1925 (+7) 1752 (+6)
Calabria Human Паладин 53256 1143570 0 0 1461 (+7) 1298 (+15)
Mndflayx Human Жрец 282281 158285 0 1 1256 (-12) 1226 (-4)
Immadotsyou Night Elf Друид 817465 95195 0 1 1494 (-6) 0 (0)
Rankonehp Blood Elf Паладин 0 843630 0 1 1361 (-6) 576 (0)
460779 Win 576 (+96) 2018-01-15 3:43 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Winkks Human Воин 3540430 91722 1 0 1667 (+14) 1385 (+15)
Mndflayx Human Жрец 3080039 588093 1 0 1268 (+14) 1230 (+23)
Rankonehp Blood Elf Паладин 892 3497795 0 0 1367 (+14) 576 (+96)
Undead Маг 1366677 306940 0 1 1516 (-12) 1086 (-5)
Serator Human Воин 1951275 13802 0 1 1509 (-12) 1212 (-7)
Balanced Night Elf Друид 14972 4874122 0 0 1391 (-13) 1415 (-12)
460754 Lose 480 (0) 2018-01-15 1:54 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Undead Маг 775112 0 2 0 1528 (+9) 1091 (+35)
Winkks Human Воин 1364670 0 1 0 1653 (+9) 1370 (+14)
Celend Human Паладин 58469 423295 0 0 1659 (+9) 1476 (+12)
Serator Human Воин 398954 32961 0 1 1521 (-12) 1219 (-4)
Rankonehp Blood Elf Паладин 0 721874 0 1 1353 (-8) 480 (0)
Sabinel Blood Elf Монах 387365 106330 0 1 1421 (-12) 384 (0)
460705 Lose 480 (0) 2018-01-15 2:41 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Idkl Undead Рыцарь Смерти 2096478 507441 2 0 1423 (+10) 864 (+96)
Winkks Human Воин 1779806 0 0 0 1635 (+10) 1344 (+13)
Balanced Night Elf Друид 179412 2241162 1 0 1389 (+10) 1407 (+12)
5913402 1365166 6548 0 1 1259 (-9) 1283 (-8)
Rankonehp Blood Elf Паладин 0 1861349 0 1 1361 (-9) 480 (0)
Orc Шаман 1197948 577318 0 1 1482 (-9) 1287 (-8)
460656 Lose 480 (0) 2018-01-15 3:13 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
485225 2198830 937043 2 0 1343 (+12) 1055 (+96)
Chastise Night Elf Жрец 61286 3895548 0 0 1487 (+12) 1120 (+32)
Careaboutyou Human Охотник 1830083 0 0 0 1517 (+12) 288 (+96)
Lololi Human Воин 2665015 57375 0 1 1387 (-11) 1459 (-12)
Rankonehp Blood Elf Паладин 0 2091359 0 0 1370 (-12) 480 (0)
Orc Шаман 2728908 492368 0 1 1491 (-11) 1295 (-9)
460630 Lose 480 (0) 2018-01-15 2:46 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Winkks Human Воин 2134325 123393 2 0 1616 (+11) 1315 (+15)
Chastise Night Elf Жрец 24443 2428065 0 0 1475 (+11) 1088 (+35)
Hideandseeq Human Разбойник 842897 45045 1 0 1491 (+11) 1082 (+36)
Lololi Human Воин 1542092 21036 0 1 1398 (-12) 1471 (-11)
Rankonehp Blood Elf Паладин 0 1133812 0 1 1382 (-10) 480 (0)
Orc Шаман 1283898 43894 0 1 1502 (-10) 1304 (-7)
460587 Lose 480 (0) 2018-01-15 4:53 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
5913402 3167049 857874 1 0 1294 (+16) 1309 (+19)
Sabinel Blood Elf Монах 3691875 266256 2 0 1450 (+16) 384 (+96)
Calabria Human Паладин 112585 3001475 0 0 1453 (+16) 1263 (+22)
Majinex Human Разбойник 3111495 0 0 1 1802 (-12) 1637 (-17)
Careaboutyou Human Охотник 1385619 0 0 1 1488 (-12) 0 (0)
Rankonehp Blood Elf Паладин 543 4349121 0 1 1392 (-15) 480 (0)
460548 Lose 480 (0) 2018-01-15 4:20 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Sabinel Blood Elf Монах 4433674 509866 2 0 1434 (+9) 288 (+96)
Calabria Human Паладин 87669 4785012 0 0 1437 (+9) 1241 (+17)
Eviandrood Night Elf Друид 4556594 690085 1 0 1485 (+9) 1412 (+10)
5913402 2678809 1158065 0 1 1278 (-8) 1290 (-9)
Berandal Orc Воин 3469810 104144 0 1 1104 (-8) 1439 (-12)
Rankonehp Blood Elf Паладин 0 4934029 0 1 1407 (-12) 480 (0)
460510 Lose 480 (0) 2018-01-15 3:35 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Chastise Night Elf Жрец 54297 2161585 0 0 1464 (+12) 959 (+96)
5913402 2402801 1370898 0 0 1286 (+12) 1299 (+14)
Lololi Human Воин 2815118 0 3 0 1413 (+12) 1486 (+10)
Berandal Orc Воин 1613187 193099 0 1 1112 (-12) 1451 (-13)
Rankonehp Blood Elf Паладин 0 2541988 0 1 1419 (-11) 480 (0)
Eviandrood Night Elf Друид 2616699 413429 0 1 1476 (-11) 1402 (-12)