
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 1 0 / 1 0 --
Season 52 30 / 22 57 1739
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
230784 Lose 1739 (-24) 2019-09-06 2:51 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Human Разбойник 1276654 54021 0 0 1837 (+35) 1833 (+35)
8481270 1312829 427040 2 0 1824 (+35) 1824 (+36)
Венжисимбиоз Dwarf Шаман 35219 943946 0 1 1959 (-32) 1952 (-32)
Upperqt Human Воин 553255 35144 0 1 1799 (-27) 1739 (-24)
198763 Win 1763 (+10) 2019-08-19 2:50 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Tuxqp Human Монах 752321 1846778 0 0 2023 (+3) 2018 (+3)
Upperqt Human Воин 2679015 25233 2 0 1826 (+8) 1763 (+10)
Sombraaxd Undead Разбойник 1935665 18925 0 1 1352 (-2) 1129 (0)
Nagatopein Undead Монах 47654 2347919 0 1 1552 (-7) 576 (0)
190536 Lose 1753 (-33) 2019-08-14 3:31 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Iwish Human Монах 2407085 1553296 1 0 1595 (+38) 960 (+96)
Hammerka Human Паладин 2040494 1192529 1 0 1643 (+35) 1602 (+38)
Majestueux Night Elf Друид 91935 2539164 0 1 1566 (-27) 288 (0)
Upperqt Human Воин 3217890 187154 0 1 1818 (-35) 1753 (-33)
190502 Win 1786 (+29) 2019-08-14 10:54 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Majestueux Night Elf Друид 132829 11559012 0 0 1593 (+42) 288 (+96)
Upperqt Human Воин 13596006 28036 2 0 1853 (+24) 1786 (+29)
Skq Human Жрец 338776 11327174 0 1 1708 (-28) 1306 (0)
Btchx Human Охотник 11408450 47959 0 1 1796 (-31) 1535 (0)
190494 Win 1757 (+15) 2019-08-14 3:13 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Majestueux Night Elf Друид 23997 1704496 0 0 1551 (+29) 192 (+96)
Upperqt Human Воин 2780111 0 2 0 1829 (+11) 1757 (+15)
Ashanie Human Охотник 1585918 0 0 1 1520 (-18) 480 (0)
Human Жрец 210539 1275233 0 1 1533 (-19) 384 (0)
190477 Lose 1742 (-4) 2019-08-14 3:44 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Írithyll Night Elf Жрец 11182 2881672 0 0 2171 (+4) 2156 (+5)
Whereismydog Human Охотник 2533963 0 1 0 2250 (+3) 2247 (+3)
Majestueux Night Elf Друид 0 1850159 0 0 1522 (-1) 96 (0)
Upperqt Human Воин 3161479 59719 0 1 1818 (-6) 1742 (-4)
190470 Win 1746 (+10) 2019-08-14 2:16 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Majestueux Night Elf Друид 2278 816354 0 0 1523 (+23) 96 (+96)
Upperqt Human Воин 1899721 32641 2 0 1824 (+7) 1746 (+10)
8219126 849561 73826 0 1 1456 (-14) 1287 (0)
8732875 0 547130 0 1 1398 (-11) 672 (0)
186418 Lose 1736 (-26) 2019-08-12 1:43 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Securitimvp Orc Монах 104825 858570 0 0 1739 (+34) 1679 (+38)
8442351 1063730 7585 1 0 1849 (+26) 1845 (+27)
Upperqt Human Воин 896079 73017 0 1 1817 (-29) 1736 (-26)
Brokenorbs Human Монах 0 197493 0 0 1738 (-27) 1723 (-25)
184777 Lose 1762 (-26) 2019-08-10 3:16 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Deepnation Human Маг 2181417 75919 1 0 1760 (+30) 1760 (+30)
Catxylol Night Elf Друид 84806 2000147 0 0 1877 (+21) 1859 (+22)
Sixtyfifty Human Монах 2247 1377985 0 0 1635 (-17) 1368 (0)
Upperqt Human Воин 2305612 532667 0 1 1846 (-29) 1762 (-26)
181743 Lose 1788 (-5) 2019-08-09 3:31 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lipracktionx Human Охотник 2150368 38281 1 0 2205 (+11) 2204 (+11)
Human Паладин 1109452 1100061 1 0 2222 (+7) 2212 (+8)
Jannii Human Паладин 0 1575805 0 1 1928 (-11) 1928 (-11)
Upperqt Human Воин 1289777 133148 0 1 1875 (-8) 1788 (-5)