
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 27 17 / 10 62 1506
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
178002 Lose 1506 (0) 2019-05-04 9:03 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Nicecawk Night Elf Друид 536078 9000676 0 0 1775 (+30) 1730 (+33)
Zoumixxz Human Маг 9087253 383926 2 0 1618 (+40) 576 (+96)
Itsrico Human Охотник 9597006 0 0 1 1828 (-12) 1793 (-32)
Microplays Human Паладин 9575 6929908 0 1 1691 (-28) 1506 (0)
177998 Win 1506 (+76) 2019-05-04 1:45 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Itsrico Human Охотник 1349740 0 1 0 1840 (+18) 1825 (+19)
Microplays Human Паладин 0 228993 0 0 1719 (+27) 1506 (+76)
Nicecawk Night Elf Друид 3283 401932 0 0 1745 (-27) 1697 (-24)
Zoumixxz Human Маг 328157 16125 0 1 1578 (-16) 480 (0)
177980 Lose 1430 (0) 2019-05-04 11:50 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Flashhunt Orc Охотник 15543565 0 2 0 1991 (+14) 1987 (+14)
Yeahright Human Паладин 154373 11643405 0 0 2031 (+12) 2026 (+12)
Itsrico Human Охотник 14343387 0 0 1 1822 (-12) 1806 (-15)
Microplays Human Паладин 0 11812107 0 1 1692 (-9) 1430 (0)
177972 Win 1430 (+65) 2019-05-04 1:57 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Itsrico Human Охотник 1633862 0 1 0 1834 (+9) 1821 (+10)
Microplays Human Паладин 0 1400891 0 0 1701 (+16) 1430 (+65)
Мяфк Troll Друид 1244728 622626 0 0 1649 (-21) 1477 (0)
Cominghomex Human Воин 354579 19548 0 1 1333 (-5) 384 (0)
177968 Win 1365 (+72) 2019-05-04 2:16 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Itsrico Human Охотник 1535660 0 2 0 1825 (+9) 1811 (+10)
Microplays Human Паладин 0 1539851 0 0 1685 (+17) 1365 (+72)
Snakeshot Human Охотник 1350162 0 0 1 1530 (-14) 960 (0)
Pullas Dwarf Шаман 413395 265338 0 1 1449 (-10) 1353 (-6)
177965 Win 1293 (+80) 2019-05-04 2:01 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Itsrico Human Охотник 1466932 16016 2 0 1816 (+10) 1801 (+11)
Microplays Human Паладин 0 1250770 0 0 1668 (+19) 1293 (+80)
Snakeshot Human Охотник 1380836 0 0 1 1544 (-16) 960 (0)
Pullas Dwarf Шаман 704209 99670 0 1 1459 (-11) 1359 (0)
177960 Win 1213 (+75) 2019-05-04 1:48 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Itsrico Human Охотник 1249436 0 1 0 1806 (+6) 1790 (+7)
Microplays Human Паладин 0 508487 0 0 1649 (+12) 1213 (+75)
Levodant Human Жрец 0 442060 0 0 1385 (-8) 1430 (-10)
Rafie Human Маг 732296 213825 0 1 1362 (-7) 1416 (-9)
150786 Lose 1138 (0) 2019-04-23 5:45 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Huntdärck Human Охотник 7430826 0 1 0 1784 (+19) 1778 (+20)
Socks Night Elf Друид 586584 6456970 1 0 1727 (+23) 1056 (+96)
Mithaum Human Охотник 7677599 0 0 1 1603 (-19) 672 (0)
Microplays Human Паладин 36640 5354541 0 1 1637 (-21) 1138 (0)
150775 Win 1138 (+82) 2019-04-23 1:51 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mithaum Human Охотник 1356369 0 2 0 1622 (+14) 672 (+96)
Microplays Human Паладин 11332 1338746 0 0 1658 (+12) 1138 (+82)
Самапывва Human Воин 944991 22359 0 1 1384 (-12) 1437 (-15)
Зигоций Human Паладин 719728 317665 0 1 1383 (-12) 1437 (-15)
150733 Win 1056 (+96) 2019-04-23 11:47 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mithaum Human Охотник 15868287 0 1 0 1608 (+32) 576 (+96)
Microplays Human Паладин 6882 15100637 0 0 1646 (+29) 1056 (+96)
1423491 406440 14640356 0 0 1686 (-30) 1590 (0)
5343544 17088717 447671 0 1 1548 (-25) 288 (0)