
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 36 19 / 17 52 1512
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
107238 Lose 1512 (0) 2020-03-13 9:11 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Human Воин 8550422 102924 1 0 1550 (+31) 1441 (+70)
Getrecktson Human Монах 1918899 11225225 1 0 1578 (+28) 1556 (+30)
Jezathor Orc Воин 11040637 25997 0 1 1484 (-25) 192 (0)
Microplays Human Паладин 89250 9083730 0 1 1591 (-29) 1512 (0)
107230 Win 1512 (+21) 2020-03-13 2:48 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Jezathor Orc Воин 2152518 0 2 0 1509 (+21) 192 (+96)
Microplays Human Паладин 29391 1425413 0 0 1620 (+14) 1512 (+21)
Jonnyqtx Dwarf Шаман 869342 1142710 0 1 1380 (-17) 576 (0)
Zharøk Human Охотник 956215 0 0 1 1389 (-12) 1137 (-6)
107223 Lose 1491 (-32) 2020-03-13 1:54 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Jonnyqtx Dwarf Шаман 558155 58027 1 0 1397 (+42) 576 (+96)
Zharøk Human Охотник 895417 0 1 0 1401 (+41) 1143 (+90)
Jezathor Orc Воин 440399 30789 0 1 1488 (-31) 96 (0)
Microplays Human Паладин 0 328562 0 1 1606 (-35) 1491 (-32)
107215 Win 1523 (+19) 2020-03-13 2:20 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Jezathor Orc Воин 964285 22804 1 0 1519 (+19) 96 (+96)
Microplays Human Паладин 0 941069 0 0 1641 (+12) 1523 (+19)
Jonnyqtx Dwarf Шаман 579854 233615 0 0 1355 (-14) 480 (0)
Zharøk Human Охотник 622252 0 0 1 1360 (-12) 1053 (-3)
91133 Lose 1504 (0) 2020-03-03 3:56 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lanceinveins Human Маг 3895946 70673 2 0 1773 (+23) 1746 (+25)
Nezdanchik Undead Жрец 111642 3158127 0 0 1726 (+27) 1684 (+30)
Jezabeth Orc Рыцарь Смерти 2971142 709380 0 1 1706 (-27) 1578 (0)
Microplays Human Паладин 0 2209861 0 1 1629 (-21) 1504 (0)
91124 Lose 1504 (0) 2020-03-03 2:48 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Azozel Human Рыцарь Смерти 3110000 341224 2 0 2223 (+3) 2218 (+3)
Ispintowin Human Монах 52743 2859158 0 0 2179 (+5) 2141 (+6)
Jezabeth Orc Рыцарь Смерти 2487299 475556 0 1 1733 (-4) 1578 (0)
Microplays Human Паладин 0 1618525 0 1 1650 (-3) 1504 (0)
91098 Lose 1504 (0) 2020-03-03 12:31 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Тинахил Human Монах 363309 12692422 0 0 1604 (+31) 480 (+96)
Темныйвоим Human Воин 15477085 69254 2 0 1848 (+14) 1822 (+15)
Qoco Human Охотник 12737347 0 0 1 1539 (-17) 192 (0)
Microplays Human Паладин 45364 13102065 0 1 1653 (-25) 1504 (0)
91089 Win 1504 (+60) 2020-03-03 1:53 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Qoco Human Охотник 1527374 0 2 0 1556 (+28) 192 (+96)
Microplays Human Паладин 0 1149129 0 0 1678 (+19) 1504 (+60)
8805356 713576 248014 0 1 1510 (-22) 1536 (-24)
Берковаприст Troll Жрец 404282 118902 0 1 1518 (-23) 1526 (-23)
91081 Win 1444 (+63) 2020-03-03 4:37 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Qoco Human Охотник 3562470 0 1 0 1528 (+28) 96 (+96)
Microplays Human Паладин 0 2678260 0 0 1659 (+19) 1444 (+63)
Venzx Worgen Друид 2088987 2148590 0 0 1599 (-28) 1599 (-28)
Human Чернокнижник 1188546 975105 0 1 1372 (-15) 672 (0)
73580 Lose 1381 (0) 2020-02-22 14:32 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Resker Human Воин 21448018 960886 2 0 1654 (+23) 1626 (+25)
Rikytãn Night Elf Друид 196597 13878357 0 0 1634 (+25) 1614 (+26)
Gothiquest Human Воин 15837891 469141 0 1 1455 (-17) 0 (0)
Microplays Human Паладин 122592 19556001 0 1 1640 (-28) 1381 (0)