
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 24 11 / 13 45 --
Season 597 240 / 357 40 1540
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
338014 Lose 1540 (-27) 2020-08-23 4:16 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shadownight Human Жрец 117869 2812524 1 0 1571 (+27) 1594 (+26)
Zeldryz Orc Рыцарь Смерти 3569859 695969 1 0 1589 (+26) 1592 (+26)
Zedixx Human Охотник 2172953 0 0 1 1508 (-25) 1520 (-26)
Gummibears Human Паладин 1465430 2091861 0 1 1527 (-27) 1540 (-27)
338011 Lose 1567 (-29) 2020-08-23 3:55 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shadownight Human Жрец 60883 2290797 0 0 1544 (+31) 1568 (+30)
Zeldryz Orc Рыцарь Смерти 3007613 783251 2 0 1563 (+30) 1566 (+30)
Zedixx Human Охотник 1963054 0 0 1 1533 (-28) 1546 (-28)
Gummibears Human Паладин 1466545 1399013 0 1 1554 (-28) 1567 (-29)
338008 Lose 1596 (-31) 2020-08-23 8:54 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shadownight Human Жрец 73053 8199679 1 0 1513 (+36) 1538 (+34)
Zeldryz Orc Рыцарь Смерти 6087337 1357018 1 0 1533 (+34) 1536 (+34)
Zedixx Human Охотник 4484989 0 0 1 1561 (-30) 1574 (-30)
Gummibears Human Паладин 4975381 3504664 0 1 1582 (-30) 1596 (-31)
338004 Win 1627 (+21) 2020-08-23 5:08 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Zedixx Human Охотник 3229584 0 2 0 1591 (+24) 1604 (+23)
Gummibears Human Паладин 3009185 2160481 0 0 1612 (+22) 1627 (+21)
Shadownight Human Жрец 32034 3380327 0 1 1477 (-21) 1504 (-23)
Zeldryz Orc Рыцарь Смерти 3123517 1618394 0 1 1499 (-23) 1502 (-23)
338000 Win 1606 (+24) 2020-08-23 4:49 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Zedixx Human Охотник 3417533 0 0 0 1567 (+27) 1581 (+26)
Gummibears Human Паладин 2721568 2519790 2 0 1590 (+26) 1606 (+24)
Shadownight Human Жрец 21676 4114627 0 1 1498 (-25) 1527 (-27)
Zeldryz Orc Рыцарь Смерти 3496896 778023 0 1 1522 (-26) 1525 (-26)
337998 Lose 1582 (-30) 2020-08-23 2:17 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shadownight Human Жрец 90551 464196 0 0 1523 (+34) 1554 (+59)
Zeldryz Orc Рыцарь Смерти 1270592 335624 2 0 1548 (+32) 1551 (+32)
Zedixx Human Охотник 320536 0 0 1 1540 (-29) 1555 (-29)
Gummibears Human Паладин 621621 139005 0 1 1564 (-29) 1582 (-30)
337996 Win 1612 (+23) 2020-08-23 2:33 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Zedixx Human Охотник 945815 0 1 0 1569 (+26) 1584 (+25)
Gummibears Human Паладин 1108483 367525 1 0 1593 (+25) 1612 (+23)
Shadownight Human Жрец 0 0 0 1 1489 (-24) 1495 (-24)
Zeldryz Orc Рыцарь Смерти 754119 794932 0 1 1516 (-26) 1519 (-26)
337994 Win 1589 (+27) 2020-08-23 2:09 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Zedixx Human Охотник 1427900 0 2 0 1543 (+30) 1559 (+29)
Gummibears Human Паладин 747144 600008 0 0 1568 (+29) 1589 (+27)
Shadownight Human Жрец 0 0 0 0 1513 (0) 1519 (0)
Zeldryz Orc Рыцарь Смерти 930080 689513 0 1 1542 (-28) 1545 (-28)
337990 Lose 1562 (-29) 2020-08-23 2:45 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shadownight Human Жрец 17390 1042792 0 0 1540 (+31) 1546 (+56)
Zeldryz Orc Рыцарь Смерти 2047880 61120 2 0 1570 (+28) 1573 (+28)
Zedixx Human Охотник 477388 0 0 1 1513 (-27) 1530 (-28)
Gummibears Human Паладин 630858 685674 0 1 1539 (-28) 1562 (-29)
337968 Lose 1591 (-27) 2020-08-23 2:01 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Night Elf Друид 18023 466978 0 0 1603 (+28) 384 (+96)
Zampox Worgen Охотник 973229 18167 1 0 1638 (+25) 480 (+96)
Zedixx Human Охотник 337692 0 0 1 1540 (-24) 1558 (-26)
Gummibears Human Паладин 184402 283931 0 0 1567 (-27) 1591 (-27)