
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 24 11 / 13 45 --
Season 597 240 / 357 40 1540
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
337961 Win 1618 (+22) 2020-08-23 2:41 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Zedixx Human Охотник 1492291 0 0 0 1564 (+26) 1584 (+24)
Gummibears Human Паладин 1163743 1526250 2 0 1594 (+23) 1618 (+22)
Ruwer Human Паладин 1027904 1293795 0 1 1446 (-21) 1414 (-35)
Euscorpiidae Human Охотник 832210 54156 0 1 1529 (-27) 1547 (-27)
337958 Lose 1596 (-12) 2020-08-23 5:04 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Iwantahmage Undead Маг 3642101 300694 2 0 1920 (+8) 1920 (+8)
Arkanox Human Жрец 16624 5065441 0 0 1784 (+14) 1453 (+69)
Zedixx Human Охотник 3177607 0 0 1 1538 (-9) 1560 (-10)
Gummibears Human Паладин 2302182 2158079 0 1 1571 (-11) 1596 (-12)
337953 Lose 1608 (-26) 2020-08-23 2:18 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Vaulea Human Монах 2366355 1003021 1 0 1479 (+37) 1237 (+87)
Youngpleb Human Жрец 73544 919638 1 0 1847 (+12) 1844 (+13)
Zedixx Human Охотник 816102 0 0 1 1547 (-22) 1570 (-23)
Gummibears Human Паладин 1056801 387076 0 1 1582 (-24) 1608 (-26)
337948 Lose 1634 (-31) 2020-08-23 1:54 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Rankoneez Orc Разбойник 606702 0 1 0 1569 (+33) 1576 (+33)
Euscorpiidae Human Охотник 857513 10617 1 0 1539 (+35) 1561 (+63)
Zedixx Human Охотник 376126 0 0 1 1569 (-29) 1593 (-30)
Gummibears Human Паладин 299964 259367 0 1 1606 (-30) 1634 (-31)
337944 Win 1665 (+21) 2020-08-23 2:15 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Zedixx Human Охотник 790900 0 1 0 1598 (+25) 1623 (+24)
Gummibears Human Паладин 426108 806860 1 0 1636 (+23) 1665 (+21)
Rankoneez Orc Разбойник 513860 0 0 1 1536 (-24) 1543 (-25)
Euscorpiidae Human Охотник 880249 15136 0 1 1504 (-22) 1498 (-22)
337938 Win 1644 (+24) 2020-08-23 2:57 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Zedixx Human Охотник 546655 0 0 0 1573 (+29) 1599 (+27)
Gummibears Human Паладин 874654 1123911 2 0 1613 (+26) 1644 (+24)
Rankoneez Orc Разбойник 697354 0 0 1 1560 (-27) 1568 (-27)
Euscorpiidae Human Охотник 987272 73976 0 1 1526 (-26) 1520 (-25)
337932 Lose 1620 (-30) 2020-08-23 5:25 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Rankoneez Orc Разбойник 507076 0 0 1 1587 (+30) 1595 (+29)
Euscorpiidae Human Охотник 3253510 210572 2 0 1552 (+33) 1545 (+33)
Zedixx Human Охотник 510635 0 0 1 1544 (-28) 1572 (-28)
Gummibears Human Паладин 1575760 2408805 1 1 1587 (-29) 1620 (-30)
337911 Lose 1650 (-14) 2020-08-23 20:09 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Китька Dwarf Шаман 4692126 1236456 1 0 1853 (+13) 1814 (+15)
Mypillow Human Жрец 147996 6542301 0 0 1905 (+11) 1843 (+14)
Zedixx Human Охотник 4820739 474118 0 0 1572 (-10) 1600 (-11)
Gummibears Human Паладин 3525461 3328210 0 1 1616 (-12) 1650 (-14)
337905 Win 1664 (+30) 2020-08-23 3:39 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Zedixx Human Охотник 1349875 0 1 0 1582 (+36) 1611 (+34)
Gummibears Human Паладин 838118 1240441 1 0 1628 (+33) 1664 (+30)
Notorious Night Elf Друид 919964 327654 0 1 1708 (-32) 1708 (-32)
Zeldryz Orc Рыцарь Смерти 1011480 450088 0 1 1573 (-27) 1578 (-28)
337903 Win 1634 (+26) 2020-08-23 2:29 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Zedixx Human Охотник 913268 0 1 0 1546 (+32) 1577 (+30)
Gummibears Human Паладин 576786 930723 1 0 1595 (+28) 1634 (+26)
Rankoneez Orc Разбойник 817469 0 0 1 1575 (-28) 1587 (-29)
Euscorpiidae Human Охотник 871073 69116 0 1 1528 (-27) 1517 (-27)