
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 83 41 / 42 49 --
Season 85 41 / 44 48 1410
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
411551 Lose 956 (0) 2018-01-06 2:12 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Deaddràon Human Рыцарь Смерти 895153 27138 1 0 1586 (+12) 960 (+96)
Zhyx Human Паладин 1047475 695625 0 0 1520 (+12) 1115 (+34)
Цицеронка Human Жрец 54049 1093480 0 0 1450 (+12) 1198 (+27)
Naisen Human Маг 693376 6497 0 1 1476 (-11) 192 (0)
Fullspam Night Elf Друид 1342995 8286 0 0 1488 (-12) 0 (0)
Fadrox Human Паладин 0 1393921 0 0 1513 (-11) 956 (0)
411520 Lose 956 (-3) 2018-01-06 5:44 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Firelord Human Маг 3611979 317884 2 0 1640 (+13) 1667 (+10)
Healjops Human Паладин 3333575 1175353 1 0 1474 (+13) 192 (+96)
Цицеронка Human Жрец 149938 7335922 0 0 1438 (+13) 1171 (+30)
Mcmanamann Human Чернокнижник 4779879 1035826 0 1 1478 (-12) 384 (0)
Aluria Human Воин 4736769 79936 0 1 1549 (-12) 1489 (-11)
Fadrox Human Паладин 30407 4959600 0 1 1524 (-12) 956 (-3)
411461 Lose 959 (0) 2018-01-06 7:45 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Deaddràon Human Рыцарь Смерти 7234283 1852173 1 0 1565 (+15) 768 (+96)
Hukumuku Night Elf Друид 5426735 3462740 2 0 1372 (+15) 1140 (+34)
Substancex Human Жрец 24936 8690284 0 0 1506 (+15) 1396 (+16)
Firelord Human Маг 6143508 449720 0 1 1627 (-14) 1657 (-16)
Fadrox Human Паладин 0 8433782 0 1 1536 (-14) 959 (0)
Джонджонс Troll Друид 6183269 1762916 0 1 1493 (-14) 96 (0)
411430 Win 959 (+96) 2018-01-06 3:36 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hairygirl Human Маг 3009754 295174 0 0 1511 (+9) 576 (+96)
可以向上没有 Human Воин 3594503 25709 1 0 2041 (+9) 1744 (+8)
Fadrox Human Паладин 80089 2773444 0 0 1550 (+9) 959 (+96)
Kinshoot Human Охотник 1786002 108975 0 1 1518 (-8) 1095 (-2)
Healjops Human Паладин 1594996 825381 0 0 1473 (-12) 96 (0)
Substancex Human Жрец 0 3520821 0 0 1491 (-8) 1380 (-6)
411394 Win 863 (+96) 2018-01-06 2:56 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hairygirl Human Маг 1870354 170464 0 0 1502 (+12) 480 (+96)
Deaddràon Human Рыцарь Смерти 2239167 0 2 0 1557 (+12) 672 (+96)
Fadrox Human Паладин 12243 1787132 0 0 1541 (+12) 863 (+96)
Kinshoot Human Охотник 1532013 67580 0 1 1526 (-11) 1097 (-4)
Healjops Human Паладин 745347 690434 0 1 1485 (-11) 96 (0)
Substancex Human Жрец 2882 1966771 0 0 1499 (-12) 1386 (-9)
411358 Lose 767 (-1) 2018-01-06 4:23 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Deaddràon Human Рыцарь Смерти 4574697 561259 2 0 1545 (+12) 576 (+96)
Nakhlabuch Night Elf Друид 4327 5408313 0 0 1526 (+12) 288 (+96)
Healjops Human Паладин 3540344 726281 0 0 1496 (+12) 96 (+96)
Kinshoot Human Охотник 3515864 138611 0 1 1537 (-11) 1101 (-4)
Hukumuku Night Elf Друид 2722899 1183570 0 1 1346 (-11) 1072 (-4)
Fadrox Human Паладин 33610 5072993 0 0 1529 (-12) 767 (-1)
411341 Win 768 (+96) 2018-01-06 2:21 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
可以向上没有 Human Воин 1933460 9507 3 0 2044 (+7) 1751 (+9)
5285904 1124429 0 0 0 2031 (+7) 1933 (+6)
Fadrox Human Паладин 63458 1430393 0 0 1541 (+7) 768 (+96)
Kinshoot Human Охотник 1068343 5653 0 1 1548 (-6) 1105 (-1)
Sidith Human Маг 737083 158931 0 1 1609 (-12) 1361 (-3)
Nakhlabuch Night Elf Друид 592 1037006 0 1 1514 (-12) 192 (0)
411312 Win 672 (+96) 2018-01-06 1:38 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Felixthacat Human Охотник 409615 31045 1 0 1480 (+11) 1194 (+26)
Rubberduckie Human Воин 1035678 0 0 0 1546 (+11) 1054 (+96)
Fadrox Human Паладин 0 361828 0 0 1534 (+11) 672 (+96)
Inidmyaskiss Night Elf Друид 349923 46630 0 0 1489 (-12) 192 (0)
Birthcøntrol Human Монах 129793 233784 0 1 1339 (-12) 671 (-1)
Zelith Human Паладин 1588 137986 0 0 1468 (-10) 0 (0)
408739 Lose 576 (0) 2018-01-06 3:49 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kinshoot Human Охотник 1992892 112890 0 0 1542 (+13) 384 (+96)
Щприст Human Жрец 2811542 457338 2 0 1423 (+13) 1529 (+12)
Wellfuk Orc Монах 229397 4259049 0 0 1501 (+13) 384 (+96)
Zendro Human Чернокнижник 4897580 762718 0 1 1488 (-12) 0 (0)
Substancex Human Жрец 1050491 139133 0 1 1486 (-12) 1312 (-8)
Fadrox Human Паладин 0 2546794 0 0 1523 (-12) 576 (0)
408476 Win 576 (+96) 2018-01-06 3:39 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Щприст Human Жрец 3654663 189777 0 0 1410 (+17) 1517 (+16)
Ðotowlx Night Elf Друид 3372787 873807 1 0 1519 (+17) 1052 (+96)
Fadrox Human Паладин 31227 2947357 0 0 1535 (+17) 576 (+96)
可以向上没有 Human Воин 2388333 142426 0 0 2040 (-16) 1758 (-17)
Мрмрмрмрмрмр Night Elf Друид 0 4912379 0 0 1479 (-12) 1147 (-5)
Neskwi Human Паладин 1906785 704217 0 1 1470 (-16) 768 (0)