
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 84 38 / 46 45 1464
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
291507 Lose 1464 (-26) 2018-08-26 2:27 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Vooddka Pandaren Разбойник 695367 0 1 0 1525 (+23) 1529 (+23)
Старвар Troll Друид 858690 596946 1 0 1529 (+23) 1554 (+21)
Killruru Human Паладин 347446 283927 0 1 1395 (-12) 863 (-1)
Smolensk Human Воин 851078 53886 0 1 1437 (-24) 1464 (-26)
291499 Lose 1490 (-23) 2018-08-26 2:32 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Demirbüken Human Монах 1623524 271704 2 0 1536 (+23) 384 (+96)
Fitter Night Elf Друид 107666 1227231 0 0 1622 (+17) 1367 (+66)
Killruru Human Паладин 545217 223876 0 1 1407 (-18) 864 (0)
Smolensk Human Воин 979426 260455 0 1 1461 (-21) 1490 (-23)
291490 Lose 1513 (-29) 2018-08-26 1:55 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Winkz Human Охотник 693768 54283 1 0 1674 (+16) 1273 (+78)
Zadrotrogi Human Разбойник 743162 270 1 0 1335 (+39) 480 (+96)
Killruru Human Паладин 366298 3301 0 1 1425 (-25) 864 (0)
Smolensk Human Воин 300731 32331 0 1 1482 (-28) 1513 (-29)
291462 Win 1542 (+25) 2018-08-26 2:53 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Killruru Human Паладин 342815 195046 1 0 1450 (+32) 864 (+96)
Smolensk Human Воин 1002642 0 1 0 1510 (+27) 1542 (+25)
5380880 344971 140043 0 1 1383 (-24) 864 (0)
Vooddka Pandaren Разбойник 467370 0 0 1 1524 (-30) 1531 (-30)
291453 Win 1517 (+63) 2018-08-26 1:54 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Killruru Human Паладин 590837 393615 2 0 1418 (+40) 768 (+96)
Smolensk Human Воин 772473 0 0 0 1483 (+36) 1517 (+63)
6291129 0 277054 0 1 1557 (-32) 384 (0)
Нудный Undead Рыцарь Смерти 578600 0 0 1 1534 (-31) 1538 (-31)
291444 Lose 1454 (-21) 2018-08-26 2:30 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
6291129 19425 1136842 0 0 1589 (+18) 384 (+96)
Нудный Undead Рыцарь Смерти 1524592 321636 2 0 1565 (+20) 1569 (+20)
Killruru Human Паладин 960249 341923 0 1 1378 (-16) 672 (0)
Smolensk Human Воин 855565 91993 0 1 1447 (-20) 1454 (-21)
291437 Lose 1475 (-32) 2018-08-26 1:54 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
6587670 386082 26994 1 0 1362 (+37) 1425 (+60)
6653795 827797 360357 1 0 1362 (+37) 1428 (+60)
Killruru Human Паладин 113140 183447 0 1 1394 (-30) 672 (0)
Smolensk Human Воин 706986 8981 0 1 1467 (-32) 1475 (-32)
271223 Lose 1507 (-32) 2018-08-21 2:08 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
3207567 1139214 0 2 0 1419 (+31) 1431 (+55)
Undead Жрец 23449 35492 0 0 1392 (+32) 1418 (+57)
Smolensk Human Воин 0 62867 0 1 1499 (-31) 1507 (-32)
Human Охотник 9124 0 0 1 1310 (-24) 1339 (-26)
271216 Lose 1539 (-23) 2018-08-21 2:22 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Cheq Human Воин 1233015 0 2 0 1637 (+16) 1500 (+26)
Wowboyzsvag Tauren Друид 0 966296 0 0 1618 (+17) 1596 (+19)
Smolensk Human Воин 629251 67360 0 1 1530 (-23) 1539 (-23)
Human Охотник 514104 10373 0 1 1334 (-10) 1365 (-12)
271200 Lose 1562 (-31) 2018-08-21 3:10 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
2929903 1211102 63657 2 0 1504 (+27) 1515 (+26)
Цыганёнаки Human Жрец 77589 2511259 0 0 1475 (+29) 1491 (+53)
Smolensk Human Воин 2001931 92058 0 1 1553 (-30) 1562 (-31)
Human Охотник 682848 38899 0 1 1344 (-20) 1377 (-22)