
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 84 38 / 46 45 1464
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
271191 Win 1593 (+15) 2018-08-21 1:59 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Smolensk Human Воин 908385 68864 2 0 1583 (+16) 1593 (+15)
Human Охотник 435448 20746 0 0 1364 (+31) 1399 (+54)
1494926 448373 0 0 1 1290 (-17) 96 (0)
1526716 437080 22266 0 1 1443 (-27) 192 (0)
270935 Lose 1578 (-28) 2018-08-21 6:06 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Piterpix Human Охотник 6012760 63739 2 0 1513 (+29) 288 (+96)
Minerba Human Паладин 326155 5062793 0 0 1626 (+21) 1620 (+22)
Duabloss Human Монах 213391 4275795 0 1 1410 (-19) 575 (0)
Smolensk Human Воин 5957345 805759 0 1 1567 (-28) 1578 (-28)
267156 Win 1606 (+32) 2018-08-20 2:23 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Smolensk Human Воин 1185936 210285 2 0 1595 (+33) 1606 (+32)
Human Охотник 191363 20746 0 1 1520 (+38) 1560 (+36)
Grambul Orc Шаман 444309 170617 0 1 1661 (-32) 1663 (-32)
Ollexia Blood Elf Маг 785420 53029 1 1 1567 (-29) 1571 (-29)
267141 Lose 1574 (-20) 2018-08-20 1:53 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Теоснар Undead Разбойник 379221 83261 1 0 1612 (+24) 1625 (+23)
Dvdlðlz Human Охотник 1090815 27251 1 0 1808 (+12) 1807 (+12)
Smolensk Human Воин 515967 135052 0 1 1562 (-19) 1574 (-20)
Human Охотник 127896 20746 0 1 1482 (-14) 1524 (-17)
267135 Win 1594 (+39) 2018-08-20 2:43 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Smolensk Human Воин 1306828 247251 2 0 1581 (+39) 1594 (+39)
Human Охотник 96334 10373 0 1 1496 (+44) 1541 (+76)
Теоснар Undead Разбойник 822657 177935 0 1 1588 (-30) 1602 (-31)
Dvdlðlz Human Охотник 444523 23646 1 1 1796 (-36) 1795 (-36)
267123 Lose 1555 (-18) 2018-08-20 2:45 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Serjaime Human Паладин 71466 1267344 0 0 1779 (+12) 1701 (+16)
Kombawa Human Рыцарь Смерти 1560291 34892 2 0 1646 (+20) 1655 (+19)
Smolensk Human Воин 591131 180175 0 1 1542 (-17) 1555 (-18)
Human Охотник 743385 62238 0 1 1452 (-12) 1465 (-13)
267116 Win 1573 (+10) 2018-08-20 1:44 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Smolensk Human Воин 656328 76411 1 0 1559 (+11) 1573 (+10)
Human Охотник 544464 0 1 0 1464 (+15) 1478 (+15)
Magikk Undead Маг 266622 5933 0 1 1205 (-10) 1199 (-9)
8455357 376436 34761 0 1 1294 (-14) 1315 (-16)
267106 Win 1563 (+18) 2018-08-20 2:32 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Smolensk Human Воин 781643 97736 0 0 1548 (+19) 1563 (+18)
Human Охотник 698068 20746 2 0 1449 (+26) 1463 (+25)
6670983 105743 0 0 1 1308 (-16) 1297 (-16)
8439858 489862 224848 0 1 1450 (-27) 1466 (-27)
267094 Lose 1545 (-19) 2018-08-20 2:05 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Теоснар Undead Разбойник 629728 31669 1 0 1571 (+24) 1590 (+22)
Dvdlðlz Human Охотник 563396 12789 1 0 1827 (+9) 1825 (+9)
Smolensk Human Воин 668453 26655 0 1 1529 (-18) 1545 (-19)
Human Охотник 59804 10373 0 1 1423 (-11) 1438 (-12)
267087 Lose 1564 (-21) 2018-08-20 1:37 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
5599282 814472 0 1 0 1696 (+16) 1692 (+17)
6209975 299569 73284 1 0 1684 (+17) 1685 (+17)
Smolensk Human Воин 154584 39094 0 1 1547 (-19) 1564 (-21)
Human Охотник 79116 10373 0 1 1434 (-12) 1450 (-13)