
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 55 21 / 34 38 1463
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
21161 Lose 1463 (-24) 2023-09-15 2:27 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Glamurka Human Маг 3263760 222556 0 0 1795 (+14) 1659 (+23)
Sopalinqt Night Elf Жрец 399177 1253571 2 0 1716 (+19) 1717 (+19)
Truebesthunt Human Охотник 2830692 414308 0 0 1629 (+25) 576 (+96)
Yourpain Night Elf Друид 529317 1060989 0 0 1451 (-12) 1463 (-24)
Broxo Human Чернокнижник 1228163 449632 0 1 1682 (-27) 1648 (-25)
Timidebonne Human Монах 114514 3824419 0 1 1511 (-16) 96 (0)
21160 Lose 1487 (0) 2023-09-15 1:04 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Glamurka Human Маг 0 0 0 0 1781 (0) 1636 (0)
Yourpain Night Elf Друид 0 0 0 0 1463 (0) 1487 (0)
Broxo Human Чернокнижник 0 0 0 0 1709 (0) 1673 (0)
Timidebonne Human Монах 0 0 0 0 1527 (0) 96 (0)
Наруто Human Монах 0 0 0 0 1529 (0) 1533 (0)
21147 Lose 1487 (-20) 2023-09-14 2:53 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shred Night Elf Друид 1554874 670604 0 0 1598 (+21) 1596 (+22)
Sopalinqt Night Elf Жрец 119968 2356370 0 0 1724 (+14) 1725 (+13)
Johnseenah Human Воин 2624882 6761 2 0 1534 (+26) 1056 (+96)
Heatingup Human Маг 1546941 460203 0 1 1480 (-20) 0 (0)
Proochi Human Монах 1682442 718475 0 1 1460 (-19) 0 (0)
Yourpain Night Elf Друид 0 1828887 0 0 1463 (-19) 1487 (-20)
21145 Lose 1507 (-23) 2023-09-14 2:25 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Sopalinqt Night Elf Жрец 4738 967375 0 0 1710 (+14) 1712 (+14)
Johnseenah Human Воин 1860283 0 0 0 1508 (+28) 960 (+96)
Truebesthunt Human Охотник 1255456 602261 2 0 1578 (+22) 288 (+96)
Yohio Dwarf Шаман 963301 354046 0 1 1456 (-20) 1483 (-22)
Yourpain Night Elf Друид 7529 1040383 0 0 1482 (-21) 1507 (-23)
Prenomque Human Монах 590141 457545 0 1 1447 (-19) 96 (0)
21144 Lose 1530 (-24) 2023-09-14 1:42 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shred Night Elf Друид 730820 88267 0 0 1577 (+24) 1574 (+25)
Sopalinqt Night Elf Жрец 112543 787019 0 0 1696 (+16) 1698 (+16)
Truebesthunt Human Охотник 656546 388482 2 0 1556 (+26) 192 (+96)
Proochi Human Монах 178154 151929 0 1 1479 (-21) 0 (0)
Yourpain Night Elf Друид 0 191833 0 0 1503 (-22) 1530 (-24)
Johnseenah Human Воин 731170 33568 0 1 1480 (-21) 864 (0)
21142 Win 1554 (+28) 2023-09-14 1:51 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Yohio Dwarf Шаман 1057692 468501 1 0 1476 (+34) 1505 (+60)
Yourpain Night Elf Друид 2070 549705 0 0 1525 (+30) 1554 (+28)
Truebesthunt Human Охотник 723097 277721 1 0 1530 (+30) 96 (+96)
Shred Night Elf Друид 855452 96356 0 1 1553 (-30) 1549 (-30)
Johnseenah Human Воин 289364 50352 0 1 1501 (-28) 864 (0)
Salvatrucha Human Жрец 0 316780 0 0 1475 (-27) 192 (0)
20924 Lose 1526 (-19) 2023-09-14 1:26 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hetrakzew Orc Шаман 672257 0 1 0 1553 (+26) 576 (+96)
Sopalinqt Night Elf Жрец 3203 33519 0 0 1713 (+16) 1715 (+15)
Bloodstrike Human Воин 585172 0 1 0 1772 (+12) 1763 (+13)
Zoey Human Чернокнижник 9916 0 0 0 1544 (-20) 192 (0)
Yourpain Night Elf Друид 0 20441 0 1 1495 (-17) 1526 (-19)
Prenomque Human Монах 26315 30019 0 1 1444 (-14) 0 (0)
20923 Lose 1545 (-20) 2023-09-14 2:01 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Zoey Human Чернокнижник 2338574 339952 0 0 1564 (+26) 192 (+96)
Sopalinqt Night Elf Жрец 69467 1278340 0 0 1697 (+17) 1700 (+17)
Bloodstrike Human Воин 1467114 0 2 0 1760 (+13) 1750 (+14)
Yourpain Night Elf Друид 0 1398894 0 0 1512 (-18) 1545 (-20)
Hetrakzew Orc Шаман 1241859 77807 0 1 1527 (-19) 480 (0)
Prenomque Human Монах 194957 596395 0 1 1458 (-15) 0 (0)
20922 Win 1565 (+68) 2023-09-14 6:27 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Zoey Human Чернокнижник 9311939 705184 1 0 1538 (+38) 96 (+96)
Yourpain Night Elf Друид 28508 8149408 0 0 1530 (+39) 1565 (+68)
Hetrakzew Orc Шаман 4957947 1127456 1 0 1546 (+38) 480 (+96)
Sopalinqt Night Elf Жрец 128420 11287347 0 0 1680 (-33) 1683 (-33)
Prenomque Human Монах 2682563 1431889 0 1 1473 (-27) 0 (0)
Bloodstrike Human Воин 6461299 106439 0 1 1747 (-35) 1736 (-35)
19976 Lose 1497 (-16) 2023-09-10 2:33 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Psychogirl Human Рыцарь Смерти 2407343 161102 0 0 1540 (+26) 1532 (+27)
Drumandbass Dwarf Шаман 17546 1427080 0 0 1814 (+10) 1814 (+10)
Mgl Human Монах 2269825 412400 2 0 1707 (+15) 1711 (+15)
你妈妈 Dwarf Шаман 348658 2282210 0 0 1603 (-24) 1587 (-22)
Yourpain Night Elf Друид 1316340 597008 0 1 1491 (-16) 1497 (-16)
Emotionaldmg Human Разбойник 539541 59699 0 1 1332 (-8) 1056 (0)