
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 32 24 / 8 75 --
Season 36 26 / 10 72 1856
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
119271 Lose 1856 (0) 2019-11-24 3:19 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Chayek Night Elf Друид 1249781 1355284 1 0 1996 (+31) 1997 (+31)
Hazardx Human Разбойник 577005 0 1 0 1997 (+31) 1992 (+31)
Laagerta Human Паладин 796992 653577 0 1 1972 (-28) 1856 (0)
Crxsqt Human Охотник 1256893 38404 0 1 1996 (-28) 1977 (-28)
119263 Win 1856 (+39) 2019-11-24 2:16 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Laagerta Human Паладин 993415 859086 0 0 2000 (+29) 1856 (+39)
Crxsqt Human Охотник 970638 0 2 0 2024 (+27) 2005 (+29)
Chayek Night Elf Друид 503232 458801 0 1 1965 (-27) 1966 (-27)
Hazardx Human Разбойник 617764 0 0 1 1966 (-27) 1961 (-27)
119258 Win 1817 (+43) 2019-11-24 3:19 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Laagerta Human Паладин 598498 375200 0 0 1971 (+33) 1817 (+43)
Crxsqt Human Охотник 898378 0 1 0 1997 (+31) 1976 (+33)
Chayek Night Elf Друид 112211 793227 0 0 1992 (-29) 1993 (-29)
Hazardx Human Разбойник 271829 28719 0 1 1993 (-29) 1988 (-29)
119248 Win 1774 (+46) 2019-11-24 3:17 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Laagerta Human Паладин 1181443 1430917 0 0 1938 (+37) 1774 (+46)
Crxsqt Human Охотник 1834399 0 1 0 1966 (+36) 1943 (+37)
Chayek Night Elf Друид 1078308 2047412 0 0 2021 (-31) 2022 (-31)
Hazardx Human Разбойник 693446 23386 0 1 2022 (-31) 2017 (-31)
119242 Win 1728 (+25) 2019-11-24 2:06 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Laagerta Human Паладин 955032 693916 2 0 1901 (+14) 1728 (+25)
Crxsqt Human Охотник 1275491 0 0 0 1930 (+12) 1906 (+13)
Bigrouge Human Разбойник 236841 0 0 1 1650 (-12) 1649 (-12)
Demon Night Elf Друид 531217 840882 0 1 1652 (-12) 1652 (-12)
119234 Win 1703 (+27) 2019-11-24 2:19 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Laagerta Human Паладин 1009922 859346 0 0 1887 (+15) 1703 (+27)
Crxsqt Human Охотник 807808 0 1 0 1918 (+13) 1893 (+15)
Bigrouge Human Разбойник 667360 0 0 0 1662 (-13) 1661 (-13)
Demon Night Elf Друид 393571 800080 0 1 1664 (-13) 1664 (-13)
119228 Lose 1676 (0) 2019-11-24 2:54 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kat Night Elf Друид 549975 1912149 0 0 2184 (+11) 2181 (+11)
Mardoth Human Чернокнижник 1977391 1309759 2 0 2192 (+11) 2176 (+11)
Laagerta Human Паладин 1527172 931718 0 1 1872 (-9) 1676 (0)
Crxsqt Human Охотник 1751029 62128 0 1 1905 (-11) 1878 (-9)
119223 Win 1676 (+17) 2019-11-24 1:39 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Laagerta Human Паладин 921518 117413 2 0 1881 (+7) 1676 (+17)
Crxsqt Human Охотник 661942 23260 0 0 1916 (+6) 1887 (+7)
Jukedlol Human Жрец 0 380761 0 1 1496 (-6) 480 (0)
8241084 282146 42915 0 1 1494 (-6) 0 (0)
119218 Win 1659 (+20) 2019-11-24 2:07 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Laagerta Human Паладин 918380 886862 1 0 1874 (+9) 1659 (+20)
Crxsqt Human Охотник 666299 24670 1 0 1910 (+7) 1880 (+8)
Aretha Human Чернокнижник 574307 427078 0 1 1526 (-7) 384 (0)
Trild Human Разбойник 1017135 0 0 1 1514 (-7) 288 (0)
119211 Lose 1639 (0) 2019-11-24 2:01 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kat Night Elf Друид 401601 398409 0 0 2173 (+11) 2170 (+12)
Mardoth Human Чернокнижник 1102761 786080 2 0 2181 (+11) 2165 (+12)
Laagerta Human Паладин 481028 224377 0 1 1865 (-9) 1639 (0)
Crxsqt Human Охотник 848121 0 0 1 1903 (-12) 1872 (-10)