
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 2 1 / 1 50 --
Season 225 138 / 87 61 2116
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
286498 Lose 2116 (-20) 2020-07-28 4:35 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Rakatotdownz Dwarf Шаман 63722 4713684 0 0 2256 (+14) 2255 (+14)
Bachimita Human Воин 4284525 0 2 0 2225 (+15) 2137 (+27)
Hunting Human Охотник 3498965 167605 0 1 2067 (-17) 2040 (-15)
Veksel Human Паладин 1229243 2286259 0 1 2117 (-20) 2116 (-20)
286490 Win 2136 (+13) 2020-07-28 1:46 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hunting Human Охотник 715645 31094 1 0 2084 (+16) 2055 (+18)
Veksel Human Паладин 773269 443846 0 0 2137 (+13) 2136 (+13)
6256357 445037 403653 0 0 1888 (-14) 1872 (-13)
Twintrap Human Охотник 418345 31096 0 1 1879 (-14) 1879 (-14)
276660 Win 2123 (+6) 2020-07-25 3:03 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hunting Human Охотник 2277881 0 1 0 2098 (+7) 2083 (+7)
Veksel Human Паладин 1521039 1161422 0 1 2124 (+6) 2123 (+6)
Novemberx Human Паладин 14153 2434846 0 0 1724 (-6) 1713 (-6)
Doxalol Human Охотник 1750756 11466 1 1 1665 (-5) 1658 (-5)
276646 Win 2117 (+6) 2020-07-25 2:46 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hunting Human Охотник 1790042 93531 1 0 2091 (+7) 2076 (+7)
Veksel Human Паладин 1360541 828467 0 0 2118 (+6) 2117 (+6)
Tsunpuri Human Воин 1596738 236026 0 1 1753 (-8) 1727 (-7)
Icytears Human Монах 147717 2302125 0 0 1608 (-4) 384 (0)
276637 Win 2111 (+8) 2020-07-25 2:36 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hunting Human Охотник 1910775 0 2 0 2084 (+8) 2069 (+9)
Veksel Human Паладин 1004956 1255289 0 0 2112 (+8) 2111 (+8)
Targis Troll Друид 629361 1483292 0 1 1736 (-12) 1695 (-6)
Got Orc Разбойник 806911 0 0 1 1710 (-6) 1667 (-5)
276621 Lose 2103 (-13) 2020-07-25 1:54 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Razzert Troll Друид 830015 79116 0 0 2305 (+11) 2297 (+12)
Hunting Human Охотник 567829 46841 0 0 2076 (-12) 2060 (-11)
Anita Night Elf Жрец 25040 755774 0 0 2353 (-12) 2301 (-25)
Veksel Human Паладин 781090 386178 0 0 2104 (-13) 2103 (-13)
276614 Win 2116 (+4) 2020-07-25 1:29 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hunting Human Охотник 517461 11660 2 0 2088 (+4) 2071 (+5)
Veksel Human Паладин 733105 55992 0 0 2117 (+4) 2116 (+4)
Поварсхимок Orc Воин 211415 17774 0 1 1684 (-5) 1535 (0)
Troll Друид 0 30161 0 1 1488 (-2) 1041 (0)
276597 Win 2112 (+6) 2020-07-25 3:06 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hunting Human Охотник 2526701 121521 0 0 2084 (+7) 2066 (+7)
Veksel Human Паладин 1783501 1167321 2 0 2113 (+6) 2112 (+6)
Vnqxt Dwarf Шаман 330840 3175968 0 1 1619 (-4) 480 (0)
Luniwar Human Воин 1963577 81525 0 1 1713 (-7) 1680 (-5)
276586 Win 2106 (+7) 2020-07-25 1:53 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hunting Human Охотник 1150076 0 2 0 2077 (+8) 2059 (+8)
Veksel Human Паладин 382642 275672 0 0 2107 (+7) 2106 (+7)
Targis Troll Друид 326589 356264 0 1 1709 (-7) 1673 (-6)
Got Orc Разбойник 285371 0 0 1 1693 (-6) 1638 (-5)
276570 Lose 2099 (-15) 2020-07-25 3:20 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Anita Night Elf Жрец 293792 2084707 0 0 2346 (+10) 2305 (+11)
Razzert Troll Друид 2467731 1083626 2 0 2271 (+13) 2261 (+13)
Hunting Human Охотник 2512863 135706 0 1 2069 (-13) 2051 (-12)
Veksel Human Паладин 980602 936500 0 1 2100 (-15) 2099 (-15)