
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 10 8 / 2 80 768
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
12977 Lose 768 (0) 2020-09-08 1:04 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Jessicaxo Blood Elf Паладин 0 0 0 0 1576 (0) 384 (0)
Zartent Human Маг 0 0 0 0 1500 (0) 0 (0)
Trendy Night Elf Друид 0 0 0 0 1695 (0) 768 (0)
Vip Human Разбойник 0 0 0 0 1527 (0) 96 (0)
12962 Lose 768 (0) 2020-09-08 1:06 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Akrois Human Разбойник 0 0 0 0 1477 (0) 0 (0)
Kaiju Human Охотник 0 0 0 0 1500 (0) 0 (0)
Hashtagclone Night Elf Друид 0 0 0 0 1488 (0) 0 (0)
Trendy Night Elf Друид 0 0 0 0 1695 (0) 768 (0)
Vip Human Разбойник 0 0 0 0 1527 (0) 96 (0)
8297 Win 768 (+96) 2020-09-05 2:26 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trendy Night Elf Друид 1764076 589222 2 0 1695 (+22) 768 (+96)
Troguelxzx Human Разбойник 672374 0 0 0 1498 (+37) 96 (+96)
Retribution Human Паладин 127114 872608 0 0 1521 (+35) 96 (+96)
Exadroc Night Elf Друид 0 706296 0 0 1508 (-26) 576 (0)
4427149 1481109 720859 0 1 1476 (-24) 0 (0)
Oopsyoudied Undead Разбойник 20045 0 0 1 1748 (-12) 1668 (-31)
7895 Lose 672 (0) 2020-09-05 1:38 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Human Жрец 5969 938482 0 0 1704 (+18) 1621 (+24)
Faze Human Паладин 1115925 4920 2 0 1866 (+10) 1766 (+15)
Oopsyoudied Undead Разбойник 615480 0 0 0 1687 (+19) 1643 (+23)
Trendy Night Elf Друид 54667 313594 0 0 1673 (-12) 672 (0)
Ian Human Рыцарь Смерти 334240 153626 0 1 1458 (-10) 0 (0)
Xarusha Human Охотник 774904 0 0 1 1479 (-11) 480 (0)
7887 Win 672 (+96) 2020-09-05 4:36 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trendy Night Elf Друид 4711 6507064 0 0 1685 (+24) 672 (+96)
Faze Human Паладин 5076908 1110300 1 0 1856 (+13) 1751 (+19)
Oopsyoudied Undead Разбойник 2243148 0 0 0 1668 (+25) 1620 (+29)
Human Жрец 98230 5146258 0 0 1686 (-26) 1597 (-20)
Worsthuntua Human Охотник 5083428 16700 0 0 1595 (-12) 384 (0)
Cripeey Human Паладин 2477834 1432727 0 1 1488 (-12) 0 (0)
7880 Win 576 (+96) 2020-09-05 3:06 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trendy Night Elf Друид 121763 4814320 0 0 1661 (+19) 576 (+96)
Faze Human Паладин 2393974 741337 1 0 1843 (+9) 1732 (+15)
Maxasystemet Human Рыцарь Смерти 3046808 65885 1 0 1630 (+21) 1144 (+88)
Sukmikehock Night Elf Друид 5036 3492514 0 0 1464 (-12) 0 (0)
Pipir Human Воин 2153106 89308 0 1 1567 (-12) 480 (0)
Xarusha Human Охотник 2963981 49144 0 1 1490 (-14) 480 (0)
7874 Win 480 (+96) 2020-09-05 2:12 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trendy Night Elf Друид 0 1441713 0 0 1642 (+27) 480 (+96)
Pipir Human Воин 993130 15166 0 0 1579 (+31) 480 (+96)
Xarusha Human Охотник 1261796 0 2 0 1504 (+36) 480 (+96)
Sukmikehock Night Elf Друид 9398 1088201 0 0 1476 (-12) 0 (0)
Maxasystemet Human Рыцарь Смерти 803752 19998 0 1 1609 (-29) 1056 (0)
Oopsyoudied Undead Разбойник 580499 0 0 1 1672 (-12) 1618 (-30)
7865 Win 384 (+96) 2020-09-05 3:00 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trendy Night Elf Друид 7663 4161868 0 0 1615 (+27) 384 (+96)
Maxasystemet Human Рыцарь Смерти 3269959 619254 2 0 1638 (+25) 1056 (+96)
Oopsyoudied Undead Разбойник 1389221 0 1 0 1684 (+22) 1648 (+25)
Human Жрец 0 2264183 0 1 1675 (-12) 1567 (-24)
Pipir Human Воин 2746521 114002 0 1 1548 (-23) 384 (0)
Xarusha Human Охотник 2263475 61908 0 1 1468 (-18) 384 (0)
7861 Win 288 (+96) 2020-09-05 2:52 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
고마워요 Human Разбойник 1867362 0 0 0 1518 (+30) 96 (+96)
Trendy Night Elf Друид 22601 2960145 0 0 1588 (+25) 288 (+96)
Worsthuntua Human Охотник 2183809 89469 1 0 1556 (+28) 192 (+96)
Pizzarollz Blood Elf Охотник 1575211 0 0 1 1408 (-20) 0 (0)
Pipir Human Воин 1959762 14253 0 0 1571 (-29) 384 (0)
Shadowfsucks Human Жрец 3678 2651409 0 0 1549 (-12) 192 (0)
7852 Win 192 (+96) 2020-09-05 2:11 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Ðarkmagician Human Маг 833236 62757 2 0 1688 (+26) 768 (+96)
Trendy Night Elf Друид 0 218058 0 1 1563 (+35) 192 (+96)
Maxasystemet Human Рыцарь Смерти 1127929 40829 0 0 1613 (+32) 960 (+96)
Exadroc Night Elf Друид 3520 517434 0 0 1516 (-12) 480 (0)
Xakerone Human Охотник 687554 0 0 1 1704 (-12) 1641 (-29)
Oopsyoudied Undead Разбойник 692808 0 1 1 1662 (-30) 1623 (-28)