
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 5 3 / 2 60 --
Season 15 7 / 8 46 672
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
179175 Win 672 (+96) 2019-12-31 2:43 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shockydong Dwarf Шаман 627239 556832 1 1 1521 (+19) 288 (+96)
Zorn Human Охотник 1538754 0 1 0 1549 (+17) 672 (+96)
8445150 1536125 939501 1 1 1269 (-12) 1194 (-9)
8645777 205032 0 0 1 1453 (-24) 0 (0)
179169 Win 576 (+96) 2019-12-31 1:46 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shockydong Dwarf Шаман 1037302 336725 2 0 1502 (+23) 192 (+96)
Zorn Human Охотник 676001 0 0 0 1532 (+21) 576 (+96)
Мудрыйстэн Troll Шаман 193809 150685 0 1 1399 (-21) 96 (0)
Somebodypote Troll Чернокнижник 242112 38261 0 1 1399 (-21) 96 (0)
179163 Lose 480 (0) 2019-12-31 2:14 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Skripterq Night Elf Друид 3209 970306 0 0 1704 (+16) 1449 (+62)
Artemis Human Охотник 1484377 56491 2 0 1998 (+5) 1995 (+5)
Shockydong Dwarf Шаман 912430 149071 0 1 1479 (-7) 96 (0)
Zorn Human Охотник 398875 0 0 1 1511 (-8) 480 (0)
179161 Lose 480 (0) 2019-12-31 2:22 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Skripterq Night Elf Друид 60719 1766431 1 0 1688 (+17) 1387 (+71)
Artemis Human Охотник 1625895 56717 1 0 1993 (+5) 1990 (+5)
Shockydong Dwarf Шаман 1650683 290379 0 1 1486 (-8) 96 (0)
Zorn Human Охотник 335745 0 0 1 1519 (-9) 480 (0)
179158 Win 480 (+96) 2019-12-31 2:20 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shockydong Dwarf Шаман 907396 462329 2 0 1494 (+31) 96 (+96)
Zorn Human Охотник 744365 0 0 0 1528 (+29) 480 (+96)
Bzik Undead Воин 829906 81729 0 1 1536 (-29) 1507 (-28)
Submitz Night Elf Жрец 0 337655 0 1 1448 (-26) 0 (0)
75485 Lose 384 (0) 2019-10-27 2:54 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Quakex Human Паладин 55734 2194765 0 0 1657 (+22) 1651 (+22)
Lynnfield Human Рыцарь Смерти 2277441 80370 1 0 1629 (+24) 1594 (+26)
Zorn Human Охотник 2361857 83423 0 0 1499 (-20) 384 (0)
Ynaari Human Паладин 7833 1061235 0 1 1559 (-24) 1524 (-21)
75478 Win 384 (+96) 2019-10-27 5:16 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Zorn Human Охотник 6142079 46974 2 0 1519 (+20) 384 (+96)
Ynaari Human Паладин 230312 3305678 0 0 1583 (+16) 1545 (+18)
8615734 93160 5441202 0 1 1277 (-12) 1361 (-16)
Arsaldar Human Рыцарь Смерти 4052643 65991 0 1 1453 (-23) 0 (0)
75472 Lose 288 (0) 2019-10-27 3:26 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Elvxsdrive Blood Elf Паладин 1899640 652995 0 0 1467 (+36) 192 (+96)
Krokokon Human Охотник 2342883 0 1 0 1272 (+46) 1372 (+77)
Zorn Human Охотник 926600 30636 0 1 1499 (-12) 288 (0)
Ynaari Human Паладин 308106 2945241 0 0 1567 (-35) 1527 (-34)
74699 Win 288 (+96) 2019-10-27 2:36 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Zorn Human Охотник 1674537 79756 2 0 1511 (+26) 288 (+96)
Ynaari Human Паладин 646139 566269 0 1 1602 (+19) 1561 (+22)
Dummythicc Blood Elf Воин 456001 101043 0 1 1380 (-17) 1056 (0)
Belledelphin Blood Elf Монах 1297707 1157235 1 1 1494 (-25) 1313 (0)
74696 Lose 192 (0) 2019-10-27 2:04 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Moosy Night Elf Друид 770470 655437 2 0 1739 (+16) 1740 (+16)
Deltamagex Human Маг 1165788 311960 0 0 1746 (+16) 1746 (+16)
Zorn Human Охотник 876808 15318 0 1 1485 (-12) 192 (0)
Ynaari Human Паладин 488824 438965 0 1 1583 (-18) 1539 (-15)