
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 4 2 / 2 50 --
Season 396 227 / 169 57 2041
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
344788 Lose 2041 (-29) 2018-09-11 2:34 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Aoepoliciya Human Охотник 2846428 914 1 0 2025 (+33) 1990 (+35)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 0 961407 0 0 2004 (+34) 2004 (+34)
Vich Human Жрец 15851 2066067 0 0 2042 (-29) 2041 (-29)
Desertør Human Маг 1734074 141407 0 1 2055 (-12) 2038 (-29)
344783 Lose 2070 (-31) 2018-09-11 1:30 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Aoepoliciya Human Охотник 810810 914 1 0 1992 (+37) 1955 (+39)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 0 34032 0 0 1970 (+38) 1970 (+38)
Vich Human Жрец 7732 89678 0 0 2071 (-31) 2070 (-31)
Desertør Human Маг 269399 0 0 1 2067 (-31) 2067 (-31)
344726 Win 2101 (+32) 2018-09-11 15:52 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Vich Human Жрец 162551 10317470 0 0 2102 (+32) 2101 (+32)
Desertør Human Маг 15370475 231120 2 0 2098 (+32) 2098 (+32)
Albraik Night Elf Маг 11573753 0 0 1 1974 (-22) 1891 (0)
Jabulany Human Паладин 164418 15002053 0 1 2251 (-24) 2221 (-23)
344702 Win 2069 (+25) 2018-09-11 7:15 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Vich Human Жрец 141137 8930374 0 0 2070 (+25) 2069 (+25)
Desertør Human Маг 6274133 520150 2 0 2066 (+25) 2066 (+25)
Undead Чернокнижник 4355234 901846 0 1 1940 (-21) 1940 (-21)
6660628 4583533 3655623 0 1 2017 (-27) 2016 (-27)
338355 Win 2044 (+14) 2018-09-09 4:57 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Vich Human Жрец 144689 4591335 0 0 2045 (+14) 2044 (+14)
Desertør Human Маг 4833564 81918 2 0 2041 (+14) 2041 (+14)
3593918 5911 3446029 0 1 1784 (-12) 1579 (0)
5458104 4786179 630515 0 1 1828 (-15) 1788 (-12)
338339 Win 2030 (+16) 2018-09-09 3:33 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Vich Human Жрец 136392 3031806 1 0 2031 (+16) 2030 (+16)
Desertør Human Маг 3320518 229654 1 0 2027 (+16) 2027 (+16)
3593918 9829 2010076 0 1 1796 (-14) 1579 (0)
5458104 2780705 321108 0 1 1843 (-16) 1800 (-14)
338330 Lose 2014 (-28) 2018-09-09 1:32 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Microwavez Human Маг 671006 0 1 0 1992 (+33) 1946 (+36)
Daylightqt Human Жрец 10024 95649 0 0 2081 (+27) 2080 (+27)
Vich Human Жрец 7733 62881 0 0 2015 (-28) 2014 (-28)
Desertør Human Маг 191942 0 0 1 2011 (-28) 2011 (-27)
323418 Win 2042 (+14) 2018-09-04 2:09 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Vich Human Жрец 51177 2160974 0 0 2043 (+14) 2042 (+14)
Desertør Human Маг 1230485 94050 1 0 2039 (+14) 2038 (+14)
Xdeadlyhouse Human Разбойник 1104455 13763 0 0 1695 (-8) 576 (0)
Вивакиев Human Охотник 1443678 0 0 1 1904 (-19) 1904 (-19)
323405 Win 2028 (+16) 2018-09-04 2:42 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Vich Human Жрец 0 2680861 0 0 2029 (+16) 2028 (+16)
Desertør Human Маг 1505155 104116 2 0 2025 (+16) 2024 (+16)
Xdeadlyhouse Human Разбойник 816353 96341 0 1 1703 (-9) 576 (0)
Вивакиев Human Охотник 2225502 0 0 1 1923 (-22) 1923 (-22)
323394 Win 2012 (+18) 2018-09-04 2:58 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Vich Human Жрец 0 2934826 0 0 2013 (+18) 2012 (+18)
Desertør Human Маг 1511996 160703 2 0 2009 (+18) 2008 (+18)
Xdeadlyhouse Human Разбойник 997457 82578 0 1 1712 (-10) 576 (0)
Вивакиев Human Охотник 2179611 0 0 1 1945 (-25) 1945 (-25)