
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 32 18 / 14 56 1578
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
106033 Lose 1578 (0) 2020-03-12 1:53 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mntx Troll Друид 740051 56618 1 0 1902 (+17) 1892 (+18)
Wtbcrack Orc Разбойник 823482 0 0 0 1928 (+16) 1928 (+16)
Darks Human Монах 323065 595123 0 1 1713 (-16) 1578 (0)
Neye Human Жрец 5849 269385 0 0 1719 (-16) 1322 (0)
106011 Win 1578 (+36) 2020-03-12 12:58 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Darks Human Монах 17805197 4471598 2 0 1729 (+25) 1578 (+36)
Neye Human Жрец 158986 10361729 0 0 1735 (+25) 1322 (+87)
Chass Human Рыцарь Смерти 15239026 607932 0 1 1667 (-26) 1667 (-26)
106002 Win 1542 (+74) 2020-03-12 5:17 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Darks Human Монах 4952376 874548 1 0 1704 (+29) 1542 (+74)
Neye Human Жрец 53446 3988116 0 0 1710 (+29) 1235 (+91)
Chass Human Рыцарь Смерти 4783943 520910 0 0 1693 (-28) 1693 (-28)
106000 Win 1468 (+72) 2020-03-12 2:29 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Darks Human Монах 2016075 312765 1 0 1675 (+24) 1468 (+72)
Neye Human Жрец 23096 830392 0 0 1681 (+24) 1144 (+91)
Jadehp Human Паладин 57989 1563825 0 1 1532 (-20) 288 (0)
Guttax Human Рыцарь Смерти 1382940 8033 0 0 1635 (-27) 1635 (-27)
105997 Lose 1396 (0) 2020-03-12 2:12 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mntx Troll Друид 1079381 338959 0 0 1892 (+14) 1877 (+15)
Ébay Human Разбойник 721166 0 1 0 2008 (+9) 2008 (+9)
Darks Human Монах 466697 708560 0 1 1651 (-10) 1396 (0)
Neye Human Жрец 0 444048 0 0 1657 (-10) 1053 (0)
105990 Lose 1396 (0) 2020-03-12 2:24 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Crxsqt Human Охотник 1723259 65826 1 0 1787 (+22) 1765 (+23)
Ostos Human Разбойник 1034684 13941 0 0 1918 (+13) 1882 (+15)
Darks Human Монах 486742 1111316 0 1 1661 (-16) 1396 (0)
Neye Human Жрец 44313 1032951 0 0 1667 (-17) 1053 (0)
105983 Win 1396 (+91) 2020-03-12 2:32 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Darks Human Монах 1430674 936865 2 0 1677 (+42) 1396 (+91)
Neye Human Жрец 35022 768642 0 0 1684 (+42) 1053 (+96)
Crxsqt Human Охотник 760200 11630 0 1 1765 (-31) 1742 (-31)
Ostos Human Разбойник 968369 180118 0 1 1905 (-36) 1867 (-34)
105954 Lose 1305 (0) 2020-03-12 9:50 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Chass Human Рыцарь Смерти 10067904 339132 1 0 1685 (+28) 1684 (+28)
Darks Human Монах 9815828 2345111 0 1 1635 (-28) 1305 (0)
Neye Human Жрец 297177 6562082 0 0 1642 (-28) 957 (0)
105931 Lose 1305 (0) 2020-03-12 12:25 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mezmerisz Human Чернокнижник 23427827 1094102 1 0 1788 (+22) 1056 (+96)
Sidiux Dwarf Шаман 969675 11664397 0 0 1981 (+11) 1981 (+11)
Darks Human Монах 10910123 5911505 0 0 1663 (-14) 1305 (0)
Neye Human Жрец 113168 17447261 0 1 1670 (-15) 957 (0)
102873 Win 1305 (+87) 2020-03-10 2:54 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Darks Human Монах 1541069 964486 1 0 1677 (+27) 1305 (+87)
Oreod Night Elf Друид 10041 2089710 0 0 1587 (+34) 1593 (+34)
Мелоб Human Паладин 1825051 871002 0 0 1812 (-34) 1811 (-34)
Надяректх Dwarf Воин 1418842 66548 0 1 1438 (-17) 96 (0)