
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 3 1 / 2 33 --
Season 75 51 / 24 68 1935
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
177291 Lose 1935 (-27) 2019-12-30 5:54 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Belaux Human Охотник 5739324 0 1 0 1944 (+35) 1694 (+48)
Abieloveyou Night Elf Монах 564234 8436942 0 0 1992 (+32) 1936 (+36)
Kiazøorkt Human Паладин 130427 4943556 0 0 1969 (-28) 1935 (-27)
Heist Human Рыцарь Смерти 8311256 863593 0 1 2015 (-30) 2014 (-30)
177282 Win 1962 (+18) 2019-12-30 2:59 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kiazøorkt Human Паладин 101162 3174194 0 0 1997 (+16) 1962 (+18)
Heist Human Рыцарь Смерти 3444446 33924 2 0 2045 (+14) 2044 (+14)
Lisamonk Human Монах 1967570 1067331 0 1 1789 (-14) 1774 (-13)
Dismorales Night Elf Друид 1134786 1029852 0 1 1798 (-14) 1798 (-14)
177260 Lose 1944 (-25) 2019-12-30 5:24 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Meddler Human Жрец 351698 4112976 0 0 1960 (+34) 1824 (+43)
Roromonkey Human Монах 7066460 2509168 2 0 2087 (+25) 2076 (+26)
Kiazøorkt Human Паладин 91058 5480325 0 1 1981 (-12) 1944 (-25)
Heist Human Рыцарь Смерти 6608538 287837 0 1 2031 (-29) 2030 (-28)
115968 Lose 1969 (-19) 2019-11-22 11:40 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Zerø Human Воин 15869352 219882 0 0 2125 (+32) 2123 (+32)
Лучшаясосочк Human Монах 2351167 19468461 2 0 2125 (+32) 2070 (+35)
Nonned Human Рыцарь Смерти 18716150 1588310 0 1 2266 (-24) 2260 (-24)
Kiazøorkt Human Паладин 554379 16029796 0 1 1993 (-21) 1969 (-19)
108442 Lose 1988 (-12) 2019-11-17 20:04 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Winkks Human Воин 21303137 484994 1 1 1842 (0) 1825 (-12)
Kiazøorkt Human Паладин 2367441 20660161 0 0 2014 (0) 1988 (-12)
Blitch Human Воин 20277814 360714 1 1 1950 (0) 1926 (-12)
Хочувыжить Human Паладин 1414886 20853823 0 0 1718 (0) 1222 (-12)
108417 Win 2000 (+8) 2019-11-17 7:25 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kiazøorkt Human Паладин 452446 8213548 0 0 2014 (+7) 2000 (+8)
Blitch Human Воин 10074596 75420 1 0 1950 (+9) 1938 (+10)
Yuritarded Undead Чернокнижник 7971270 1387250 0 0 1522 (-4) 96 (0)
Xaxabot Troll Друид 576354 8473875 0 1 1707 (-11) 1643 (-8)
106915 Win 1992 (+18) 2019-11-17 6:44 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kiazøorkt Human Паладин 331569 5834649 1 0 2007 (+17) 1992 (+18)
Vadohr Human Воин 7123906 98972 0 0 1911 (+24) 1889 (+25)
Night Elf Жрец 167484 5447000 0 0 1737 (-15) 1242 (0)
Deltamagex Human Маг 5375336 655897 0 1 1892 (-25) 1898 (-26)
106906 Win 1974 (+17) 2019-11-17 3:20 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kiazøorkt Human Паладин 99286 2079399 0 0 1990 (+16) 1974 (+17)
Vadohr Human Воин 1964233 68445 2 0 1887 (+23) 1864 (+24)
Spaikerwim Human Охотник 1206725 0 0 1 1757 (-17) 1734 (-15)
Vinders Human Разбойник 1448207 200688 0 1 1791 (-19) 1790 (-19)
106903 Win 1957 (+19) 2019-11-17 2:41 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kiazøorkt Human Паладин 213603 1805979 0 0 1974 (+18) 1957 (+19)
Vadohr Human Воин 1504807 68445 2 0 1864 (+26) 1840 (+27)
Spaikerwim Human Охотник 1397245 0 0 1 1774 (-19) 1749 (-18)
Vinders Human Разбойник 784622 158878 0 1 1810 (-22) 1809 (-22)
106900 Win 1938 (+22) 2019-11-17 2:28 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kiazøorkt Human Паладин 80144 875995 0 0 1956 (+21) 1938 (+22)
Vadohr Human Воин 1055340 18666 1 0 1838 (+29) 1813 (+31)
Spaikerwim Human Охотник 781810 0 0 1 1793 (-23) 1767 (-21)
Vinders Human Разбойник 544135 133792 0 0 1832 (-26) 1831 (-25)