
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 30 17 / 13 56 --
Season 204 127 / 77 62 2131
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
195404 Win 2131 (+29) 2020-01-08 3:08 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Human Монах 662221 4538876 0 0 2025 (+37) 2006 (+38)
Suugguss Human Охотник 2670227 39066 2 0 2151 (+28) 2131 (+29)
Quinoxx Night Elf Друид 2077784 1138870 0 1 2074 (-28) 2069 (-28)
Mardoth Human Чернокнижник 2578200 842333 0 1 2148 (-12) 2118 (-29)
195375 Win 2102 (+34) 2020-01-08 8:46 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Human Монах 793066 11857701 0 0 1988 (+41) 1968 (+42)
Suugguss Human Охотник 8527138 161411 1 0 2123 (+32) 2102 (+34)
Quinoxx Night Elf Друид 5382417 5553233 0 1 2102 (-30) 2097 (-30)
Mardoth Human Чернокнижник 8092860 3307443 0 0 2160 (-32) 2147 (-31)
195364 Win 2068 (+29) 2020-01-08 3:22 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Human Монах 603952 2805401 0 0 1947 (+38) 1926 (+39)
Suugguss Human Охотник 2481175 37468 1 0 2091 (+28) 2068 (+29)
Lipracktionx Human Охотник 1663405 71913 0 1 2129 (-32) 2130 (-32)
Srakopals Human Паладин 1542000 1633411 0 0 1948 (-26) 1918 (-23)
195351 Win 2039 (+34) 2020-01-08 3:54 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Human Монах 421742 2651836 0 0 1909 (+42) 1887 (+43)
Suugguss Human Охотник 3213130 6719 1 0 2063 (+32) 2039 (+34)
Lipracktionx Human Охотник 1823835 121132 0 1 2161 (-34) 2162 (-34)
Srakopals Human Паладин 1138811 1992911 0 0 1974 (-28) 1941 (-27)
195344 Lose 2005 (-23) 2020-01-08 1:52 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lipracktionx Human Охотник 917122 19175 0 0 2195 (+14) 2196 (+14)
Srakopals Human Паладин 1261475 55663 2 0 2002 (+27) 1968 (+29)
Human Монах 0 823520 0 1 1867 (-14) 1844 (-13)
Suugguss Human Охотник 161950 0 0 1 2031 (-25) 2005 (-23)
195335 Lose 2028 (-27) 2020-01-08 2:32 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lipracktionx Human Охотник 1642756 86847 1 0 2181 (+16) 2182 (+16)
Srakopals Human Паладин 1403847 1132186 1 0 1975 (+31) 1939 (+33)
Human Монах 45538 1612357 0 1 1881 (-16) 1857 (-15)
Suugguss Human Охотник 1621957 0 0 1 2056 (-27) 2028 (-27)
195199 Lose 2055 (-28) 2020-01-08 2:44 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Bigrouge Human Разбойник 1837562 0 2 0 2049 (+24) 2049 (+24)
Demon Night Elf Друид 1420891 1211473 0 0 2052 (+24) 2052 (+24)
Human Монах 391770 1849503 0 1 1838 (-15) 1785 (-12)
Suugguss Human Охотник 1215583 0 0 1 2083 (-12) 2055 (-28)
195192 Lose 2083 (-30) 2020-01-08 2:38 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Bigrouge Human Разбойник 1231726 0 0 0 2025 (+27) 2025 (+27)
Demon Night Elf Друид 849241 880644 1 0 2028 (+27) 2028 (+27)
Human Монах 169522 1217256 0 0 1853 (-18) 1797 (-14)
Suugguss Human Охотник 1071629 0 0 1 2095 (-30) 2083 (-30)
195187 Lose 2113 (-32) 2020-01-08 3:46 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Bigrouge Human Разбойник 2322093 21265 2 0 1998 (+31) 1998 (+31)
Demon Night Elf Друид 2016301 1966563 0 0 2001 (+31) 2001 (+31)
Human Монах 432088 2852134 0 1 1871 (-21) 1811 (-17)
Suugguss Human Охотник 1995097 0 0 1 2125 (-32) 2113 (-32)
195168 Win 2145 (+19) 2020-01-08 5:56 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Human Монах 998447 4140984 1 0 1892 (+37) 1828 (+41)
Suugguss Human Охотник 3643592 87186 0 0 2157 (+18) 2145 (+19)
Bigrouge Human Разбойник 3234439 121654 0 0 1967 (-26) 1967 (-26)
Demon Night Elf Друид 2012491 3509927 0 1 1970 (-27) 1970 (-27)