
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 180 76 / 104 42 1447
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
276038 Lose 1523 (-21) 2020-07-24 2:21 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Bekanid Human Жрец 13354 1314517 0 0 1638 (+20) 1638 (+20)
Wiracocha Human Монах 732102 988138 1 0 1646 (+20) 1653 (+20)
Gladiotör Human Охотник 2004512 0 0 0 1481 (-18) 1523 (-21)
Nrg Human Паладин 569511 259674 0 1 1509 (-20) 1414 (0)
276025 Lose 1544 (-32) 2020-07-24 2:53 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
8678465 55392 3421491 0 0 1454 (+36) 1475 (+64)
8700251 2214130 0 1 0 1414 (+38) 1481 (+64)
Gladiotör Human Охотник 2439079 0 0 0 1499 (-31) 1544 (-32)
Nrg Human Паладин 1525647 1402892 0 1 1529 (-32) 1414 (-51)
276019 Win 1576 (+24) 2020-07-24 2:14 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gladiotör Human Охотник 636198 0 1 0 1530 (+28) 1576 (+24)
Nrg Human Паладин 681918 138603 1 0 1561 (+26) 1465 (+61)
Angelkillbot Human Разбойник 396952 695 0 1 1449 (-23) 192 (0)
Skilledmage Human Маг 72354 197010 0 1 1516 (-27) 1484 (-26)
267782 Win 1552 (+58) 2020-07-21 3:32 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gladiotör Human Охотник 2936028 0 1 0 1502 (+35) 1552 (+58)
Nrg Human Паладин 1092208 1054408 1 0 1511 (+34) 1342 (+80)
Kevinslayer Human Монах 1217781 1069216 0 1 1581 (-31) 1603 (-32)
Marall Troll Друид 13193 1640082 0 1 1510 (-29) 1486 (-28)
267729 Lose 1494 (-26) 2020-07-21 2:52 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kevinslayer Human Монах 1916242 1180123 1 0 1593 (+22) 1622 (+20)
Marall Troll Друид 12514 1800239 0 0 1501 (+29) 1419 (+65)
Gladiotör Human Охотник 2188918 0 0 0 1467 (-25) 1494 (-26)
Nrg Human Паладин 1011985 626841 0 1 1477 (-12) 1262 (-22)
267723 Lose 1520 (-28) 2020-07-21 2:26 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kevinslayer Human Монах 1552096 1332637 1 0 1593 (+24) 1626 (+22)
Marall Troll Друид 945 1277728 0 0 1488 (+32) 1354 (+75)
Gladiotör Human Охотник 1845246 0 0 0 1492 (-27) 1520 (-28)
Nrg Human Паладин 934512 736166 0 1 1489 (-27) 1284 (0)
267716 Win 1548 (+20) 2020-07-21 2:17 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gladiotör Human Охотник 771087 0 1 0 1519 (+22) 1548 (+20)
Nrg Human Паладин 727250 190276 1 0 1516 (+22) 1284 (+71)
Hloren Night Elf Друид 35771 62515 0 1 1427 (-23) 0 (0)
Шаодисан Human Монах 437859 291188 0 1 1354 (-18) 288 (0)
267714 Win 1528 (+30) 2020-07-21 2:03 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gladiotör Human Охотник 1178756 0 1 0 1497 (+18) 1528 (+30)
Nrg Human Паладин 452289 410208 1 0 1494 (+19) 1213 (+71)
Psfive Undead Разбойник 471082 3374 0 1 1310 (-17) 1252 (-25)
Scøter Troll Друид 308725 259252 0 1 1336 (-18) 1252 (0)
267709 Lose 1498 (-29) 2020-07-21 3:05 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kevinslayer Human Монах 1902275 131165 1 0 1536 (+27) 1575 (+24)
Marall Troll Друид 14730 1809217 0 0 1407 (+36) 1139 (+88)
Gladiotör Human Охотник 1952077 0 0 0 1479 (-29) 1498 (-29)
Nrg Human Паладин 458072 773817 0 1 1475 (-28) 1142 (0)
267706 Lose 1527 (-31) 2020-07-21 2:03 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kevinslayer Human Монах 803385 491084 1 0 1509 (+31) 1551 (+53)
Marall Troll Друид 16156 1034294 0 0 1371 (+40) 1051 (+96)
Gladiotör Human Охотник 1455367 0 0 0 1508 (-31) 1527 (-31)
Nrg Human Паладин 498201 211339 0 1 1503 (-31) 1142 (0)