
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 13 3 / 10 23 288
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
8727 Lose 288 (0) 2023-01-03 2:16 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Wtbcrack Orc Разбойник 939706 0 0 0 1544 (+25) 1553 (+24)
Дилвизит Human Монах 79743 2398655 0 0 1638 (+18) 1639 (+18)
Дуля Human Рыцарь Смерти 1662754 352403 1 0 1826 (+9) 1820 (+9)
Mikoshi Human Разбойник 840811 0 0 0 1429 (-13) 288 (0)
Zonq Human Монах 149116 1624354 0 0 1436 (-14) 1374 (-20)
Skilledpala Human Паладин 1574235 401902 0 1 1540 (-20) 768 (0)
3935 Lose 288 (0) 2022-12-18 2:52 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Sugüss Human Монах 180399 3485667 0 0 1587 (+34) 1561 (+67)
Sereni Human Жрец 2601517 742981 2 0 1688 (+27) 1612 (+32)
Adal Dwarf Шаман 2139616 544353 0 0 1470 (+41) 288 (+96)
Cripey Night Elf Друид 2873963 302953 0 1 1662 (-31) 1678 (-32)
Mikoshi Human Разбойник 1737835 0 0 1 1442 (-21) 288 (0)
Vnuchka Blood Elf Паладин 58016 3030629 0 0 1767 (-34) 1698 (-32)
3934 Win 288 (+96) 2022-12-18 1:42 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Cripey Night Elf Друид 472138 98393 0 0 1693 (+17) 1710 (+16)
Mikoshi Human Разбойник 811379 0 2 0 1463 (+33) 288 (+96)
Vnuchka Blood Elf Паладин 35256 202059 0 0 1801 (+11) 1730 (+15)
Sugüss Human Монах 31191 107937 0 0 1553 (-23) 1494 (-19)
Isaiasxdd Blood Elf Воин 410775 18198 0 1 1404 (-13) 96 (0)
Cysø Human Разбойник 8868 0 0 1 1518 (-20) 96 (0)
3932 Lose 192 (0) 2022-12-18 3:36 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Cripey Night Elf Друид 4416653 149434 0 0 1676 (+17) 1694 (+15)
Sereni Human Жрец 2620511 1035966 2 0 1661 (+17) 1580 (+23)
Vnuchka Blood Elf Паладин 164700 4054874 0 0 1790 (+11) 1715 (+14)
Sugüss Human Монах 318101 5134477 0 0 1576 (-20) 1513 (-16)
Mikoshi Human Разбойник 1817042 83898 0 1 1430 (-11) 192 (0)
Adal Dwarf Шаман 3144723 1054339 0 1 1429 (-11) 192 (0)
3882 Lose 192 (0) 2022-12-18 2:07 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Xqt Undead Чернокнижник 539659 1893 1 0 1519 (+32) 1536 (+31)
Vnuchka Blood Elf Паладин 21166 595500 0 0 1668 (+21) 864 (+96)
Растаэнх Orc Шаман 691413 68761 0 0 1672 (+21) 1592 (+27)
Mikoshi Human Разбойник 270345 0 0 0 1462 (-19) 192 (0)
Badbxtch Human Маг 459994 14070 0 1 1811 (-34) 1641 (0)
Sixonenine Night Elf Жрец 0 503102 0 0 1327 (-11) 384 (0)
3869 Lose 192 (0) 2022-12-18 1:34 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Oscar Dwarf Шаман 323753 0 1 0 1790 (+11) 1738 (+14)
Badbxtch Human Маг 327560 20965 0 0 1845 (+9) 1641 (+20)
Vnuchka Blood Elf Паладин 9745 89135 0 0 1678 (+18) 768 (+96)
Mikoshi Human Разбойник 0 0 0 0 1481 (-10) 192 (0)
Xqt Undead Чернокнижник 113848 83329 0 1 1487 (-11) 1505 (-12)
Lucicleide Human Жрец 0 7386 0 0 1527 (-13) 1527 (-13)
3862 Lose 192 (0) 2022-12-18 2:41 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Badbxtch Human Маг 2006849 110350 0 0 1836 (+10) 1621 (+22)
Xqt Undead Чернокнижник 1691375 52161 1 0 1498 (+31) 1517 (+56)
Vnuchka Blood Elf Паладин 110019 1929488 0 0 1660 (+19) 672 (+96)
Mikoshi Human Разбойник 374962 75075 0 0 1491 (-18) 192 (0)
Imnotgeared Human Паладин 1635062 286743 0 1 1476 (-17) 1416 (-24)
Lucicleide Human Жрец 0 2140884 0 0 1540 (-21) 1540 (-21)
3856 Win 192 (+96) 2022-12-18 2:01 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Cripey Night Elf Друид 802753 301240 0 0 1499 (+36) 1555 (+61)
Оверпро Human Паладин 0 733538 0 0 1553 (+33) 1565 (+32)
Mikoshi Human Разбойник 552587 0 1 0 1509 (+36) 192 (+96)
Oscar Dwarf Шаман 784282 0 0 0 1760 (-36) 1701 (-34)
Lightpover Human Разбойник 396973 0 0 1 1403 (-22) 576 (0)
Муля Human Жрец 7662 494166 0 0 1534 (-29) 864 (0)
3855 Lose 96 (0) 2022-12-18 3:28 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Imnotgeared Human Паладин 4639156 244432 1 0 1509 (+36) 1464 (+73)
Lucicleide Human Жрец 54029 4307990 0 0 1604 (+30) 1604 (+30)
Растаэнх Orc Шаман 3608087 904192 2 0 1630 (+28) 1538 (+34)
Holyavenger Human Паладин 3854651 1810377 0 1 1702 (-32) 1660 (-31)
Mikoshi Human Разбойник 1584974 218136 0 1 1473 (-23) 96 (0)
Муля Human Жрец 24952 3791745 0 1 1563 (-28) 864 (0)
3852 Lose 96 (0) 2022-12-18 3:26 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Holyavenger Human Паладин 2214424 1093877 1 0 1734 (+16) 1691 (+18)
Oscar Dwarf Шаман 4020296 507614 0 0 1796 (+12) 1735 (+16)
Lucicleide Human Жрец 251379 2801974 0 0 1574 (+27) 1574 (+27)
Mikoshi Human Разбойник 1957716 30030 0 1 1496 (-15) 96 (0)
Imnotgeared Human Паладин 2459405 1822108 0 0 1473 (-14) 1391 (-19)
Муля Human Жрец 4986 3162453 0 0 1591 (-22) 864 (0)