
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 1 0 / 1 0 --
Season 98 59 / 39 60 1905
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
240361 Lose 1905 (-24) 2019-05-25 2:05 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Dark Night Elf Жрец 101141 1158377 0 0 2006 (+20) 1982 (+22)
Nfxxfnxx Orc Охотник 1790875 0 1 0 1967 (+23) 1949 (+24)
Случайныйбах Human Охотник 985477 49041 0 0 1806 (-17) 1805 (-17)
Eltruco Human Паладин 800802 911478 0 1 1918 (-12) 1905 (-24)
235630 Lose 1929 (-24) 2019-05-23 2:30 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Arth Undead Чернокнижник 1397965 475277 1 0 1988 (+24) 1824 (+36)
Pnm Night Elf Друид 1122863 532553 0 0 2035 (+21) 2027 (+21)
Eltruco Human Паладин 363829 1061259 0 1 1930 (-24) 1929 (-24)
Skogsmus Dwarf Шаман 533085 461488 0 0 1851 (-19) 1811 (-16)
235609 Win 1953 (+37) 2019-05-23 3:49 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Eltruco Human Паладин 1558219 1770004 1 0 1954 (+36) 1953 (+37)
Skogsmus Dwarf Шаман 2528776 830882 1 0 1870 (+41) 1827 (+44)
Nardera Human Охотник 1313437 96866 0 1 2020 (-32) 2020 (-32)
Eimaqt Human Паладин 1664971 2088853 0 1 2020 (-32) 2020 (-32)
233232 Win 1916 (+7) 2019-05-23 5:10 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Eltruco Human Паладин 3466781 2729158 2 0 1918 (+7) 1916 (+7)
Gijex Human Охотник 3652822 165780 0 0 1913 (+7) 1908 (+7)
Drocrazy Night Elf Друид 0 4028102 0 1 1479 (-5) 1425 (-4)
Naskopaladin Human Паладин 2998549 1812661 0 1 1535 (-7) 1546 (-7)
233229 Win 1909 (+36) 2019-05-23 2:52 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Eltruco Human Паладин 2131393 823900 0 0 1911 (+36) 1909 (+36)
Gijex Human Охотник 1442906 51124 1 0 1906 (+36) 1901 (+36)
Sczo Human Монах 733285 679180 0 1 2052 (-12) 2029 (-32)
Trinøva Night Elf Друид 250174 2009864 0 0 1905 (-28) 1846 (-27)
233222 Lose 1873 (-21) 2019-05-23 3:57 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Sczo Human Монах 1827031 666884 1 0 2064 (+17) 2061 (+18)
Trinøva Night Elf Друид 209559 4285925 0 0 1933 (+27) 1873 (+31)
Eltruco Human Паладин 2429848 1182629 0 1 1875 (-21) 1873 (-21)
Gijex Human Охотник 2557788 85433 0 0 1870 (-21) 1865 (-20)
233214 Lose 1894 (-12) 2019-05-23 2:51 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Tenatharu Troll Друид 1265413 943815 1 0 2136 (+14) 2113 (+15)
Serenitymend Human Жрец 177963 1425772 0 0 2173 (+12) 2149 (+13)
Eltruco Human Паладин 2139796 616458 0 0 1896 (-12) 1894 (-12)
Gijex Human Охотник 340283 12781 0 1 1891 (-12) 1885 (-12)
233208 Lose 1906 (-13) 2019-05-23 3:05 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Tenatharu Troll Друид 1812210 1176127 0 0 2122 (+15) 2098 (+17)
Serenitymend Human Жрец 250413 1379519 1 0 2161 (+13) 2136 (+15)
Eltruco Human Паладин 1352253 1455267 0 1 1908 (-13) 1906 (-13)
Gijex Human Охотник 1171029 5094 0 0 1903 (-13) 1897 (-13)
233204 Win 1919 (+20) 2019-05-23 1:55 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Eltruco Human Паладин 847778 585332 0 0 1921 (+20) 1919 (+20)
Gijex Human Охотник 1094306 12865 1 0 1916 (+21) 1910 (+21)
Wrathstars Night Elf Друид 647014 755177 0 0 1951 (-29) 1923 (-28)
Sneezyqt Human Монах 81985 199579 0 1 1599 (-10) 1231 (0)
233200 Win 1899 (+12) 2019-05-23 2:19 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Eltruco Human Паладин 1427006 713384 0 0 1901 (+12) 1899 (+12)
Gijex Human Охотник 1588251 28638 2 0 1895 (+12) 1889 (+13)
2137959 796591 156315 0 1 1621 (-11) 1056 (0)
Anqo Human Монах 27687 1752642 0 1 1629 (-11) 1056 (0)