
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 7 2 / 5 28 --
Season 23 12 / 11 52 1146
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
56561 Lose 1146 (0) 2019-06-18 3:00 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Redemx Human Жрец 6759 2194190 0 0 1605 (+25) 672 (+96)
Snakeblitzen Human Маг 1977782 322347 1 0 1660 (+22) 1642 (+23)
Scatyoloqt Human Охотник 1469539 0 0 0 1524 (-22) 1146 (0)
Fullhojboys Human Паладин 1342283 942054 0 1 1542 (-12) 1141 (-4)
56552 Lose 1146 (0) 2019-06-18 2:49 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Vorracka Human Воин 1542102 64050 1 0 1529 (+33) 192 (+96)
Yakshalolz Human Монах 362363 2055051 0 0 1659 (+24) 1636 (+25)
Scatyoloqt Human Охотник 1288837 57836 0 0 1546 (-27) 1146 (0)
Fullhojboys Human Паладин 1051831 812398 0 1 1554 (-27) 1145 (0)
56546 Lose 1146 (0) 2019-06-18 2:18 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Despair Human Паладин 0 1114893 0 0 1598 (+29) 288 (+96)
Feelsblckman Human Маг 1196210 76436 1 0 1993 (+7) 1816 (+14)
Scatyoloqt Human Охотник 760244 0 0 1 1573 (-14) 1146 (0)
Fullhojboys Human Паладин 667357 292465 0 0 1581 (-15) 1145 (0)
56542 Win 1146 (+90) 2019-06-18 1:39 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Scatyoloqt Human Охотник 523432 0 1 0 1587 (+29) 1146 (+90)
Fullhojboys Human Паладин 276551 97856 0 0 1596 (+28) 1145 (+90)
Icl Orc Разбойник 74682 0 0 0 1560 (-27) 1445 (0)
Farnus Human Охотник 252493 43381 0 1 1545 (-27) 1529 (-26)
56538 Lose 1056 (0) 2019-06-18 2:16 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Despair Human Паладин 0 960557 0 0 1531 (+33) 96 (+96)
Feelsblckman Human Маг 1271818 117385 1 0 1976 (+7) 1781 (+16)
Scatyoloqt Human Охотник 873353 0 0 1 1558 (-16) 1056 (0)
Fullhojboys Human Паладин 438588 339173 0 0 1568 (-17) 1055 (0)
56533 Win 1056 (+96) 2019-06-18 1:55 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Scatyoloqt Human Охотник 924594 0 1 0 1574 (+13) 1056 (+96)
Fullhojboys Human Паладин 659452 550059 1 0 1585 (+13) 1055 (+96)
Feralpirate Troll Друид 477333 157814 0 1 1428 (-18) 0 (0)
Wqwer Undead Рыцарь Смерти 326303 316479 0 1 1211 (-7) 1218 (-8)
56528 Lose 960 (0) 2019-06-18 3:22 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Redemx Human Жрец 7885 2439343 0 0 1615 (+28) 576 (+96)
Snakeblitzen Human Маг 2133229 254099 1 0 1680 (+23) 1659 (+24)
Scatyoloqt Human Охотник 2033210 0 0 0 1561 (-24) 960 (0)
Fullhojboys Human Паладин 989247 1313055 0 1 1572 (-25) 959 (0)
47959 Win 960 (+96) 2019-06-15 2:03 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Scatyoloqt Human Охотник 955750 0 2 0 1585 (+16) 960 (+96)
Fullhojboys Human Паладин 579273 437709 0 0 1597 (+15) 959 (+96)
3583484 291827 1999 0 1 1452 (-19) 576 (0)
8438122 385457 337406 0 1 1302 (-11) 1193 (0)
47952 Lose 864 (0) 2019-06-15 1:28 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trapbotxo Human Охотник 390793 0 1 0 1601 (+29) 1374 (+79)
Sernigly Orc Разбойник 181085 0 0 0 1600 (+29) 1147 (+91)
Scatyoloqt Human Охотник 124356 0 0 0 1569 (-27) 864 (0)
Fullhojboys Human Паладин 20381 0 0 1 1582 (-12) 863 (-1)
47944 Lose 864 (0) 2019-06-15 1:35 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Thuntgodlx Human Охотник 624740 0 1 0 2101 (+4) 2092 (+5)
Beanslayerq Human Паладин 629687 769210 1 0 2124 (+4) 2093 (+5)
Scatyoloqt Human Охотник 496435 0 0 1 1596 (-3) 864 (0)
Fullhojboys Human Паладин 481887 145100 0 1 1594 (-3) 864 (0)