
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 5 5 / 0 100 --
Season 60 52 / 8 86 2007
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
159537 Win 2007 (+12) 2020-04-04 12:35 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Autotrapmvp Human Охотник 14269397 421906 2 0 2051 (+10) 2007 (+12)
Username Night Elf Монах 1101254 6707449 0 0 1953 (+15) 1773 (+27)
Lazerchiqen Night Elf Друид 17035 13753671 0 1 1732 (-11) 1708 (-10)
Rngmonsterxx Human Маг 8874160 442966 0 1 1733 (-12) 1692 (-10)
159521 Win 1995 (+13) 2020-04-04 7:53 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Autotrapmvp Human Охотник 7752558 298415 2 0 2041 (+11) 1995 (+13)
Username Night Elf Монах 819782 3995597 0 0 1938 (+17) 1746 (+30)
Lazerchiqen Night Elf Друид 222007 7119266 0 1 1743 (-13) 1718 (-11)
Rngmonsterxx Human Маг 5245592 310555 0 1 1745 (-12) 1702 (-11)
159513 Win 1982 (+13) 2020-04-04 1:59 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Autotrapmvp Human Охотник 1569086 47187 2 0 2030 (+10) 1982 (+13)
Username Night Elf Монах 298881 2276201 0 0 1921 (+16) 1716 (+30)
Кротнекрот Human Рыцарь Смерти 1066544 325158 0 1 1707 (-12) 1623 (-8)
Brattyqueenx Human Паладин 1397500 464894 0 1 1724 (-12) 1709 (-12)
159507 Win 1969 (+10) 2020-04-04 3:06 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Autotrapmvp Human Охотник 3162625 125337 0 0 2020 (+8) 1969 (+10)
Username Night Elf Монах 271877 1937303 1 0 1905 (+13) 1686 (+28)
352308 2488860 572732 0 1 1672 (-10) 1672 (-10)
Leeberty Human Жрец 26744 1974734 0 0 1629 (-9) 1629 (-9)
159486 Win 1959 (+38) 2020-04-04 8:26 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Autotrapmvp Human Охотник 7288185 399695 2 0 2012 (+35) 1959 (+38)
Username Night Elf Монах 743786 9711859 0 0 1892 (+42) 1658 (+50)
Animalctrl Human Маг 5041632 1239795 0 1 2137 (-34) 2112 (-34)
Tipikaznik Night Elf Друид 6361679 5251150 0 1 1980 (-30) 1935 (-28)
147280 Win 1921 (+3) 2020-03-31 1:56 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Autotrapmvp Human Охотник 1217827 0 2 0 1977 (+2) 1921 (+3)
Ãßõõã Human Жрец 206423 62682 0 0 1841 (+4) 1841 (+4)
Dockar Blood Elf Чернокнижник 92037 2274 0 1 1238 (-1) 0 (0)
Ligthblack Blood Elf Паладин 4166 332788 0 1 1355 (-3) 0 (0)
93614 Win 1918 (+3) 2020-03-05 3:11 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Autotrapmvp Human Охотник 3440672 18226 2 0 1975 (+3) 1918 (+3)
Switchmaybe Human Паладин 250559 1840481 0 0 1997 (+2) 1980 (+3)
Xkz Orc Охотник 1782525 45135 0 1 1307 (-1) 1365 (-2)
Acercatewe Undead Монах 55713 1987257 0 1 1372 (-2) 1414 (-2)
93595 Lose 1883 (-32) 2020-03-05 15:41 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Furyan Dwarf Шаман 20272509 4648441 1 0 1805 (+32) 1792 (+33)
Galaxy Human Жрец 344339 14744189 1 0 1752 (+36) 1742 (+37)
Autotrapmvp Human Охотник 20659849 549128 0 1 1960 (-12) 1883 (-32)
Greystock Human Паладин 277733 16290798 0 1 1691 (-25) 1658 (-22)
93594 Lose 1915 (-34) 2020-03-05 9:10 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Furyan Dwarf Шаман 15032199 2470763 2 0 1773 (+36) 1759 (+37)
Galaxy Human Жрец 803859 9399639 0 0 1716 (+40) 1705 (+40)
Autotrapmvp Human Охотник 12292207 326831 0 1 1972 (-12) 1915 (-34)
Greystock Human Паладин 395885 12671581 0 1 1716 (-28) 1680 (-27)
93592 Win 1949 (+14) 2020-03-05 4:36 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Autotrapmvp Human Охотник 4980402 50604 1 0 1984 (+12) 1949 (+14)
Greystock Human Паладин 114270 4530944 0 0 1744 (+28) 1707 (+31)
Furyan Dwarf Шаман 5013919 1217054 0 1 1737 (-21) 1722 (-20)
Galaxy Human Жрец 52501 3066479 0 0 1676 (-16) 1665 (-16)