
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 5 5 / 0 100 --
Season 60 52 / 8 86 2007
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
93591 Win 1935 (+16) 2020-03-05 7:59 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Autotrapmvp Human Охотник 10123437 283053 1 0 1972 (+14) 1935 (+16)
Greystock Human Паладин 285409 7405205 0 0 1716 (+32) 1676 (+35)
Furyan Dwarf Шаман 8970637 1718191 0 1 1758 (-24) 1742 (-23)
Galaxy Human Жрец 72006 7495739 0 0 1692 (-19) 1681 (-18)
93589 Win 1919 (+20) 2020-03-05 3:05 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Autotrapmvp Human Охотник 3028317 94784 1 0 1958 (+17) 1919 (+20)
Greystock Human Паладин 17382 2253486 0 0 1684 (+37) 1641 (+39)
Galaxy Human Жрец 2838 1860022 0 0 1711 (-22) 1699 (-22)
Exodriel Human Маг 2456513 414212 0 1 1816 (-28) 1791 (-27)
93587 Win 1899 (+27) 2020-03-05 8:19 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Autotrapmvp Human Охотник 9596593 383121 1 0 1941 (+24) 1899 (+27)
Greystock Human Паладин 110126 7752296 0 0 1647 (+44) 1602 (+45)
Bestrape Human Жрец 261982 7864237 0 0 1839 (-30) 1768 (-28)
Exodriel Human Маг 9209560 526595 0 1 1844 (-30) 1818 (-29)
87075 Lose 1872 (-24) 2020-03-01 3:02 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Popoox Night Elf Друид 21408 2268449 0 0 1986 (+28) 1965 (+30)
Brumxoxo Human Охотник 1894215 0 1 0 1934 (+32) 1900 (+34)
Autotrapmvp Human Охотник 1867489 140967 0 0 1917 (-27) 1872 (-24)
Ébay Human Разбойник 971608 152119 0 1 1960 (-28) 1960 (-28)
87073 Win 1896 (+4) 2020-03-01 1:51 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Autotrapmvp Human Охотник 560079 31260 1 0 1944 (+4) 1896 (+4)
Ébay Human Разбойник 1033014 0 1 0 1988 (+3) 1988 (+3)
Saphyer Human Маг 182686 62897 0 1 1534 (-5) 1181 (0)
Guttax Human Рыцарь Смерти 181190 324425 0 1 1230 (-12) 938 (0)
87072 Win 1892 (+34) 2020-03-01 3:12 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Autotrapmvp Human Охотник 1950837 78348 1 0 1940 (+31) 1892 (+34)
Ébay Human Разбойник 1361061 55316 0 0 1985 (+27) 1985 (+27)
Popoox Night Elf Друид 56627 2151097 0 0 1958 (-28) 1935 (-27)
Brumxoxo Human Охотник 937038 0 0 1 1902 (-26) 1866 (-24)
75330 Win 1858 (+24) 2020-02-23 4:13 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Autotrapmvp Human Охотник 5591867 236203 1 0 1909 (+21) 1858 (+24)
Ãßõõã Human Жрец 41159 4484115 0 0 1859 (+24) 1856 (+25)
Antilife Human Рыцарь Смерти 4836394 412008 0 1 1905 (-29) 1824 (-26)
Ørbs Human Монах 410053 4488003 0 0 1632 (-13) 384 (0)
40840 Win 1834 (+6) 2020-02-01 2:26 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Autotrapmvp Human Охотник 1940340 36562 2 0 1888 (+5) 1834 (+6)
Sanceey Human Паладин 48064 1003460 0 0 1908 (+4) 1903 (+5)
Monkeed Human Паладин 922243 371872 0 1 1502 (-6) 96 (0)
Violax Human Монах 387122 462345 0 1 1301 (-2) 576 (0)
40828 Win 1828 (+12) 2020-02-01 11:58 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Autotrapmvp Human Охотник 12303713 488672 2 0 1883 (+10) 1828 (+12)
Sanceey Human Паладин 170622 13841867 0 0 1904 (+9) 1898 (+9)
Darslan Human Воин 15838409 1015127 0 1 1621 (-12) 959 (0)
Djdotholy Night Elf Жрец 81316 10066662 0 1 1481 (-6) 0 (0)
40825 Win 1816 (+13) 2020-02-01 8:52 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Autotrapmvp Human Охотник 9377405 205346 2 0 1873 (+10) 1816 (+13)
Sanceey Human Паладин 133918 8069750 0 0 1895 (+9) 1889 (+10)
Darslan Human Воин 9004412 582583 0 1 1633 (-12) 959 (0)
Djdotholy Night Elf Жрец 51286 7563482 0 1 1487 (-6) 0 (0)