
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 18 7 / 11 38 --
Season 133 70 / 63 52 1770
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
346161 Lose 1770 (-22) 2020-08-27 2:05 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Rinox Dwarf Шаман 1689169 0 1 0 1714 (+37) 1703 (+38)
Smooth Night Elf Друид 23093 1202757 0 0 2050 (+14) 2039 (+14)
Almondlove Human Жрец 9644 878256 0 0 1785 (-23) 1785 (-23)
Habanero Human Маг 1264544 111742 0 1 1817 (-12) 1770 (-22)
346142 Lose 1792 (-30) 2020-08-27 8:50 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Zinuh Human Рыцарь Смерти 13489702 2058470 1 0 1844 (+30) 1242 (+94)
Bøøwingz Human Паладин 111988 7861669 0 0 1653 (+42) 1500 (+87)
Almondlove Human Жрец 269608 12598803 0 1 1808 (-30) 1808 (-30)
Habanero Human Маг 9407439 591279 0 0 1829 (-31) 1792 (-30)
346122 Win 1822 (+22) 2020-08-27 9:27 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Almondlove Human Жрец 331678 12390061 0 0 1838 (+21) 1838 (+21)
Habanero Human Маг 10652949 480653 2 0 1860 (+20) 1822 (+22)
Zinuh Human Рыцарь Смерти 13365598 1860681 0 1 1814 (-12) 1148 (-2)
Bøøwingz Human Паладин 172021 8657453 0 1 1611 (-14) 1413 (0)
346100 Lose 1800 (-31) 2020-08-27 12:20 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Zinuh Human Рыцарь Смерти 18407742 2302199 2 0 1826 (+32) 1150 (+95)
Bøøwingz Human Паладин 186525 11859208 0 0 1625 (+44) 1413 (+91)
Almondlove Human Жрец 411639 16185939 0 1 1817 (-31) 1817 (-31)
Habanero Human Маг 12425832 616150 0 1 1840 (-32) 1800 (-31)
346080 Lose 1831 (-30) 2020-08-27 10:20 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Ctrlb Human Паладин 77040 10377393 0 0 1791 (+36) 1244 (+94)
Ктосказалмяу Human Воин 13796001 140305 2 0 1799 (+35) 1056 (+96)
Almondlove Human Жрец 351740 11230529 0 1 1848 (-30) 1848 (-30)
Habanero Human Маг 9180197 1172666 0 1 1872 (-12) 1831 (-30)
346075 Win 1861 (+18) 2020-08-27 3:11 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Almondlove Human Жрец 36727 3437778 0 0 1878 (+17) 1878 (+17)
Habanero Human Маг 2737295 244690 2 0 1884 (+16) 1861 (+18)
Zinuh Human Рыцарь Смерти 3618939 451650 0 1 1794 (-12) 1055 (-1)
Bøøwingz Human Паладин 51953 1139180 0 1 1581 (-10) 1322 (0)
346062 Lose 1843 (-21) 2020-08-27 3:49 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Holyxx Human Жрец 145250 1533833 1 0 1931 (+26) 1923 (+27)
Katenysh Night Elf Друид 3958720 1330888 1 0 2001 (+21) 1997 (+22)
Almondlove Human Жрец 23718 2462192 0 1 1861 (-22) 1861 (-22)
Habanero Human Маг 2713925 342706 0 1 1868 (-23) 1843 (-21)
342006 Lose 1864 (-11) 2020-08-25 16:16 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Popoox Night Elf Друид 1294404 16110919 0 0 2320 (+5) 2294 (+5)
Aspengød Troll Чернокнижник 20060530 3726467 2 0 1985 (+23) 1971 (+24)
Habanero Human Маг 13765672 1084493 0 1 1891 (-12) 1864 (-11)
Laurah Night Elf Жрец 316256 17307900 0 1 1890 (-12) 1824 (-9)
341998 Lose 1875 (-38) 2020-08-25 2:06 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Loredyx Human Охотник 634672 0 1 0 1553 (+49) 1583 (+48)
Junee Human Паладин 1021536 406489 1 0 1579 (+49) 1593 (+48)
Habanero Human Маг 668249 216970 0 1 1903 (-39) 1875 (-38)
Laurah Night Elf Жрец 6285 145494 0 1 1902 (-39) 1833 (-37)
341994 Win 1913 (+13) 2020-08-25 3:16 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Habanero Human Маг 2383041 192996 2 0 1942 (+11) 1913 (+13)
Laurah Night Elf Жрец 409318 2772347 0 0 1941 (+12) 1870 (+15)
Davox Orc Рыцарь Смерти 2719595 649877 0 1 1653 (-10) 864 (0)
Livafiris Tauren Друид 23883 1188239 0 1 1655 (-11) 768 (0)