
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 7 6 / 1 85 576
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
7944 Lose 576 (0) 2022-12-31 4:16 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Human Паладин 2248539 3332406 1 0 1508 (+37) 1467 (+74)
Cipsv Human Охотник 2182831 848946 0 0 1508 (+37) 1467 (+74)
Cripey Night Elf Друид 3477443 783303 0 1 1559 (-30) 1143 (0)
Reyna Human Паладин 119729 2665872 0 0 1621 (-32) 576 (0)
7942 Win 576 (+96) 2022-12-31 4:19 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Cripey Night Elf Друид 4413834 1549731 1 0 1589 (+22) 1143 (+87)
Reyna Human Паладин 140482 2741651 0 0 1653 (+18) 576 (+96)
Human Паладин 1815601 3345986 0 1 1471 (-19) 1393 (-27)
Cipsv Human Охотник 2756249 1090114 0 0 1471 (-19) 1393 (-27)
7939 Win 480 (+96) 2022-12-31 2:56 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Cripey Night Elf Друид 2185538 660865 1 0 1567 (+26) 1056 (+96)
Reyna Human Паладин 208311 1564566 0 0 1635 (+21) 480 (+96)
Human Паладин 979039 1459345 0 1 1490 (-22) 1420 (-33)
Cipsv Human Охотник 1182018 628341 0 0 1490 (-22) 1420 (-33)
7936 Win 384 (+96) 2022-12-31 10:42 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Cripey Night Elf Друид 9548085 3668492 1 0 1541 (+27) 960 (+96)
Reyna Human Паладин 141135 10694412 0 0 1614 (+22) 384 (+96)
Human Паладин 5774738 8484996 0 1 1486 (-23) 1397 (0)
Cipsv Human Охотник 9155118 1805527 0 0 1486 (-23) 1397 (0)
7934 Win 288 (+96) 2022-12-31 13:12 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Cripey Night Elf Друид 14965944 4801920 1 0 1514 (+31) 864 (+96)
Reyna Human Паладин 396177 10859026 0 0 1592 (+25) 288 (+96)
Human Паладин 6314961 12240813 0 1 1509 (-27) 1397 (0)
Cipsv Human Охотник 10037533 3767064 0 0 1509 (-27) 1397 (0)
7933 Win 192 (+96) 2022-12-31 4:17 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Cripey Night Elf Друид 3829872 1543716 1 0 1483 (+35) 768 (+96)
Reyna Human Паладин 121397 2825407 0 0 1567 (+29) 192 (+96)
Human Паладин 1792320 3289740 0 1 1536 (-29) 1397 (0)
Cipsv Human Охотник 2736181 786425 0 0 1536 (-29) 1397 (0)
7931 Win 96 (+96) 2022-12-31 16:19 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Cripey Night Elf Друид 27610113 4005462 2 0 1448 (+43) 672 (+96)
Reyna Human Паладин 93789 12927207 0 0 1538 (+38) 96 (+96)
Jealøusy Human Жрец 15883655 3030584 0 1 1547 (-30) 384 (0)