
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 4 2 / 2 50 --
Season 195 138 / 57 70 1947
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
27152 Win 1947 (0) 2022-08-09 1:32 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lilyon Human Паладин 0 0 0 0 1947 (0) 1947 (0)
Nolimit Human Охотник 0 0 0 0 2110 (0) 2110 (0)
Felsnow Night Elf Друид 0 0 0 0 1491 (-3) 192 (0)
Igankufool Orc Разбойник 0 0 0 0 1503 (-3) 192 (0)
27147 Lose 1980 (-35) 2022-08-09 5:24 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Кормлюпопуга Night Elf Монах 187691 5830842 1 0 1793 (+47) 1152 (+96)
Mcdigguh Human Рыцарь Смерти 6143934 1208063 1 0 1770 (+48) 1770 (+48)
Lilyon Human Паладин 211940 4596566 0 1 1980 (-35) 1980 (-35)
Nolimit Human Охотник 6467724 1408399 0 1 2147 (-39) 2147 (-39)
27144 Win 2015 (+2) 2022-08-09 3:53 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lilyon Human Паладин 272709 2128003 0 0 2015 (+2) 2015 (+2)
Nolimit Human Охотник 2796523 793005 2 0 2186 (+1) 2186 (+1)
Human Монах 1569902 943925 0 1 1326 (-1) 96 (0)
Bollkalle Human Монах 677622 1083792 0 1 1326 (-1) 192 (0)
27143 Win 2013 (+2) 2022-08-09 1:49 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lilyon Human Паладин 142662 986635 0 0 2013 (+2) 2013 (+2)
Nolimit Human Охотник 1461769 470730 2 0 2185 (+1) 2185 (+1)
Human Монах 336975 227563 0 1 1327 (-1) 96 (0)
Bollkalle Human Монах 705742 304485 0 1 1327 (-1) 192 (0)
26859 Lose 2011 (-39) 2022-08-08 1:39 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shred Night Elf Друид 561338 163552 0 0 1616 (+50) 576 (+96)
Imissherbruh Human Жрец 50532 61732 1 0 1698 (+48) 1650 (+49)
Lilyon Human Паладин 225284 22358 0 1 2011 (-39) 2011 (-39)
26445 Win 2050 (+4) 2022-08-07 3:13 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lilyon Human Паладин 118870 2946317 1 0 2050 (+4) 2050 (+4)
Nolimit Human Охотник 3074851 955519 0 0 2151 (+3) 2151 (+3)
Ertus Night Elf Друид 1436787 1244849 0 0 1580 (-3) 1147 (0)
Recktbull Human Паладин 2009933 979711 0 1 1474 (-2) 1483 (-4)
26443 Win 2046 (+5) 2022-08-07 2:12 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lilyon Human Паладин 22823 1925821 0 0 2046 (+5) 2046 (+5)
Nolimit Human Охотник 1027992 296542 1 0 2148 (+3) 2148 (+3)
Lavalightnin Dwarf Шаман 1435552 224798 0 0 1642 (-4) 1147 (0)
26440 Win 2041 (+4) 2022-08-07 2:45 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lilyon Human Паладин 77150 3212216 0 0 2041 (+4) 2041 (+4)
Nolimit Human Охотник 1932507 479284 1 0 2145 (+3) 2145 (+3)
Lavalightnin Dwarf Шаман 2347082 750770 0 0 1619 (-4) 1056 (0)
26437 Win 2037 (+4) 2022-08-07 2:05 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lilyon Human Паладин 49032 2262602 0 0 2037 (+4) 2037 (+4)
Nolimit Human Охотник 1244724 105329 1 0 2142 (+2) 2142 (+2)
Lavalightnin Dwarf Шаман 1514197 423981 0 0 1603 (-4) 960 (0)
26436 Win 2033 (+11) 2022-08-07 3:39 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lilyon Human Паладин 172988 2854663 1 0 2033 (+11) 2033 (+11)
Nolimit Human Охотник 2929479 1019085 1 0 2140 (+7) 2140 (+7)
Хардбас Human Паладин 1809592 1281716 0 1 1767 (-9) 1767 (-9)
Savastano Human Охотник 1553627 771659 0 1 1696 (-6) 1696 (-6)