
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 26 15 / 11 57 1420
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
79784 Lose 1420 (0) 2019-03-26 3:57 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Senpeisneech Human Паладин 2608030 2260251 0 0 1768 (+24) 1775 (+24)
Grokbloodaxe Human Охотник 1965681 0 1 0 1831 (+20) 1801 (+22)
Madbanex Human Жрец 36384 2328867 0 0 1689 (-22) 1420 (0)
79782 Lose 1420 (0) 2019-03-26 4:25 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Senpeisneech Human Паладин 3447197 2319880 0 0 1744 (+28) 1751 (+27)
Grokbloodaxe Human Охотник 3168396 5453 1 0 1811 (+23) 1779 (+25)
Madbanex Human Жрец 22110 3552174 0 0 1711 (-25) 1420 (0)
79780 Win 1420 (+88) 2019-03-26 2:27 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Madbanex Human Жрец 5947 1221868 0 0 1736 (+33) 1420 (+88)
Senpeisneech Human Паладин 1041666 916082 0 1 1716 (-28) 1724 (-29)
Grokbloodaxe Human Охотник 912143 0 0 0 1788 (-31) 1754 (-30)
79779 Lose 1332 (0) 2019-03-26 3:56 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Senpeisneech Human Паладин 2621271 2396466 0 0 1744 (+27) 1753 (+26)
Grokbloodaxe Human Охотник 1875901 5635 1 0 1819 (+22) 1784 (+24)
Madbanex Human Жрец 14452 2234598 0 0 1703 (-25) 1332 (0)
79778 Lose 1332 (0) 2019-03-26 2:28 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Senpeisneech Human Паладин 1179958 331540 1 0 1717 (+31) 1727 (+30)
Grokbloodaxe Human Охотник 818160 0 1 0 1797 (+25) 1760 (+28)
Madbanex Human Жрец 3043 619703 0 1 1728 (-27) 1332 (0)
79777 Win 1332 (+90) 2019-03-26 3:30 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Madbanex Human Жрец 4449 2115982 0 0 1755 (+30) 1332 (+90)
Senpeisneech Human Паладин 2334321 1552698 0 1 1686 (-27) 1697 (-27)
Grokbloodaxe Human Охотник 2321029 60381 0 0 1772 (-29) 1732 (-28)
69094 Lose 1242 (0) 2019-03-22 8:03 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Akuyamazx Human Жрец 1189281 6963241 0 0 1953 (+27) 1714 (+43)
Madbanex Human Жрец 60474 6305147 0 1 1725 (-10) 1242 (0)
Décéptíønx Human Монах 7327662 3559162 0 1 2070 (-29) 2063 (-29)
69086 Win 1242 (+91) 2019-03-22 2:06 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Madbanex Human Жрец 85859 861544 1 0 1735 (+26) 1242 (+91)
Décéptíønx Human Монах 1902254 636655 1 0 2099 (+6) 2092 (+7)
Redlantern Human Охотник 1412076 0 0 1 1667 (-13) 1666 (-13)
Liamm Human Паладин 56254 101421 0 1 1674 (-12) 1598 (-9)
69066 Lose 1151 (0) 2019-03-22 3:05 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Angelkillnab Orc Разбойник 1074806 96916 1 0 1983 (+25) 1977 (+26)
Chillmanx Human Маг 2315872 207441 1 0 1980 (+25) 1961 (+27)
Madbanex Human Жрец 34132 1185930 0 1 1709 (-12) 1151 (0)
Décéptíønx Human Монах 790370 1068019 0 1 2093 (-32) 2085 (-31)
69028 Lose 1151 (0) 2019-03-22 8:57 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Sacrilege Human Чернокнижник 8594204 1287119 2 0 1840 (+37) 1780 (+41)
Goofyz Night Elf Друид 5599983 5246061 0 0 1814 (+39) 1662 (+46)
Madbanex Human Жрец 92646 9479162 0 1 1721 (-23) 1151 (0)
Décéptíønx Human Монах 6528733 3382790 0 1 2125 (-37) 2116 (-37)