
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 362 208 / 154 57 2008
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
111188 Lose 2008 (-28) 2019-04-07 12:44 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Tenchlolz Human Жрец 207892 7393625 0 0 1970 (+30) 1941 (+32)
Buxunchika Night Elf Друид 15244334 4921444 2 0 2047 (+24) 2047 (+24)
Øba Human Охотник 12464668 0 0 1 2013 (-28) 2008 (-28)
Laurah Night Elf Жрец 164422 11381385 0 1 1884 (-21) 1865 (-20)
111167 Lose 2036 (-30) 2019-04-07 5:00 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Tenchlolz Human Жрец 43698 2193263 0 0 1940 (+34) 1909 (+36)
Buxunchika Night Elf Друид 6634548 2136680 2 0 2023 (+28) 2023 (+28)
Øba Human Охотник 4289049 0 0 1 2041 (-30) 2036 (-30)
Laurah Night Elf Жрец 145690 4499128 0 1 1905 (-25) 1885 (-24)
111124 Win 2066 (+12) 2019-04-07 11:23 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Øba Human Охотник 11938233 118331 1 0 2071 (+12) 2066 (+12)
Laurah Night Elf Жрец 131971 11503852 0 0 1930 (+20) 1909 (+22)
Human Рыцарь Смерти 13031837 2071382 0 1 1813 (-16) 1803 (-16)
Collgate Dwarf Паладин 42357 9437987 0 0 1767 (-14) 1757 (-13)
111105 Win 2054 (+22) 2019-04-07 4:36 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Øba Human Охотник 2057486 0 2 0 2059 (+22) 2054 (+22)
Laurah Night Elf Жрец 106314 1908343 0 0 1910 (+32) 1887 (+34)
Alex Human Паладин 1131899 797312 0 1 1861 (-21) 1767 (-15)
Extreme Human Разбойник 1068075 164827 0 1 1990 (-28) 1968 (-28)
111084 Win 2032 (+26) 2019-04-07 4:17 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Øba Human Охотник 2987231 23368 1 0 2037 (+25) 2032 (+26)
Laurah Night Elf Жрец 112140 2817768 0 0 1878 (+37) 1853 (+38)
Alex Human Паладин 1954235 1958491 0 0 1882 (-25) 1782 (0)
Extreme Human Разбойник 1424042 278820 0 1 2018 (-30) 1996 (-30)
111066 Lose 2006 (-29) 2019-04-07 3:55 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Alex Human Паладин 2628276 1327077 2 0 1907 (+33) 1782 (+41)
Extreme Human Разбойник 1872633 275334 0 0 2048 (+22) 2026 (+24)
Øba Human Охотник 1587926 0 0 1 2012 (-29) 2006 (-29)
Laurah Night Elf Жрец 105476 3030140 0 1 1841 (-20) 1815 (-19)
111058 Win 2035 (+11) 2019-04-07 1:40 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Øba Human Охотник 1108973 1074 2 0 2041 (+11) 2035 (+11)
Laurah Night Elf Жрец 225110 163848 0 0 1861 (+22) 1834 (+24)
Заргос Undead Воин 256022 29015 0 1 1789 (-18) 1786 (-18)
Тихоомирно Undead Монах 2887 125088 0 1 1691 (-12) 1236 (0)
111033 Win 2024 (+15) 2019-04-07 7:40 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Øba Human Охотник 8183372 0 2 0 2030 (+15) 2024 (+15)
Laurah Night Elf Жрец 94572 6720689 0 0 1839 (+28) 1810 (+30)
Nopermission Human Маг 8088688 572524 0 1 1719 (-15) 1331 (0)
Нимфоманка Human Жрец 83378 6428049 0 1 1870 (-25) 1782 (0)
110989 Win 2009 (+17) 2019-04-07 11:34 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Øba Human Охотник 12672413 72401 1 0 2015 (+17) 2009 (+17)
Laurah Night Elf Жрец 300590 10727932 1 0 1811 (+31) 1780 (+34)
Nopermission Human Маг 11820816 733165 0 1 1734 (-17) 1331 (0)
Нимфоманка Human Жрец 204819 10654537 0 1 1895 (-28) 1782 (0)
110321 Win 1992 (+19) 2019-04-07 3:11 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Youssipussy Night Elf Друид 603923 1877777 0 0 1757 (+35) 1328 (+92)
Øba Human Охотник 2538274 6190 2 0 1998 (+18) 1992 (+19)
Senpeisneech Human Паладин 1603226 1851344 0 1 1690 (-17) 1690 (-17)
Grokbloodaxe Human Охотник 727096 949 0 1 1940 (-30) 1922 (-30)