
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 1 1 / 0 100 --
Season 97 65 / 32 67 2025
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
346781 Win 2025 (+11) 2018-09-12 5:04 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Intimacy Human Паладин 4517842 1576815 2 0 2050 (+10) 2025 (+11)
Xerreno Night Elf Друид 82938 4727633 0 0 1468 (+46) 1509 (+80)
Evc Human Паладин 2572044 2859540 0 1 1665 (-24) 1455 (0)
Doxalol Human Охотник 3534062 0 0 1 1767 (-29) 1762 (-28)
333059 Lose 2014 (-36) 2018-09-08 1:58 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Dehartz Night Elf Друид 688002 534952 1 0 1825 (+45) 1811 (+45)
Ttekno Human Чернокнижник 657605 87228 0 0 1720 (+48) 1711 (+49)
Intimacy Human Паладин 555353 733089 0 1 2040 (-37) 2014 (-36)
333054 Win 2050 (+10) 2018-09-08 2:17 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Intimacy Human Паладин 979453 990059 0 0 2077 (+9) 2050 (+10)
Lofyy Human Охотник 1324604 0 2 0 1741 (+29) 1577 (+40)
Dehartz Night Elf Друид 490387 576315 0 1 1770 (-20) 1755 (-19)
Ttekno Human Чернокнижник 1142121 694134 0 1 1656 (-13) 1646 (-12)
333051 Win 2040 (+11) 2018-09-08 2:16 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Intimacy Human Паладин 1173321 1195659 1 0 2068 (+10) 2040 (+11)
Lofyy Human Охотник 1652770 0 1 0 1712 (+32) 1537 (+79)
Dehartz Night Elf Друид 1069474 1009441 0 1 1790 (-23) 1774 (-21)
Ttekno Human Чернокнижник 1040997 402944 0 1 1669 (-15) 1658 (-14)
333050 Win 2029 (+5) 2018-09-08 1:36 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Intimacy Human Паладин 481966 254289 0 0 2058 (+4) 2029 (+5)
Lofyy Human Охотник 858092 0 2 0 1680 (+19) 1458 (+66)
8507133 400239 0 0 1 1531 (-8) 1487 (-7)
8507190 248136 287583 0 1 1531 (-8) 1487 (-7)
333034 Lose 2024 (-28) 2018-09-08 4:46 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hydraoncoke Human Жрец 118778 1580218 0 0 2053 (+24) 2053 (+24)
Вивакиев Human Охотник 3066068 23603 2 0 1979 (+30) 1979 (+30)
Intimacy Human Паладин 367046 1981980 0 1 2054 (-29) 2024 (-28)
Sndice Human Разбойник 849783 0 0 1 1864 (-19) 1859 (-19)
333031 Lose 2052 (-30) 2018-09-08 3:34 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hydraoncoke Human Жрец 84288 1143305 1 0 2029 (+28) 2029 (+28)
Вивакиев Human Охотник 2177031 0 0 0 1949 (+34) 1949 (+34)
Intimacy Human Паладин 535201 1590331 0 1 2083 (-31) 2052 (-30)
Sndice Human Разбойник 874401 0 0 0 1883 (-23) 1878 (-23)
333025 Win 2082 (+22) 2018-09-08 5:05 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Intimacy Human Паладин 1292779 1617587 0 0 2114 (+20) 2082 (+22)
Sndice Human Разбойник 825758 140630 1 0 1906 (+35) 1901 (+35)
Hydraoncoke Human Жрец 57174 1699048 0 0 2001 (-28) 2001 (-28)
Вивакиев Human Охотник 2275631 0 0 1 1915 (-23) 1915 (-23)
333024 Win 2060 (+4) 2018-09-08 1:27 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Intimacy Human Паладин 524288 0 2 0 2094 (+4) 2060 (+4)
Sndice Human Разбойник 475933 0 0 0 1871 (+9) 1866 (+9)
8507133 130156 16066 0 1 1534 (-5) 1388 (0)
8507190 0 0 0 1 1534 (-5) 1388 (0)
324571 Lose 2056 (-32) 2018-09-05 1:58 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Невыживешь Worgen Друид 606304 303896 1 0 1873 (+39) 1871 (+39)
Saibonkk Human Паладин 1541809 797661 1 0 2005 (+30) 2004 (+30)
Amiwrong Night Elf Друид 478028 572508 0 1 1872 (-26) 1810 (-22)
Intimacy Human Паладин 700987 598128 0 1 2090 (-33) 2056 (-32)