
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 19 14 / 5 73 --
Season 84 51 / 33 60 1588
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
438962 Lose 1588 (-9) 2017-08-12 2:51 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Typhoeus Human Чернокнижник 2043991 640825 2 0 1773 (+13) 1677 (+14)
Sediment Human Рыцарь Смерти 440516 525729 0 1 1736 (+13) 1751 (+13)
Relentlessx Human Паладин 1269257 1034158 0 1 1790 (-12) 1799 (-13)
Kimkrdashian Human Охотник 892686 46344 1 1 1696 (-12) 1588 (-9)
438935 Lose 1597 (-5) 2017-08-12 4:17 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Ulkiorra Night Elf Жрец 182208 2406400 0 0 1900 (+8) 1806 (+12)
Majinex Human Разбойник 2199516 135134 2 0 2048 (+8) 1947 (+9)
Relentlessx Human Паладин 435660 695579 0 1 1802 (-7) 1812 (-8)
Kimkrdashian Human Охотник 2196480 61940 0 1 1708 (-7) 1597 (-5)
438901 Win 1602 (+11) 2017-08-12 4:16 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Relentlessx Human Паладин 2245760 1442074 0 0 1809 (+8) 1820 (+7)
Kimkrdashian Human Охотник 4003758 22256 2 0 1715 (+8) 1602 (+11)
Ragerqt Dwarf Шаман 4729 3430143 0 1 1493 (-7) 0 (0)
Allyghostx Human Рыцарь Смерти 1946614 466262 0 1 1517 (-7) 384 (0)
420613 Lose 1591 (-8) 2017-08-08 3:21 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Spiritshaman Dwarf Шаман 2771477 1150224 2 0 1970 (+5) 1763 (+5)
Sonnyr5D54C5 Night Elf Жрец 30288 3405485 0 0 1588 (+5) 1502 (+9)
Kimkrdashian Human Охотник 2728751 61891 0 1 1707 (-12) 1591 (-8)
Shanck Human Паладин 1907822 901629 0 1 1337 (-4) 1356 (-4)
420608 Win 1599 (+14) 2017-08-08 2:25 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kimkrdashian Human Охотник 767446 15448 1 0 1719 (+16) 1599 (+14)
Shanck Human Паладин 547578 394812 0 0 1341 (+16) 1360 (+19)
2431031 395190 274063 0 0 1841 (-15) 1758 (-17)
6570169 231323 66138 0 1 1472 (-15) 1456 (-10)
420605 Win 1585 (+10) 2017-08-08 1:44 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kimkrdashian Human Охотник 659368 15547 1 0 1703 (+12) 1585 (+10)
Shanck Human Паладин 539051 37318 1 0 1325 (+12) 1341 (+15)
Mercii4EBB1C Undead Чернокнижник 184482 75279 0 1 1494 (-11) 96 (0)
Bestshamy Orc Шаман 22728 96809 0 1 1424 (-11) 96 (0)
420601 Win 1575 (+7) 2017-08-08 2:18 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kimkrdashian Human Охотник 717692 15547 0 0 1691 (+8) 1575 (+7)
Shanck Human Паладин 618412 5586 1 0 1313 (+8) 1326 (+11)
Valken Worgen Воин 198371 112532 0 1 1074 (-7) 768 (0)
Magochango Human Маг 2127 101730 0 1 1435 (-7) 96 (0)
420592 Win 1568 (+16) 2017-08-08 3:48 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kimkrdashian Human Охотник 1392124 35349 2 0 1683 (+17) 1568 (+16)
Shanck Human Паладин 147526 640672 0 1 1305 (+17) 1315 (+21)
Beafraidofmi Human Разбойник 900960 97881 1 1 1467 (-16) 1496 (-12)
56BA48 Human Охотник 677948 42492 0 1 1944 (-16) 1826 (-18)
397844 Win 1578 (+9) 2017-08-04 3:52 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kimkrdashian Human Охотник 973620 29351 1 0 1690 (+8) 1578 (+9)
Negrimbaboys Worgen Друид 2354 406894 0 0 1608 (+8) 1570 (+9)
Blakst3D19EC Troll Друид 105625 3953 0 0 1381 (-7) 192 (0)
Zankth5CFEAD Undead Разбойник 659445 314820 0 1 1420 (-7) 96 (0)
376868 Win 1569 (+12) 2017-07-31 1:48 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kimkrdashian Human Охотник 1082774 0 2 0 1682 (+11) 1569 (+12)
Crisquenm Human Паладин 39168 143787 0 0 1558 (+11) 1311 (+18)
Baka Human Охотник 428840 24370 0 1 1552 (-10) 1522 (-10)
Янесферю Human Монах 0 60272 0 1 1490 (-10) 0 (0)