
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 30 9 / 21 30 864
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
19443 Win 864 (+96) 2022-02-06 9:46 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Нуар Human Монах 1524428 11517014 0 0 1614 (+32) 1568 (+35)
Police Human Паладин 10770436 2215869 1 0 1478 (+40) 864 (+96)
Neopandemic Human Жрец 11453080 1010866 2 0 1651 (+29) 1640 (+30)
Ресторок Tauren Друид 26448 17808027 0 1 1604 (-29) 1604 (-29)
Human Паладин 4954379 989042 0 1 1500 (-25) 288 (0)
8852847 9499518 2652695 0 1 1735 (-33) 1733 (-33)
19438 Lose 768 (0) 2022-02-06 4:57 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Нуар Human Монах 509100 9997716 0 0 1582 (+29) 1533 (+32)
4603778 3478667 1607159 3 0 1589 (+28) 1056 (+96)
Neopandemic Human Жрец 4616179 992849 0 0 1622 (+26) 1610 (+27)
Police Human Паладин 5371718 499661 0 1 1438 (-19) 768 (0)
Derrew Gnome Жрец 214867 6064072 0 1 1596 (-28) 384 (0)
8371667 6577583 28059 0 1 1598 (-28) 1606 (-28)
19430 Lose 768 (0) 2022-02-06 7:20 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Neopandemic Human Жрец 6609189 1800160 0 0 1596 (+28) 1583 (+29)
8371667 12578855 179964 2 0 1626 (+26) 1634 (+25)
8434130 172117 7503881 0 0 1536 (+33) 672 (+96)
Танцорх Dwarf Чернокнижник 3816823 2578986 0 1 1575 (-28) 1523 (-26)
Police Human Паладин 5591797 1592261 0 0 1457 (-21) 768 (0)
8379314 93925 13985302 0 1 1621 (-29) 1582 (-28)
19376 Lose 768 (0) 2022-02-06 2:39 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Remind Human Маг 2907980 0 2 0 1668 (+13) 1669 (+13)
8434130 0 1750689 0 0 1568 (+18) 480 (+96)
8852847 2036255 849410 0 0 1666 (+13) 1662 (+13)
Нуар Human Монах 99309 3143673 0 0 1552 (-23) 1318 (0)
Police Human Паладин 1610427 388778 0 1 1478 (-18) 768 (0)
Lanco Human Разбойник 861901 199682 0 1 1162 (-4) 0 (0)
19369 Win 768 (+96) 2022-02-06 2:49 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Remind Human Маг 2567999 90079 1 0 1655 (+16) 1656 (+16)
Police Human Паладин 1954043 246635 0 0 1496 (+27) 768 (+96)
8379314 34043 2882118 0 0 1621 (+18) 1557 (+22)
돈주고샀어요 Human Маг 1970826 0 0 0 1575 (-27) 1575 (-27)
Нуар Human Монах 81269 3198127 0 0 1575 (-27) 1318 (0)
Lanco Human Разбойник 1456365 238221 0 1 1166 (-6) 0 (0)
19363 Win 672 (+96) 2022-02-06 2:08 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Remind Human Маг 1537201 173222 1 0 1639 (+19) 1640 (+19)
Police Human Паладин 1239407 0 1 0 1469 (+32) 672 (+96)
8379314 130639 1757531 0 0 1603 (+22) 1535 (+50)
Gov Human Охотник 1735141 547512 0 1 1551 (-28) 1550 (-27)
Fererosz Dwarf Жрец 4711 1021510 0 0 1477 (-23) 0 (0)
8930336 259515 10005 0 1 1398 (-18) 0 (0)
19099 Lose 576 (0) 2022-02-06 2:20 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Monsterxo Human Жрец 1967622 376089 0 0 1654 (+21) 1687 (+19)
Arrayxz Human Паладин 2162208 349614 1 0 1590 (+26) 1590 (+26)
Drumandbass Dwarf Шаман 45697 2257541 0 0 1771 (+14) 1771 (+14)
Police Human Паладин 1507115 466882 0 0 1437 (-14) 576 (0)
Тиктак Human Маг 1419531 266959 0 1 1517 (-19) 864 (0)
Bellangel Night Elf Жрец 31095 2192431 0 0 1599 (-25) 1306 (0)
19085 Win 576 (+96) 2022-02-06 7:55 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Police Human Паладин 7476671 3474809 1 0 1451 (+42) 576 (+96)
Ferrarifist Human Монах 9018178 2317375 1 0 1593 (+33) 576 (+96)
Drumandbass Dwarf Шаман 419350 10866158 0 0 1709 (+25) 1709 (+25)
Arrayxz Human Паладин 8369749 2138432 0 1 1542 (-27) 1542 (-27)
8379314 195016 10731148 0 1 1581 (-28) 1485 (-24)
8728005 7701105 2320376 0 0 1735 (-33) 1734 (-33)
19082 Lose 480 (0) 2022-02-06 3:58 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Arrayxz Human Паладин 3687395 473426 2 0 1592 (+28) 1592 (+28)
8379314 103289 4543901 0 0 1635 (+24) 1509 (+63)
8728005 3978620 1448354 0 0 1756 (+16) 1755 (+16)
Police Human Паладин 3218437 1232547 0 1 1409 (-13) 480 (0)
Ferrarifist Human Монах 3314784 756082 0 1 1560 (-23) 480 (0)
Drumandbass Dwarf Шаман 271563 4655206 0 0 1667 (-28) 1667 (-28)
19079 Lose 480 (0) 2022-02-06 1:46 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Arrayxz Human Паладин 1654044 0 2 0 1564 (+23) 1564 (+23)
Ferrarifist Human Монах 361329 349327 0 0 1583 (+22) 480 (+96)
8379314 0 549396 0 0 1611 (+20) 1446 (+60)
Police Human Паладин 1000233 29020 0 1 1422 (-18) 480 (0)
Drumandbass Dwarf Шаман 0 372396 0 0 1695 (-32) 1695 (-32)
Slinghots Human Разбойник 246324 0 0 1 1271 (-10) 96 (0)