
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 315 193 / 122 61 2254
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
158584 Lose 2254 (-25) 2020-12-25 3:53 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gembri Human Паладин 2553486 1239882 1 0 2077 (+31) 2073 (+31)
Dzenkeir Human Охотник 3109724 944659 0 0 2073 (+31) 2070 (+31)
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 2229783 774981 0 1 2254 (-25) 2254 (-25)
Аутборн Human Жрец 84290 4201580 0 0 1897 (-18) 1895 (-18)
158578 Lose 2279 (-26) 2020-12-25 1:37 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gembri Human Паладин 669300 238976 1 0 2046 (+35) 2042 (+35)
Dzenkeir Human Охотник 790942 429856 0 0 2042 (+35) 2039 (+35)
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 397916 221719 0 1 2279 (-26) 2279 (-26)
Аутборн Human Жрец 0 532430 0 0 1915 (-22) 1913 (-21)
158562 Win 2305 (+3) 2020-12-25 9:16 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 6561878 2961215 1 0 2305 (+3) 2305 (+3)
Аутборн Human Жрец 206745 13377394 0 0 1937 (+17) 1934 (+17)
Athors Blood Elf Паладин 3908501 4886991 0 0 1827 (-10) 1827 (-10)
6626258 10296252 1462068 0 1 1674 (-5) 864 (0)
151425 Win 2302 (+4) 2020-12-20 1:18 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 833176 188296 1 0 2302 (+4) 2302 (+4)
Hopefully Human Паладин 642906 211451 1 0 2242 (+5) 2242 (+5)
Baxia Troll Друид 162928 45217 0 1 1806 (-4) 1658 (0)
Ballsofglass Human Чернокнижник 329412 47382 0 1 1838 (-5) 1838 (-5)
151414 Win 2298 (+7) 2020-12-20 5:12 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 4441154 1530913 1 0 2298 (+7) 2298 (+7)
Hopefully Human Паладин 3244731 1799744 0 0 2237 (+9) 2237 (+9)
Gunterfykler Undead Маг 3306527 548952 0 1 1969 (-10) 1969 (-10)
Zority Troll Друид 203098 6762222 0 0 1979 (-10) 1979 (-10)
151405 Win 2291 (+7) 2020-12-20 2:06 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 929477 177131 1 0 2291 (+7) 2291 (+7)
Hopefully Human Паладин 713902 189819 0 0 2228 (+10) 2228 (+10)
Gunterfykler Undead Маг 447371 146324 0 1 1963 (-10) 1963 (-10)
Zority Troll Друид 5675 836577 0 0 1973 (-10) 1973 (-10)
151399 Win 2284 (+2) 2020-12-20 2:06 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 1097851 98459 1 0 2284 (+2) 2284 (+2)
Hopefully Human Паладин 986687 616129 1 0 2218 (+2) 2218 (+2)
Human Воин 811152 25275 0 1 1637 (-2) 1637 (-2)
Calson Human Паладин 25266 996995 0 1 1627 (-2) 864 (0)
151388 Win 2282 (+7) 2020-12-20 2:28 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 1497689 384857 1 0 2282 (+7) 2282 (+7)
Hopefully Human Паладин 1522375 247314 1 0 2216 (+10) 2216 (+10)
Gunterfykler Undead Маг 688137 261112 0 1 1955 (-10) 1955 (-10)
Zority Troll Друид 0 1565652 0 1 1966 (-11) 1966 (-11)
151382 Win 2275 (+8) 2020-12-20 4:38 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 4055907 1477655 1 0 2275 (+8) 2275 (+8)
Hopefully Human Паладин 2121584 1011364 0 0 2206 (+14) 2206 (+14)
Gunterfykler Undead Маг 2495707 448327 0 1 1965 (-11) 1965 (-11)
Zority Troll Друид 42300 5129525 0 0 1977 (-12) 1977 (-12)
151370 Win 2267 (+9) 2020-12-20 1:26 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 523489 0 2 0 2267 (+9) 2267 (+9)
Hopefully Human Паладин 899534 0 0 0 2192 (+15) 2192 (+15)
Gunterfykler Undead Маг 0 0 0 0 1969 (0) 1969 (0)
Zority Troll Друид 0 174872 0 1 1982 (-13) 1982 (-13)