
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 3 0 / 3 0 --
Season 116 59 / 57 50 1548
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
235486 Win 1596 (+39) 2021-02-15 2:56 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 1879708 895211 1 0 1638 (+36) 1596 (+39)
Wagyu Human Паладин 526113 1663679 0 0 1950 (+15) 1950 (+15)
Feixin Human Охотник 1265053 858618 0 1 1723 (-25) 1721 (-25)
Human Паладин 1132197 999344 0 0 1701 (-23) 1701 (-23)
235477 Lose 1557 (-3) 2021-02-15 2:33 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Djmeganz Human Паладин 625943 886428 0 0 2061 (+11) 2047 (+12)
Epistaxis Human Охотник 850809 394379 1 0 2107 (+9) 2094 (+10)
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 1081864 477313 0 1 1602 (-4) 1557 (-3)
Wagyu Human Паладин 292995 582309 0 0 1935 (-18) 1935 (-18)
235469 Win 1560 (+27) 2021-02-15 2:04 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 1041173 326310 0 0 1606 (+24) 1560 (+27)
Wagyu Human Паладин 667884 774658 1 0 1953 (+6) 1953 (+6)
害羞的 Human Разбойник 471853 27519 0 0 1520 (-12) 1526 (-12)
Retribution Human Паладин 652053 1090485 0 1 1511 (-12) 1527 (-12)
232413 Lose 1533 (-29) 2021-02-13 2:16 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Olixx Human Паладин 1119329 139033 2 0 1496 (+40) 1056 (+96)
6514379 165258 234876 0 0 1555 (+36) 864 (+96)
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 331912 188300 0 1 1582 (-30) 1533 (-29)
Recklesspwnz Human Воин 267395 15674 0 1 1651 (-33) 1588 (-31)
232404 Lose 1562 (-13) 2021-02-13 2:08 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Human Паладин 763582 697279 0 0 1834 (+18) 1831 (+18)
4888052 692363 429511 1 0 1802 (+20) 1771 (+22)
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 347552 340866 0 1 1612 (-15) 1562 (-13)
Recklesspwnz Human Воин 885009 45738 0 0 1684 (-20) 1619 (-16)
232398 Lose 1575 (-30) 2021-02-13 2:46 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
6410687 1541664 664989 1 0 1540 (+40) 96 (+96)
8699368 160913 2709155 1 0 1540 (+40) 96 (+96)
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 1317318 800156 0 1 1627 (-31) 1575 (-30)
Recklesspwnz Human Воин 1869722 70533 0 1 1704 (-34) 1635 (-32)
232391 Lose 1605 (-15) 2021-02-13 2:14 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Esrafil Human Рыцарь Смерти 1538061 346094 2 0 1819 (+22) 1770 (+26)
Reparep Night Elf Друид 9669 1470131 0 0 1817 (+22) 1811 (+23)
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 1407065 453257 0 1 1658 (-18) 1605 (-15)
Recklesspwnz Human Воин 419934 137646 0 1 1738 (-24) 1667 (-19)
232383 Lose 1620 (-25) 2021-02-13 2:13 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Friend Night Elf Жрец 5405 2103544 0 0 1648 (+37) 1588 (+40)
Cmoklol Human Маг 1071297 238011 1 0 1760 (+29) 1747 (+30)
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 1244427 513960 0 1 1676 (-28) 1620 (-25)
Recklesspwnz Human Воин 1254091 0 0 0 1762 (-30) 1686 (0)
232369 Win 1645 (+28) 2021-02-13 3:33 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 2497152 1551421 2 0 1704 (+24) 1645 (+28)
Recklesspwnz Human Воин 1227295 364407 0 1 1792 (+18) 1686 (+25)
Zesus Human Маг 862977 171235 0 1 1647 (-23) 1615 (-20)
Sounday Night Elf Друид 1138147 1711431 1 1 1568 (-17) 1563 (-17)
232363 Lose 1617 (-16) 2021-02-13 1:31 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Human Паладин 475761 347926 0 0 1844 (+23) 1841 (+23)
4888052 623861 190842 1 0 1802 (+26) 1762 (+29)
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 415041 154021 0 1 1680 (-20) 1617 (-16)
Recklesspwnz Human Воин 110057 0 0 0 1774 (-27) 1661 (0)