
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 3 0 / 3 0 --
Season 116 59 / 57 50 1548
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
253999 Lose 1651 (-26) 2021-03-07 2:45 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Nuclearbomb Human Маг 2325377 352255 2 0 1730 (+30) 1150 (+94)
Thevine Night Elf Жрец 23480 2251986 0 0 1710 (+31) 1696 (+32)
Паладинтащер Human Паладин 1133633 878428 0 1 1743 (-29) 1655 (0)
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 1687118 395598 0 1 1663 (-27) 1651 (-26)
253998 Win 1677 (+31) 2021-03-07 1:32 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Паладинтащер Human Паладин 595184 0 1 0 1772 (+24) 1655 (+33)
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 878619 165942 1 0 1690 (+30) 1677 (+31)
Tînder Human Маг 358916 63434 0 1 1934 (-34) 1933 (-34)
Skilledpala Human Паладин 0 174024 0 1 1426 (-10) 1398 (-17)
253995 Win 1646 (+17) 2021-03-07 1:39 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Паладинтащер Human Паладин 1277710 80035 1 0 1748 (+11) 1622 (+19)
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 770013 270674 1 0 1660 (+16) 1646 (+17)
Yourorgasmq Human Жрец 0 302638 0 1 1457 (-13) 0 (0)
Артес Human Рыцарь Смерти 278319 546039 0 1 1457 (-13) 0 (0)
253994 Win 1629 (+19) 2021-03-07 1:40 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Паладинтащер Human Паладин 1360366 198847 2 0 1737 (+13) 1603 (+21)
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 705728 117613 0 0 1644 (+18) 1629 (+19)
Yourorgasmq Human Жрец 11215 493287 0 1 1470 (-14) 0 (0)
Артес Human Рыцарь Смерти 433711 319878 0 1 1470 (-14) 0 (0)
253991 Win 1610 (+21) 2021-03-07 1:33 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Паладинтащер Human Паладин 1106642 0 1 0 1724 (+14) 1582 (+23)
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 703660 136852 1 0 1626 (+20) 1610 (+21)
Yourorgasmq Human Жрец 0 405645 0 1 1484 (-16) 0 (0)
Артес Human Рыцарь Смерти 314109 183098 0 1 1484 (-16) 0 (0)
253990 Win 1589 (+21) 2021-03-07 1:36 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Паладинтащер Human Паладин 1119080 158893 1 0 1710 (+13) 1559 (+23)
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 549165 9694 1 0 1606 (+20) 1589 (+21)
Онимэ Human Охотник 358112 71889 0 1 1483 (-17) 0 (0)
Мении Human Монах 0 401671 0 1 1427 (-14) 1056 (0)
253988 Lose 1568 (-8) 2021-03-07 2:32 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Eslayerqq Draenei Шаман 1904640 1158478 1 0 1940 (+11) 1940 (+11)
Vicentenia Human Жрец 407411 1758779 1 0 1897 (+13) 1849 (+16)
Паладинтащер Human Паладин 1663870 854877 0 1 1697 (-14) 1536 (0)
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 1455857 321674 0 1 1586 (-9) 1568 (-8)
251030 Lose 1576 (-10) 2021-03-03 3:36 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Sønøshee Night Elf Друид 1834521 1295583 0 0 1895 (+11) 1895 (+11)
Drííp Human Маг 2233424 100680 2 0 1865 (+13) 1865 (+13)
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 1762905 943995 0 1 1595 (-11) 1576 (-10)
Totalia Human Паладин 111194 2372826 0 1 1612 (-12) 480 (0)
251025 Lose 1586 (-19) 2021-03-03 3:17 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gunterfykler Undead Маг 1223658 338205 1 0 1851 (+18) 1851 (+18)
Zority Troll Друид 1722462 1718724 1 0 1643 (+33) 1643 (+33)
Worakls Night Elf Друид 15018 1166740 0 1 1730 (-28) 1728 (-28)
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 2111289 471593 0 1 1606 (-20) 1586 (-19)
246034 Lose 1605 (-14) 2021-02-25 3:28 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Raizø Human Жрец 483506 2109418 0 0 1894 (+20) 1865 (+21)
Rickgrimesqt Human Монах 1587261 332084 1 0 1777 (+28) 1742 (+31)
Zacoxx Night Elf Разбойник 704928 252562 0 1 1840 (-28) 1840 (-28)
Fvcklmßad Human Охотник 1738093 1054215 0 0 1626 (-16) 1605 (-14)