
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 3 2 / 1 66 --
Season 3 2 / 1 66 192
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
20556 Lose 192 (0) 2018-10-12 5:42 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Reehz Human Паладин 4963776 1724077 0 0 1674 (+19) 1377 (+74)
Devastatione Human Жрец 67458 3373368 1 0 1669 (+19) 1376 (+74)
Cyso Human Паладин 4768883 1868082 0 0 1522 (-19) 192 (0)
Angeeliina Human Жрец 110344 2564176 0 1 1502 (-18) 1546 (-21)
20546 Win 192 (+96) 2018-10-12 2:42 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Cyso Human Паладин 1223390 154547 2 0 1541 (+15) 192 (+96)
Angeeliina Human Жрец 116978 735265 0 0 1520 (+17) 1567 (+14)
Blood Elf Паладин 315752 311417 0 1 1169 (-8) 1045 (0)
Robbysh Dwarf Шаман 438496 172492 0 1 1474 (-26) 0 (0)
20540 Win 96 (+96) 2018-10-12 3:03 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Cyso Human Паладин 1557351 704516 1 0 1526 (+26) 96 (+96)
Angeeliina Human Жрец 87338 1413461 1 0 1503 (+28) 1553 (+24)
Trapbotxo Human Охотник 1752612 127167 0 1 1422 (-24) 672 (0)
Poba Human Разбойник 401910 0 0 1 1485 (-27) 768 (0)