
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 31 16 / 15 51 1377
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
2643 Lose 1377 (-18) 2022-09-05 2:34 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Бодябабл Human Паладин 228819 1127816 0 0 1732 (+13) 1657 (+18)
Snipe Human Охотник 1381592 348255 1 0 1644 (+19) 864 (+96)
Mymyx Human Охотник 851335 500608 0 1 1479 (-15) 1377 (-18)
Izamu Human Монах 572017 148069 0 0 1471 (-15) 0 (0)
652 Lose 1395 (-39) 2022-08-31 1:42 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Yoshimitsu Human Рыцарь Смерти 1193003 0 1 0 1528 (+28) 96 (+96)
Maguil Human Паладин 20604 627018 0 0 1528 (+28) 96 (+96)
Mymyx Human Охотник 624224 180780 0 1 1494 (-27) 1395 (-39)
Melisara Human Паладин 0 416450 0 0 1481 (-27) 768 (0)
651 Win 1434 (+64) 2022-08-31 1:23 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mymyx Human Охотник 0 0 0 0 1521 (+28) 1434 (+64)
Melisara Human Паладин 0 0 0 0 1508 (+29) 768 (+96)
Infernopqr Draenei Шаман 0 0 0 0 1473 (-27) 0 (0)
Кончай Human Паладин 0 0 0 0 1473 (0) 0 (0)
379 Lose 1370 (0) 2022-08-30 2:41 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Yohio Dwarf Шаман 2134748 518111 2 0 1571 (+26) 384 (+96)
Ærian Human Паладин 116492 2514965 0 0 1725 (+15) 1144 (+88)
Mymyx Human Охотник 1878833 812810 0 1 1493 (-19) 1370 (0)
Dreamway Human Паладин 1242755 663927 0 1 1510 (-20) 1143 (0)
377 Lose 1370 (0) 2022-08-30 2:25 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Melisara Human Паладин 27271 1952139 0 0 1506 (+33) 672 (+96)
Ðrünk Human Охотник 1230361 0 1 0 1511 (+32) 96 (+96)
Mymyx Human Охотник 825830 413019 0 1 1512 (-28) 1370 (0)
Dreamway Human Паладин 1198872 127894 0 0 1530 (-29) 1143 (0)
371 Lose 1370 (0) 2022-08-30 1:50 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Amnesty Pandaren Монах 0 742553 0 0 1564 (+31) 192 (+96)
Mykeyla Human Охотник 1216097 289054 2 0 1564 (+31) 192 (+96)
Mymyx Human Охотник 146018 109255 0 1 1540 (-28) 1370 (0)
Dreamway Human Паладин 847150 0 0 1 1559 (-28) 1143 (0)
364 Win 1370 (+69) 2022-08-30 2:03 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mymyx Human Охотник 570998 0 1 0 1568 (+23) 1370 (+69)
Dreamway Human Паладин 855548 432573 0 0 1587 (+22) 1143 (+87)
Meløso Night Elf Друид 512093 478530 0 0 1432 (-19) 384 (0)
Scøøt Human Разбойник 276182 0 0 1 1484 (-23) 960 (0)
363 Win 1301 (+76) 2022-08-30 2:40 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mymyx Human Охотник 2294273 251477 2 0 1545 (+24) 1301 (+76)
Dreamway Human Паладин 1181973 723701 0 1 1565 (+23) 1056 (+96)
Sacredhits Human Паладин 443126 547765 0 1 1453 (-23) 0 (0)
Whóámí Human Чернокнижник 1134066 1600236 1 1 1453 (-23) 0 (0)
362 Lose 1225 (0) 2022-08-30 2:40 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Meløso Night Elf Друид 1020525 815594 1 0 1451 (+37) 384 (+96)
Scøøt Human Разбойник 843181 11581 1 1 1507 (+34) 960 (+96)
Mymyx Human Охотник 1220666 552702 1 1 1521 (-30) 1225 (0)
Dreamway Human Паладин 471613 278238 0 1 1542 (-31) 960 (0)
361 Win 1225 (+83) 2022-08-30 1:52 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mymyx Human Охотник 1178815 197849 1 0 1551 (+26) 1225 (+83)
Dreamway Human Паладин 1136629 53449 1 0 1573 (+24) 960 (+96)
Sacredhits Human Паладин 133142 193309 0 1 1476 (-24) 0 (0)
Whóámí Human Чернокнижник 166994 692615 0 1 1476 (-24) 0 (0)