
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 17 3 / 14 17 288
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
347341 Lose 288 (0) 2020-08-28 1:53 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Notsantra Blood Elf Паладин 898439 273574 2 0 1565 (+18) 1339 (+64)
Двадцатый Orc Шаман 1016671 595983 0 0 1622 (+15) 1617 (+15)
Adrelmagre Undead Маг 480892 145329 0 1 1323 (-12) 288 (0)
Kuronight Undead Рыцарь Смерти 509297 565769 0 1 1456 (-20) 0 (0)
347335 Lose 288 (0) 2020-08-28 1:43 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Notsantra Blood Elf Паладин 1078378 296479 2 0 1531 (+22) 1210 (+79)
Двадцатый Orc Шаман 735195 418068 0 0 1594 (+17) 1589 (+18)
Adrelmagre Undead Маг 378761 54612 0 1 1335 (-14) 288 (0)
Kuronight Undead Рыцарь Смерти 354567 567852 0 1 1476 (-24) 0 (0)
346794 Lose 288 (0) 2020-08-28 2:28 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Flicoflaca Human Маг 1474473 64342 1 0 1732 (+8) 1715 (+8)
Roger Human Разбойник 702482 82386 1 0 1575 (+15) 1579 (+14)
Adrelmagre Undead Маг 140310 292655 0 1 1349 (-10) 288 (0)
Mitzukage Blood Elf Монах 516719 684508 0 1 1345 (-10) 1282 (-13)
346790 Lose 288 (0) 2020-08-28 2:18 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Flicoflaca Human Маг 633103 172698 1 0 1724 (+8) 1707 (+9)
Roger Human Разбойник 829241 0 1 0 1560 (+16) 1565 (+16)
Adrelmagre Undead Маг 154029 140013 0 1 1359 (-11) 288 (0)
Mitzukage Blood Elf Монах 243061 158745 0 1 1355 (-11) 1295 (-15)
346783 Lose 288 (0) 2020-08-28 2:05 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kasux Human Воин 745153 0 0 0 1411 (+28) 480 (+96)
Ordskull Human Паладин 1328567 548859 2 0 1685 (+10) 1685 (+10)
Adrelmagre Undead Маг 596183 204044 0 1 1370 (-17) 288 (0)
Mitzukage Blood Elf Монах 212752 671659 0 1 1366 (-17) 1310 (-26)
346781 Lose 288 (0) 2020-08-28 2:05 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kasux Human Воин 577082 0 1 0 1383 (+31) 384 (+96)
Ordskull Human Паладин 1033138 378423 1 0 1675 (+12) 1675 (+12)
Adrelmagre Undead Маг 442936 207847 0 1 1387 (-20) 288 (0)
Mitzukage Blood Elf Монах 341070 299612 0 1 1383 (-19) 1336 (-31)
346773 Lose 288 (0) 2020-08-28 2:02 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Ost Human Воин 2090066 0 2 0 1854 (+6) 1822 (+7)
Bylkinhealx Human Монах 187150 1387637 0 0 1689 (+12) 1687 (+12)
Adrelmagre Undead Маг 529307 223949 0 1 1407 (-7) 288 (0)
Mitzukage Blood Elf Монах 975164 821218 0 1 1402 (-7) 1367 (-11)
346766 Win 288 (+96) 2020-08-28 2:35 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Adrelmagre Undead Маг 632770 145944 2 0 1414 (+35) 288 (+96)
Mitzukage Blood Elf Монах 560556 1368748 0 1 1409 (+35) 1378 (+68)
Warkx Night Elf Охотник 1575181 0 1 1 1479 (-31) 1518 (-32)
Scraftedlolz Human Разбойник 834519 0 0 1 1428 (-29) 1476 (-31)
346761 Lose 192 (0) 2020-08-28 1:57 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Warkx Night Elf Охотник 1023012 0 2 0 1510 (+21) 1550 (+19)
Scraftedlolz Human Разбойник 602643 0 0 0 1457 (+25) 1507 (+40)
Adrelmagre Undead Маг 271702 158937 0 1 1379 (-22) 192 (0)
Mitzukage Blood Elf Монах 106890 234349 0 1 1374 (-22) 1310 (-34)
346756 Lose 192 (0) 2020-08-28 2:50 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Energyxd Tauren Друид 41936 2999431 2 0 1658 (+13) 1663 (+13)
Axeler Human Воин 2141614 25188 0 0 1636 (+14) 1645 (+14)
Adrelmagre Undead Маг 1103012 203670 0 1 1401 (-13) 192 (0)
Mitzukage Blood Elf Монах 1948154 691665 0 1 1396 (-13) 1344 (-19)