
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 55 30 / 25 54 1608
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
48136 Win 1650 (+26) 2018-06-14 2:25 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Äkäßn Human Воин 1952455 0 1 0 1713 (+21) 1650 (+26)
Morpheme Human Паладин 74691 1721721 1 0 1912 (+10) 1798 (+16)
Elmexico Human Охотник 1377651 0 0 0 1595 (+30) 672 (+96)
Кинетик Human Охотник 681887 28016 0 1 1487 (-13) 0 (0)
5964711 1079764 6132 0 1 1549 (-16) 1317 (0)
Noedoz Human Паладин 0 2035157 0 0 1733 (-12) 1602 (-20)
48127 Lose 1624 (-24) 2018-06-14 2:51 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
96588 1743693 84664 1 0 1661 (+30) 960 (+96)
2580915 64160 2534892 1 0 1637 (+32) 576 (+96)
Yarukon Human Паладин 2496721 285200 1 0 1848 (+17) 1832 (+18)
Миникотей Blood Elf Монах 1392720 499360 0 1 1528 (-17) 1481 (-14)
Äkäßn Human Воин 1524521 31475 0 1 1692 (-27) 1624 (-24)
Noedoz Human Паладин 0 1892787 0 1 1745 (-12) 1622 (-23)
46345 Lose 1648 (-22) 2018-06-14 3:51 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Howtofearbtw Human Чернокнижник 7474109 650969 1 0 1805 (+28) 1756 (+31)
Ðiogodqtx Orc Шаман 46238 6135446 0 0 1876 (+22) 1761 (+31)
Falentina Human Охотник 3736671 0 0 1 1616 (-20) 672 (0)
Äkäßn Human Воин 3061618 184662 0 1 1719 (-27) 1648 (-22)
Puffyx Goblin Шаман 0 7510387 0 1 1943 (-12) 1761 (-28)
46337 Win 1670 (+37) 2018-06-14 1:41 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Falentina Human Охотник 607085 0 0 0 1636 (+39) 672 (+96)
Äkäßn Human Воин 549658 0 1 0 1746 (+32) 1670 (+37)
Human Жрец 0 184888 0 0 1834 (+25) 1727 (+33)
Morpheme Human Паладин 0 485232 0 0 1849 (-12) 1687 (-27)
Eureka Human Охотник 140766 0 0 1 1579 (-19) 288 (0)
46312 Lose 1633 (-12) 2018-06-14 1:54 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Шайтуна Human Воин 532231 0 0 0 1785 (+20) 1729 (+23)
Somaliamagus Human Маг 909455 0 2 0 1902 (+13) 1677 (+27)
Puffyx Goblin Шаман 0 392560 0 0 1985 (+9) 1865 (+15)
Dárkness Human Жрец 0 0 0 0 1740 (-12) 1592 (-10)
Äkäßn Human Воин 504679 6762 0 1 1714 (-17) 1633 (-12)
Verzar Human Рыцарь Смерти 177516 0 0 1 1452 (-5) 192 (0)
46233 Lose 1645 (-21) 2018-06-14 16:51 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Morpheme Human Паладин 102201 29536031 0 0 1824 (+30) 1672 (+40)
Somaliamagus Human Маг 19596999 812692 0 0 1854 (+27) 1588 (+44)
Dash Human Охотник 12829849 407304 1 0 1670 (+40) 1054 (+96)
Äkäßn Human Воин 16117890 347227 0 1 1731 (-27) 1645 (-21)
Arrayxz Human Паладин 13860707 6445146 0 0 1744 (-27) 1659 (0)
Puffyx Goblin Шаман 8569 24915771 0 0 1939 (-12) 1786 (-29)
45932 Lose 1666 (0) 2018-06-14 1:04 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fullspam Night Elf Друид 0 0 0 0 1536 (0) 576 (0)
Djbigbite Human Охотник 0 0 0 0 1832 (0) 1826 (0)
Äkäßn Human Воин 0 0 0 0 1758 (0) 1666 (0)
Morpheme Human Паладин 0 0 0 0 1789 (0) 1673 (0)
Palmfacex Human Разбойник 0 0 0 0 1601 (0) 576 (0)
Ðiogodqtx Orc Шаман 0 0 0 0 1556 (0) 192 (0)
45915 Lose 1666 (-26) 2018-06-13 1:42 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Morpheme Human Паладин 0 352813 0 0 1801 (+17) 1701 (+24)
Auslogics Human Маг 1143484 32118 2 0 1773 (+19) 1758 (+20)
Burpsuite Human Разбойник 787748 0 0 0 1585 (+32) 288 (+96)
Äkäßn Human Воин 59197 63112 0 1 1758 (-29) 1666 (-26)
Meeworld Dwarf Шаман 0 53797 0 1 1465 (-12) 192 (0)
Zhukchi Human Рыцарь Смерти 530306 0 0 0 1574 (-20) 672 (0)
45730 Win 1692 (+24) 2018-06-13 1:44 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Äkäßn Human Воин 683344 0 2 0 1787 (+17) 1692 (+24)
Returnz Human Монах 10605 243525 0 0 1524 (+36) 96 (+96)
Randomcat Night Elf Друид 571341 66338 0 0 1524 (+36) 288 (+96)
Shiftyjewboi Human Разбойник 326168 0 0 1 1500 (-22) 672 (0)
Destinatiøn Human Жрец 0 816 0 0 1579 (-12) 384 (0)
Veksel Human Паладин 207346 185727 0 1 1686 (-31) 1572 (0)
45562 Win 1668 (+27) 2018-06-13 2:40 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Drunkenstein Undead Жрец 38396 2580572 0 0 1522 (+37) 192 (+96)
Djbigbite Human Охотник 2223508 977 2 0 1823 (+16) 1815 (+17)
Äkäßn Human Воин 1557154 29550 0 0 1770 (+20) 1668 (+27)
3596011 30914 1918120 0 0 1543 (-19) 1507 (-16)
Veksel Human Паладин 703106 675657 0 1 1645 (-26) 1320 (0)
6498155 1552534 51405 0 1 1637 (-25) 1148 (0)