
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 2 1 / 1 50 --
Season 67 45 / 22 67 1617
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
500415 Lose 1617 (-5) 2017-08-23 4:46 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Decimate Human Маг 5194989 90122 1 0 1797 (+8) 1653 (+14)
Spxm Human Жрец 318400 4510871 0 0 2090 (+8) 1921 (+8)
Totz Human Жрец 34124 4722433 0 0 1699 (-7) 1604 (-5)
Stinknuggets Human Охотник 4796645 0 0 1 1767 (-12) 1617 (-5)
500379 Win 1622 (+11) 2017-08-23 6:30 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Totz Human Жрец 65612 4978506 0 0 1706 (+8) 1609 (+11)
Stinknuggets Human Охотник 7380349 0 2 0 1779 (+8) 1622 (+11)
2945314 4839775 395690 0 1 1517 (-7) 384 (0)
5265954 71964 4331528 0 1 1517 (-7) 384 (0)
449365 Lose 1611 (-5) 2017-08-14 4:03 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Realdampener Human Чернокнижник 2431862 217854 1 0 1909 (+9) 1847 (+11)
Timeh Worgen Друид 3296687 2261560 1 0 2001 (+9) 1815 (+11)
Stinknuggets Human Охотник 3033856 0 0 1 1771 (-8) 1611 (-5)
Drive Human Паладин 53878 4141435 0 1 1725 (-8) 1747 (-8)
449351 Win 1616 (+12) 2017-08-14 3:02 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Stinknuggets Human Охотник 3211757 0 2 0 1779 (+9) 1616 (+12)
Drive Human Паладин 177094 991180 0 0 1733 (+9) 1755 (+9)
Xsisel Human Чернокнижник 207123 148077 0 1 1532 (-8) 1436 (-6)
Flarz Night Elf Друид 678977 1526420 0 1 1567 (-8) 1505 (-7)
449335 Win 1604 (+15) 2017-08-14 7:29 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Stinknuggets Human Охотник 9098505 65786 2 0 1770 (+12) 1604 (+15)
Drive Human Паладин 145493 7866031 0 0 1724 (+12) 1746 (+12)
Zeritha Undead Чернокнижник 7975971 1728373 0 1 1813 (-11) 1770 (-12)
Айоо5D5990 Blood Elf Паладин 3874 6118891 0 1 1632 (-11) 1581 (-8)
449316 Win 1589 (+21) 2017-08-14 8:39 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Stinknuggets Human Охотник 9439248 0 2 0 1758 (+19) 1589 (+21)
Drive Human Паладин 353012 8222761 0 0 1712 (+19) 1734 (+19)
Kalityxdd Human Монах 561907 8334312 0 1 2203 (-18) 2113 (-19)
Bemoresimple Human Воин 7683100 265367 0 1 1840 (-18) 1828 (-14)
449298 Win 1568 (+16) 2017-08-14 4:40 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Stinknuggets Human Охотник 5573717 0 2 0 1739 (+12) 1568 (+16)
Drive Human Паладин 279632 2679088 0 0 1693 (+12) 1715 (+12)
Klindaqt Human Воин 2750479 230155 0 1 1620 (-11) 1384 (-5)
Varyslechauv Night Elf Друид 16094 4393857 0 1 1754 (-11) 1715 (-12)
449285 Win 1552 (+17) 2017-08-14 2:52 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Stinknuggets Human Охотник 2365999 0 2 0 1727 (+14) 1552 (+17)
Drive Human Паладин 67419 2561604 0 0 1681 (+14) 1703 (+14)
Sylbris Human Маг 1581091 0 0 1 1835 (-13) 1688 (-12)
Theron Night Elf Друид 1155715 850894 0 1 1618 (-13) 1605 (-10)
449276 Win 1535 (+7) 2017-08-14 2:40 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Stinknuggets Human Охотник 1396630 0 2 0 1713 (+5) 1535 (+7)
Drive Human Паладин 17860 222703 0 0 1667 (+5) 1689 (+5)
Human Жрец 4398 221230 0 1 1265 (-4) 1163 (-3)
Théødora Human Разбойник 230556 0 0 1 1133 (-12) 1129 (-2)
449268 Win 1528 (+18) 2017-08-14 2:24 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Stinknuggets Human Охотник 1443234 0 1 0 1708 (+15) 1528 (+18)
Drive Human Паладин 0 891157 0 0 1662 (+15) 1684 (+15)
Nevteller Human Жрец 70084 776626 0 0 1807 (-14) 1694 (-12)
Zaylerx Human Маг 882539 84987 0 1 1723 (-14) 1522 (-9)