
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 6 2 / 4 33 --
Season 210 75 / 135 35 1321
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
237584 Lose 1321 (-21) 2019-05-24 2:53 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Жресук Human Жрец 21357 1146830 0 0 1469 (+22) 1540 (+17)
Урасадон Human Паладин 995011 345661 1 0 1434 (+25) 1515 (+19)
Buttcher Human Паладин 1001983 400937 0 1 1243 (-15) 1321 (-21)
Kondiconnie Human Разбойник 671291 0 0 0 1452 (-28) 1452 (-28)
237567 Lose 1342 (-16) 2019-05-24 3:34 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Злойлунтик Human Разбойник 227557 0 0 1 1455 (+25) 96 (+96)
Аббигеил Orc Охотник 1089661 0 2 0 1625 (+13) 1626 (+13)
Buttcher Human Паладин 79189 15744 0 1 1258 (-11) 1342 (-16)
Kondiconnie Human Разбойник 1539337 25594 1 1 1480 (-25) 1480 (-25)
237553 Lose 1358 (-23) 2019-05-24 2:19 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
669889 766709 0 1 0 1437 (+28) 192 (+96)
Мении Human Монах 91470 1609559 0 0 1474 (+25) 1478 (+25)
Buttcher Human Паладин 691043 261090 0 1 1269 (-17) 1358 (-23)
Kondiconnie Human Разбойник 973749 11645 0 0 1505 (-30) 1505 (-30)
237545 Win 1381 (+67) 2019-05-24 1:36 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Buttcher Human Паладин 744464 15091 1 0 1286 (+42) 1381 (+67)
Kondiconnie Human Разбойник 0 0 0 0 1535 (+25) 1535 (+25)
8673233 133599 51660 0 1 1436 (-29) 96 (0)
Troll Шаман 0 0 0 0 1484 (0) 0 (0)
237532 Lose 1314 (-20) 2019-05-24 2:30 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
8600301 935754 0 0 0 1389 (+30) 1414 (+53)
8657983 514131 625126 1 0 1509 (+22) 1516 (+21)
Buttcher Human Паладин 626607 341116 0 1 1244 (-16) 1314 (-20)
Kondiconnie Human Разбойник 434034 0 0 0 1510 (-30) 1510 (-30)
237524 Win 1334 (+24) 2019-05-24 1:38 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Buttcher Human Паладин 775407 12447 1 0 1260 (+29) 1334 (+24)
Kondiconnie Human Разбойник 427597 0 1 0 1540 (+11) 1540 (+11)
Nightkarma Human Чернокнижник 26433 1987 0 1 1325 (-24) 1343 (-26)
Finchexx Human Маг 152944 51101 0 1 1145 (-13) 192 (0)
234815 Lose 1310 (-10) 2019-05-23 2:24 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Tmalex Human Паладин 814959 327369 0 0 1612 (+14) 1613 (+14)
Tobyfox Human Монах 961924 128182 2 0 1621 (+13) 1621 (+14)
Buttcher Human Паладин 472621 158098 0 1 1231 (-7) 1310 (-10)
Bluffy Human Паладин 0 444535 0 1 1507 (-21) 96 (0)
234808 Win 1320 (+76) 2019-05-23 1:39 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Buttcher Human Паладин 678459 0 1 0 1238 (+45) 1320 (+76)
Bluffy Human Паладин 0 371822 0 0 1528 (+28) 96 (+96)
5379317 439166 0 0 1 1422 (-30) 1486 (-32)
234786 Lose 1244 (-11) 2019-05-23 1:54 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
5379317 445611 0 0 0 1470 (+17) 1541 (+13)
Анимещница Human Разбойник 760301 0 2 0 1577 (+11) 1599 (+10)
Buttcher Human Паладин 85485 0 0 1 1193 (-9) 1244 (-11)
Notmydude Human Паладин 149671 94107 0 1 1378 (-19) 766 (0)
234775 Lose 1255 (-12) 2019-05-23 2:00 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
5379317 726871 0 0 0 1453 (+20) 1528 (+15)
Анимещница Human Разбойник 782371 95361 2 0 1566 (+13) 1589 (+12)
Buttcher Human Паладин 519794 161816 0 1 1202 (-10) 1255 (-12)
Notmydude Human Паладин 555329 291642 0 1 1397 (-21) 766 (0)