
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 17 8 / 9 47 --
Season 140 74 / 66 52 1559
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
396330 Win 1573 (+13) 2018-01-04 2:24 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Ashmaniac Undead Маг 844482 170839 1 0 1622 (+13) 1573 (+13)
Magicisgay Human Чернокнижник 1193853 791207 1 0 1509 (+13) 192 (+96)
Toxikk Human Рыцарь Смерти 666648 227268 0 1 1494 (-12) 1303 (-7)
Палароид Human Паладин 595773 592040 0 1 1626 (-12) 1583 (-12)
396322 Win 1560 (+9) 2018-01-04 1:46 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Ashmaniac Undead Маг 520983 4827 1 0 1609 (+9) 1560 (+9)
Magicisgay Human Чернокнижник 611325 11202 1 0 1496 (+9) 96 (+96)
5739569 0 51877 0 1 1337 (-8) 1085 (-3)
Nebuløsø Tauren Шаман 19977 0 0 1 1426 (-8) 0 (0)
396313 Lose 1551 (-6) 2018-01-04 3:14 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
2107708 315054 1589320 1 0 1739 (+6) 1635 (+11)
Простварчиха Human Воин 1740936 73255 1 0 1995 (+6) 1860 (+7)
Ashmaniac Undead Маг 631920 298430 0 1 1600 (-5) 1551 (-6)
Magicisgay Human Чернокнижник 1165702 245179 0 1 1487 (-5) 0 (0)
396274 Lose 1557 (-8) 2018-01-04 3:38 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Duelslongx Undead Жрец 446396 1167831 0 0 1664 (+9) 1303 (+19)
Xenobia Human Маг 1911093 287444 2 0 1824 (+9) 1648 (+11)
Ashmaniac Undead Маг 952929 174385 0 1 1605 (-8) 1557 (-8)
Magicisgay Human Чернокнижник 685701 974971 0 1 1492 (-8) 0 (0)
395995 Lose 1565 (-11) 2018-01-04 2:50 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Duelslongx Undead Жрец 184536 829067 1 0 1546 (+11) 480 (+96)
Xenobia Human Маг 1549823 236854 1 0 1706 (+11) 1489 (+14)
Ashmaniac Undead Маг 954455 0 0 1 1613 (-10) 1565 (-11)
Wizarðry Human Чернокнижник 115198 410883 0 1 1499 (-10) 96 (0)
395977 Win 1576 (+9) 2018-01-04 2:42 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Ashmaniac Undead Маг 1592974 28798 1 0 1623 (+9) 1576 (+9)
Wizarðry Human Чернокнижник 404148 333351 1 0 1509 (+9) 96 (+96)
Monkxx Orc Монах 578246 735040 0 1 1502 (-8) 1261 (-6)
Undead Рыцарь Смерти 382398 246813 0 1 1290 (-8) 671 (0)
395388 Lose 1567 (-13) 2018-01-03 4:07 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
2025522 0 2079929 0 0 1552 (+15) 1350 (+18)
Bloodysmile Orc Воин 4240570 191311 2 0 1511 (+15) 864 (+96)
Ashmaniac Undead Маг 1510303 199710 0 1 1614 (-14) 1567 (-13)
Grrdan Night Elf Друид 1188578 2683740 0 1 1602 (-14) 1217 (-6)
395370 Lose 1580 (-4) 2018-01-03 2:11 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Beastxamus Troll Друид 1291204 315265 2 0 2313 (+6) 2151 (+4)
Paladøøm Blood Elf Паладин 74384 913282 0 0 1652 (+6) 1330 (+19)
Ashmaniac Undead Маг 1021795 27517 0 1 1628 (-5) 1580 (-4)
Grrdan Night Elf Друид 245078 221286 0 1 1616 (-5) 1223 (-1)
395343 Win 1584 (+9) 2018-01-03 4:46 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Ashmaniac Undead Маг 2763423 112175 1 0 1633 (+8) 1584 (+9)
Grrdan Night Elf Друид 3708661 278928 1 0 1621 (+8) 1224 (+21)
6116100 442428 5188826 0 1 1457 (-7) 0 (0)
8203874 318783 133990 0 1 1311 (-7) 1401 (-7)
395209 Lose 1575 (-10) 2018-01-03 5:42 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Лолкэ Blood Elf Паладин 203923 3150008 0 0 1831 (+12) 1744 (+10)
Таорин Tauren Охотник 4066431 96459 2 0 1546 (+12) 1297 (+21)
Ashmaniac Undead Маг 3312041 255170 0 1 1625 (-11) 1575 (-10)
Grrdan Night Elf Друид 1498070 2223017 0 1 1613 (-11) 1203 (-3)