
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 8 0 / 8 0 0
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
4660 Lose 0 (0) 2024-06-19 3:08 Black Rook Hold Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gamishka Human Жрец 58434 636632 0 0 1542 (+20) 192 (+96)
Geass Human Маг 2034612 181511 1 0 1520 (+21) 192 (+96)
Alsahhim Human Монах 942919 870204 0 1 1357 (-17) 0 (0)
Souttplater Human Жрец 15838 460767 0 0 1412 (-21) 96 (0)
4659 Lose 0 (0) 2024-06-19 2:49 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gamishka Human Жрец 42019 1285872 0 0 1522 (+22) 96 (+96)
Geass Human Маг 2083929 134664 1 0 1499 (+24) 96 (+96)
Alsahhim Human Монах 1382528 476488 0 1 1374 (-20) 0 (0)
Souttplater Human Жрец 0 948185 0 0 1433 (-25) 96 (0)
3593 Lose 0 (0) 2024-06-15 2:27 Black Rook Hold Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Badbxtch Human Маг 1445540 78047 1 0 1739 (+9) 1290 (+69)
Goodbxtch Human Жрец 162662 545903 1 0 1696 (+11) 1139 (+83)
Alsahhim Human Монах 254417 109735 0 1 1394 (-9) 0 (0)
Cryocells Human Маг 370782 208144 0 1 1394 (-9) 0 (0)
3591 Lose 0 (0) 2024-06-15 4:44 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Erotiq Human Жрец 154693 1780282 0 0 1501 (+24) 288 (+96)
Sonderbaf Blood Elf Монах 3385395 1228867 2 0 1446 (+28) 384 (+96)
Alsahhim Human Монах 2299807 1958800 0 1 1403 (-25) 0 (0)
Cryocells Human Маг 1102820 280753 0 1 1403 (-25) 0 (0)
3590 Lose 0 (0) 2024-06-15 2:14 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Badbxtch Human Маг 1600798 106854 2 0 1730 (+11) 1221 (+79)
Goodbxtch Human Жрец 0 907924 0 0 1685 (+13) 1056 (+96)
Alsahhim Human Монах 438476 442616 0 1 1428 (-11) 0 (0)
Cryocells Human Маг 542454 90759 0 1 1428 (-11) 0 (0)
3587 Lose 0 (0) 2024-06-15 3:01 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Nazism Draenei Паладин 92260 2294523 0 0 1487 (+28) 864 (+96)
Sonderbaf Blood Elf Монах 2205497 417162 2 0 1429 (+32) 288 (+96)
Alsahhim Human Монах 1024416 987436 0 1 1439 (-28) 0 (0)
Cryocells Human Маг 1899301 192690 0 1 1439 (-28) 0 (0)
3583 Lose 0 (0) 2024-06-15 3:08 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Badbxtch Human Маг 3265934 50222 2 0 1695 (+15) 960 (+96)
Goodbxtch Human Жрец 246646 1191307 0 0 1642 (+18) 768 (+96)
Alsahhim Human Монах 10843 2271628 0 1 1467 (-15) 0 (0)
Cryocells Human Маг 1261835 259527 0 1 1467 (-15) 0 (0)
3582 Lose 0 (0) 2024-06-15 1:39 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Badbxtch Human Маг 1514341 20026 2 0 1680 (+17) 864 (+96)
Goodbxtch Human Жрец 9793 127394 0 0 1624 (+20) 672 (+96)
Alsahhim Human Монах 0 382723 0 1 1482 (-18) 0 (0)
Cryocells Human Маг 188957 57138 0 1 1482 (-18) 0 (0)